Kampik, TimotheusBerg, GregorEickhoff, DavidGiese, HolgerRosenthalKristina2024-03-122024-03-122024https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/43779This brief paper summarizes a talk introducing and discussing the notion of process atoms, small facts or queries, each describing an organizationally relevant property or constraint of a business process that cannot be further split without losing its business meaning. An example of a process atom is: “only if an order with a purchase amount greater than 10,000€ is requested, management approval has to take place afterwards” (more abstractly: “only if A then eventually B”). As process atoms are executable as queries on data and allow for dynamic contextualization across process and organizational scopes, they complement and augment traditional process models, such as BPMN diagrams, particularly in the age of data-driven process analysis and generative AI-created process content.enModeling ParadigmsProcess ModelingGenerative AIIntegrating Declarative and Imperative Process Modeling Paradigms in the Age of Generative AIText/Workshop Paper10.18420/modellierung2024-ws-005