(Electronic Voting 2006 – 2nd International Workshop, Co-organized by Council of Europe, ESF TED, IFIP WG 8.6 and E-Voting.CC, 2006) Braun, Nadja; Brändli, Daniel
In Switzerland the Federal Chancellery in cooperation with three cantons has carried out since 2003 a number of pilot trials with the aim of evaluating the feasibility of remote e-voting. Based on a legal basis respecting the council of europe's recommendations five pilot trials have been authorized at national referendums in 2004 and 2005. The pilot trials were evaluated for a number of different aspects, including the potential of e-voting to increase voter turnout, the security risks and its cost-effectiveness. The evaluation has shown that e-voting is feasible in Switzerland. The decision on how to proceed now rests with the Federal Council and the Parliament.