Englisch, NorbertKhan, OwesMittag, RolandHänchen, FelixHeller, ArianeHardt, WolframEibl, MaximilianGaedke, Martin2017-08-282017-08-282017978-3-88579-669-5Modern automotive industry develops software functionalities such as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) as software components, spread over several ECUs. Typical interconnection structure is a network, e.g. a CAN bus system. Up to date specifications and standards define operating system functions. During the development process, several questions such as functional test, performance evaluation, and optimization of software architecture for hardware independent implementation to enable reuse and standardization must be considered. For this reason, YellowCar has been developed as AUTSOAR based demonstration platform for evaluation of design methods and education of students in design methodology. Several applications demonstrate successfully YellowCar platform suitability.enAutomotive demonstrator platformAUTOSARadvanced driver assistance system developmentevaluation of design methodsfunctional testYellowCar10.18420/in2017_151Automotive Multi-ECU Demonstrator Platform1617-5468