Friedrich, SteffenWingerath, WolframGessert, FelixRitter, NorbertPlödereder, E.Grunske, L.Schneider, E.Ull, D.2017-07-262017-07-262014978-3-88579-626-8In recent years, various distributed NoSQL datastores have been developed that offer horizontal scalability and higher availability than traditional relational databases, but fewer querying options and only reduced consistency guarantees. The diversity of the design space makes it difficult to understand the performance implications of individual system designs. Existing benchmarking tools measure some relevant aspects, but do not capture all of them. In this paper, we give an overview of the state-of-the-art in NoSQL OLTP benchmarking, identify missing features as well as open challenges and point towards possible solutions.enNosql OLTP benchmarking: A surveyText/Conference Paper1617-5468