Informatik in den Lebenswissenschaften (ILW)
Zu den Lebenswissenschaften gehören so verschiedene Fachdisziplinen wie Medizin, Biologie, Biochemie und Biophysik, aber auch Umweltwissenschaften, Agrartechnologie und Ernährungswissenschaften. Für die Informatik sind die Lebenswissenschaften ein breites Anwendungsfeld mit zahlreichen Herausforderungen. Herausragendes Merkmal der angewandten Informatik in diesem Bereich sind die hochgradig interdisziplinären Fragestellungen, die hier bearbeitet werden. Forschungsaktivitäten werden typischerweise primär durch spezifische und komplexe Fragestellungen aus den Anwendungsbereichen motiviert. Die Methoden der Informatik, die hier zum Einsatz kommen sind aber oftmals sehr ähnlich, so dass naturgemäß ein derart anwendungsbezogener Fachbereich starke Querbezüge zu allen anderen Fachbereichen der GI aufweist. Ziel des Fachbereichs ist die Förderung des interdisziplinären Austauschs. Initial wurde der Fachbereich ins Leben gerufen, um die Kooperation zwischen den bestehenden Fachgesellschaften GI und GMDS zu vertiefen und damit den wissenschaftlichen Austausch zwischen verschiedenen Gruppierungen aus Medizininformatik, Bioinformatik und Umweltinformatik zu fördern.
Auflistung Informatik in den Lebenswissenschaften (ILW) nach Autor:in "Abecker, Andreas"
Treffer pro Seite
- Konferenzbeitrag3D-Visualisierung von Windenergieanlagen in der Landschaft – Webanwendung „3D-Analyse“(Umweltinformationssysteme 2018 - Umweltbeobachtung: Nah und Fern, 2018) Nefzger, ArminThis paper presents a web application of the Bavarian State Government for 3D visualization of wind turbines in their surroundings. The interactive software “3D-Analyse” virtually shows the visual impact on the character of local landscape. The simulation provides a 3D landscape of the whole of Bavaria, in which you can move freely, set wind turbines and view from any perspective. In addition to the visualization further analysis tools are offered such as a distance measurement, visibility calculation and shadow simulation. The application is a functional extension to the map viewer of the Energie-Atlas Bayern (the energy turnaround portal of the Bavarian State Government) and provides pictures close to reality to serve, for instance, public participation in planning processes.
- KonferenzbeitragA Sensor and Semantic Data Warehouse for Integrated Water Resource Management(Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Environmental Informatics - Informatics for Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Risk Management, 2014) Abecker, Andreas; Brauer, Torsten; Magoutas, Babis; Mentzas, Gregoris; Papageorgiou, Nikos; Quenzer, MichaelThe goal of the EU-FP7 project WatERP is to achieve more interoperability of software systems along the water-supply chain. A central element to achieve that is the WatERP Water Data Warehouse which shall act as a central data-exchange platform between different software systems. The WDW shall be able to store and provide sensor, measurement and forecasting data, as well as semantic knowledge about the water-supply chain. It shall be as standards-compliant as reasonable and shall offer query and reasoning facilities over sensor data, spatial information and ontological knowledge. In this paper, we show the basic architecture of the WDW and shortly discuss its main design decisions.
- KonferenzbeitragAktuelle Weiterentwicklungen von Cadenza Mobile für das mobile Arbeiten mit Geodaten in der öffentlichen Verwaltung(Environmental Infomatics - Stability, Continuity, Innovation: Current trends and future perspectives based on 30 years of history, 2016) Lübke, Jens; Terzic, Boris; Abecker, Andreas; Hofmann, Claus; Kazakos, Wassilios
- KonferenzbeitragArtenFinder - Citizen Science am Beispiel der Libellen(Umweltinformationssysteme 2016 - Umweltbeobachtung: Nah und Fern, 2016) Dr. Röller, Oliver; Dr. Walter, RolfIn the field of natural research and nature protection, the experience has shown that it makes sense to extend this definition: due to modern and internet based projects of species registration the term changes to Modern Citizen Science [Röller 2015]. Using the example of the „ArtenFinder Rhineland-Palatinate“, the characters, the meaning for the sciences as well as the additional benefit of the method of Modern Citizen Science will be discussed. In der Praxis hat sich gezeigt, dass es auf dem Gebiet der Naturforschung bzw. des Naturschutzes sinnvoll ist, den Begriff Citizen Science im Zusammenhang mit modernen, internetgestützten Art-Erfassungsprojekten [Röller 2015] zu erweitern. Am Beispiel der ArtenFinder-Plattform Rheinland-Pfalz werden Kennzeichen von „Modern Citizen Science“ veranschaulicht und deren Bedeutung für die Wissenschaft sowie ihre Mehrwerte zur Diskussion gestellt.
