Wartschinski, LauraNoller, YannicVogel, ThomasKehrer, TimoGrunske, LarsEngels, GregorHebig, ReginaTichy, Matthias2023-01-182023-01-182023978-3-88579-726-5https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/40117In this extended abstract, we summarize our work on Vudenc published in the journal Information and Software Technology (IST) in 2022 [Wa22]. Vudenc uses deep learning to learn features of vulnerable code from a real-world Python codebase and a network of long-short-term memory cells (LSTM) is then used to detect vulnerabilities in code at a fine-grained level.enVulnerability detectionPythonDeep learningVudenc: Vulnerability Detection with Deep Learning on a Natural Codebase for Python - SummaryText/Conference Paper1617-5468