Auflistung nach Autor:in "Hinkelmann, Knut"
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- KonferenzbeitragApplication and evaluation of the multi-dimensional knowledge framework approach(6th Conference on Professional Knowledge Management – From Knowledge to Action, 2011) Böhlen, Roger; Hinkelmann, KnutThis paper discusses the application and evaluation of the multidimensional knowledge framework approach on a real life case study. In a first stage the framework is explained and the case study where the framework is assessed is described. At the end it is evaluated if the framework helps to identify strengths and weaknesses which can be exploited to improve knowledge maturing in an organisation.
- KonferenzbeitragApplying context metadata in ambient knowledge and learning environments – A process-oriented perspective(WM2009: 5th conference on professional knowledge management, 2009) Bick, Markus; Pawlowski, Jan M.Ambient systems sense their environment. Doing this, a lot of context related data is gathered and provided to other application systems. This data could be used to support and tailor knowledge and learning processes directly to the individual's context. Unfortunately, the concept of context is very broad and reaches beyond typical factors like location or time. With regard to integrated business, knowledge and learning processes additional context drivers must to be taken into account, e.g., the current business process determines the context in particular. In this paper we analyse various scenarios in three surgery clinics identifying a set of domain-specific factors that directly lead to process-oriented context requirements needed by a user-centred Ambient Learning and Knowledge Environment.
- KonferenzbeitragArchitecture framework for higher-level activity support using multiple functional workspaces on the desktop(WM2009: 5th conference on professional knowledge management, 2009) Grebner, OlafToday's desktop systems face two major drawbacks in supporting the KWer. First, on workspace-level there is insufficient support for a KWer's higherlevel activities. Second, on information level, the KWer's personal information is scattered across the desktop and its applications. We analyze that state-of-the-art research suggests using multiple functional workspaces and recommends an underlying common abstract information model. However, research hasn't yet shown an integrated architecture for realizing multiple workspaces on such a common abstract information model. We present an architecture framework for realizing higher-level activity support using multiple functional workspaces on the desktop and position it as alternative to current desktops. We propose to base these functional-oriented workspaces on a common personal information model which itself is maintained as service. Using the Nepomuk 1Social Semantic Desktop as example for a service-oriented desktop architecture, our approach represents an evolutionary architecture in contrast to more radical, but not commercially implemented research approaches.
- KonferenzbeitragArtificial memory – Eine kurze Einführung in Struktur, Aufgaben und Erfolgskennzahlen(WM2009: 5th conference on professional knowledge management, 2009) Ludwig, LarsDas bis heute gültig scheinende Ziel der mit künstlicher Intelligenz befassten wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft ist die Hervorbringung von Artificial Minds [Fr95], vom Menschen losgelöster, künstlich intelligenter Systeme. Diesen wird hier das wesentlich menschgebundene Konzept des Artificial Memory (AM) gegenübergestellt. AM leitet sich aus der vorwiegend philosophischen Diskussion des Extended Mind ab. Seine Aufgabe ist es, externe Kognitionen derart bereitzustellen, dass das einzelmenschliche Denken zu größeren Leistungen ermächtigt wird. Während der philosophische Diskurs aus dem Gebrauch verschiedener Technologien den Begriff des Extended Mind fortspinnt [Cl03], seien hier umgekehrt aus einem erweiterten Begriff des Extended Mind, vor dem Hintergrund der von den gegenwärtig vorherrschenden Informationstechnologien ausgehenden Gefährdungen des einzelmenschlichen Denkens, die Erfolgsmerkmale einer demgemäßen Technologie kurz umrissen, um der erforderlichen weiteren Forschung einen Leitfaden zu geben.
- KonferenzbeitragBedeutung des Internets in Multi-Kanal-Vertriebsstrukturen der Assekuranz und Implikationen auf das Knowledge Management(WM2009: 5th conference on professional knowledge management, 2009) Obrist, FelixVersicherungskunden verhalten sich in Kaufprozessen multioptional und nutzen entsprechend diverse Vertriebskanäle, verstärkt auch das Internet. Allerdings weisen die Kanäle verschieden hohe Kundenkontaktaufkommen auf und unterscheiden sich in der Fähigkeit Verkaufschancen in Versicherungsabschlüsse umzuwandeln. Dies erfordert seitens der Unternehmen eine aktive Steuerung von Verkaufschancen in die effektivsten Vertriebskanäle. Diese Abkehr von der autonomen Koexistenz bedingt jedoch einen strukturierten und intensiven Wissensaustausch zwischen den verschiedenen Kanälen eines Vertriebsmodells. Gestützt auf die Prozess-Sicht der Architektur für Customer Knowledge Management und Resultaten von qualitativen Experteninterviews, beschreibt dieser Beitrag die Implikationen des Zusammenspiels von Vertriebskanälen auf die Handlungsfelder des Knowledge Management.