- KonferenzbeitragAus Groß mach Klein: Verarbeitung orchestrierter OGC Web Services mit RichWPS Server- und Client-Komponenten(Umweltinformationssysteme. Big Data – Open Data – Data Variety, 2015) Wössner, Roman; Abecker, Andreas; Bensmann, Felix; Alcacer-Labrador, Dorian; Roosmann, RainerRichWPS is a project aiming at more powerful and more user-friendly support for using the OGC Web Processing Services standard (WPS) for distributed geodata processing in the Web. While we have already discussed in other publications the RichWPS ModelBuilder for geoprocessing-workflow composition as well as the RichWPS approach to geoprocessing-workflow orchestration, this paper sketches the RichWPS Server software as well as some client-side developments facilitating the effective usage of WPS processes.
- KonferenzbeitragAutomatisierte Zeitreihenanalyse von Fernerkundungsdaten für das Monitoring von Oberflächengewässern(Umweltinformationssysteme 2016 - Umweltbeobachtung: Nah und Fern, 2016) Bahr, Thomas; Holzer, NicolaiSince 2012, the state of California faces an extreme drought, which impacts water supply in many ways. Advanced remote sensing is an important technology to better assess water resources, monitor drought conditions and water supplies, plan for drought response and mitigation, and measure drought impacts. In the present case study latest time series analysis capabilities are used to examine surface water in res-ervoirs located along the western flank of the Sierra Nevada region of California. [Bahr, Holzer, 2016]
- KonferenzbeitragBausteine zu einer Technologie für Participatory Sensing Anwendungen(Frühwarn- und Informationssysteme für den Hochwasserschutz, 2012) Abecker, Andreas; Zacharias, Valentin; de Melo Borges, JulioWe present the idea of Participatory Sensing which is a Crowdsourcing approach where people use mobile sensors and their mobile phones or tablet PCs for data transfer in order to collect data for some dedicated purpose. After a comprehensive Participatory Sensing definition and a review of applications for nature conservation and environmental protection, we sketch elements of a generic software framework and the current implementation status of the PartSense project.
- KonferenzbeitragBeratungsdatenbank Geologie und Bodenin Schleswig-Holstein(Umweltinformationssysteme 2017 - Vernetzte Umweltdaten (UIS 2017), 2017) Hosenfeld, Friedhelm; Bäzner, Karen; Nitschke, Meike; König, BerndThe intranet web application “Consulting Database Geology and Soil” (Beratungsdatenbank Geologie und Boden) is presented which was developed on behalf of the department Geology and Soil of the State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas ofSchleswig-Holstein (LLUR-SH). The application supports this department in managing their consulting services consistently and well structured in order to facilitate convenient access to all consulting data. The solution was implemented as a PHP-based subject-specific application integrated into the universal evaluation platform Disy Cadenza, thus utilizing Cadenza’s evaluation options as well as GIS functionalities for editing and visualizing geometries on the one hand and offering on the other hand an acquisition component for topical data tailored to the subject-specific requirements.
- KonferenzbeitragBiodiversitätsmonitoring in der Ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone (AWZ)(Umweltinformationssysteme 2017 - Vernetzte Umweltdaten (UIS 2017), 2017) Bluhm, Matthias; Hauswirth, MirkoThe Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Dept. Marine Nature Conservation, is responsible fornature conservation in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Tasks include the selection and administration of marine reserves and the marine monitoring.The information collected and processed by the BfN must be provided internally and publicly, as well as for the MDI.DE and EU Guidelines, in the required reporting formats (MSRL, Natura 2000 / FFH, INSPIRE). To meet these requirements information should be made easily accessible with modern Apps and Services. For these purposes, a system architecturewas developed by using the standard products existing at BfN. Data retention is based on Oracle-and Esri-products. The services are provided by ArcGIS for Server and a map application based on map.apps (con terra) is created for public. Processes for importing data, including quality assurance, as well as for export (e.g. for reporting requirements) are implemented with FME.For a smooth operation of the infrastructure a workflow with supporting software tools is developed, which provides a simple flow ofinformation from data collection to the desired information products.Extensive data on biodiversity monitoring at the BfN is a major Focus. These include e.g. data on seabirds, marine mammals, biotopes / habit types and benthos.
- KonferenzbeitragEin Chemikalieninformationssystem als App im Einsatz(Umweltinformationssysteme 2017 - Vernetzte Umweltdaten (UIS 2017), 2017) Minx, GunnarThe GSBL (Joint Substance Data Pool of the German Federal Government and the German Federal States) is a chemical information system that has been operated together with the federal states and the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) for more than 20 years. The system was conceived primarily for use in authorities for a wide range of questions regarding chemicals. In 2003 the database GSA (Hazardous Substances Directive) was added. It should now be possible, for example, for the fire brigade to use this database for its purposes. It was also tried in the following years, the GSBL and the GSA to spread and new target groups to open up. The GSBL was made available in the Extranet of the police and applied to trade fairs. From 2014, the GSA was then designed as an app and tailor-made for the fire brigade. A further application was made available in Spring 2017. The app is now also offered for the PC as GSAdesktop with different user profiles and more substances.