- KonferenzbeitragBenchmarking des intellektuellen Kapitals: Immaterielle Erfolgsfaktoren vergleichen und optimieren(WM2009: 5th conference on professional knowledge management, 2009) Will, MarkusImmaterielle Erfolgsfaktoren bzw. das Intellektuelle Kapital werden in einer dynamischen, wissensbasierten Wirtschaft immer wichtiger. Neben dem relativ weit verbreiteten und erprobten Instrument „Wissensbilanz – Made in Germany“ wächst der Bedarf an Möglichkeiten, immaterielle Werte im Sinne eines Benchmarking miteinander vergleichen zu können. Basierend auf dieser Wissensbilanz-Methode wird im Folgenden ein Benchmarking-Ansatz dargestellt, der es Unternehmen gestattet, sowohl Stärken und Schwächen, als auch Chancen und Risiken des Intellektuellen Kapitals an relevanten Vergleichsgruppen zu spiegeln. Darüber hinaus werden Methoden für die Suche nach geeigneten Benchmarkingpartner für strategische Fragestellungen vorgestellt.
- KonferenzbeitragCollaborative process development using Semantic MediaWiki(WM2009: 5th conference on professional knowledge management, 2009) Dengler, Frank; Lamparter, Steffen; Hefke, Mark; Abecker, AndreasOften organizational processes are rather informal, subject to frequent changes, and involve roles with unclear responsibilities. Nevertheless it can be beneficial for efficient organizational knowledge management to document and communicate such processes. In this context, current state-of-the-art methods and tools for process engineering do not provide the most appropriate instruments. In this paper we address this issue by combining traditional process engineering techniques with a collaborative, wiki-based approach. As a result we present an extension to Semantic MediaWiki featuring collaborative creation of a process description and the automated generation of its structured, graphical representation.
- KonferenzbeitragComplying with the rules of Asimov(WM2009: 5th conference on professional knowledge management, 2009) Ackermann, Renate LuiseSocial systems are calling attention to adequate sets of rules as e.g. to comply with the rules of Asimov as a codex [BF05]. In the context of Multiple Sensor Data Fusion (MSDF) a variety of interacting (logical) sensor agents might autonomously self-organize their part of complex tasks' organizational solution processes due to co-operations, communications and co-ordinations. Even computational participants might change (or be changed in) their role according to the open distributed system's organization's needs, the environmental changes, or decisions on their own, e.g. temporarily, as a guide being guided, as a chasing entity being chased, or as a member of a coordination being independent. The goal of this paper is to exemplary discuss the rules (chosen of some divisions of modern robotics) and a derivative set to accomplish the model AIKM [Ac08] in the concern of security and safety taking the knowledge distance as a key-factor focusing decisions, divergent trends, a.o.
- KonferenzbeitragContextualization of situated E-learning and knowledge transfer in organizations(WM2009: 5th conference on professional knowledge management, 2009) Zenk, Lukas; Mayr, Eva; Pircher, Richard; Risku, HannaSophisticated knowledge of individuals on the one hand and collective collaboration between various disciplines and teams on the other hand are required for complex products and services. Work-related individual and organizational learning processes in organizations provide the foundations for such individual and organizational knowledge and capabilities. These interconnected learning processes are situated in the organizational environment. This paper proposes a methodology for managing situated individual and organizational learning. The development of a questionnaire and results from two organizations are presented and conclusions drawn from the assessment results on recommended measures for the use of e-learning. The goal of the work presented here is to provide suggestions for an organization to develop a training strategy specifically tailored to its particular needs.
- KonferenzbeitragCorporate wikis – A comparative analysis of structures and dynamics(WM2009: 5th conference on professional knowledge management, 2009) Stein, Klaus; Blasc, Steffen