Auflistung nach Autor:in "Matzner, Martin"
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- KonferenzbeitragDesigning and implementing a framework for event-based predictive modelling of business processes(Enterprise modelling and information systems architectures - EMISA 2014, 2014) Becker, Jörg; Breuker, Dominic; Delfmann, Patrick; Matzner, MartinApplying predictive modelling techniques to event data collected during business process execution is receiving increasing attention in the literature. In this paper, we present a framework supporting real-time prediction for business processes. After fitting a probabilistic model to historical event data, the framework can predict how running process instances will behave in the near future, based on the behaviour seen so far. The probabilistic modelling approach is carefully designed to deliver comprehensible results that can be visualized. Thus, domain experts can judge the predictive models by comparing the visualizations to their experience. Model analysis techniques can be applied if visualizations are too complex to be understood entirely. We evaluate the framework's predictive modelling component on real-world data and demonstrate how the visualization and analysis techniques can be applied.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDigital Industrial Platforms(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 63, No. 2, 2021) Pauli, Tobias; Fielt, Erwin; Matzner, Martin
- ZeitschriftenartikelInteraktive, digitale Einkaufserlebnisse in Innenstädten(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 54, No. 5, 2017) Betzing, Jan Hendrik; Beverungen, Daniel; Becker, Jörg; Matzner, Martin; Schmitz, Gertrud; Bartelheimer, Christian; Berendes, Ingo; Braun, Marina; Gadeib, Andera; von Hoffen, Moritz; Schallenberg, ChristianErfahrungen mit dem Online-Handel und der alltäglichen Nutzung digitaler Technologien haben das Kaufverhalten und die Erwartungshaltung der innerstädtischen Kunden nachhaltig verändert. Insbesondere die kleinen und mittelständischen Einzelhändler und Fachgeschäfte sind angesichts abnehmender Marktanteile herausgefordert. Der einzelne Händler kann oftmals nicht mit den digitalen Diensten der Großfilialisten und den Preisen des Online-Handels konkurrieren. Zur Abgrenzung von Konkurrenten legen daher viele Händler den Fokus auf kundenseitige Einkaufserlebnisse. Digitale Technologien, die Einzug in den Alltag der Kunden gehalten haben, können in die physische Umgebung der Ladengeschäfte integriert werden, um neue Formen der Interaktion zwischen Händlern und Kunden zu schaffen, die potentiell zu positiven digitalen Einkaufserlebnissen beitragen.Dieser Artikel fokussiert auf interaktive, händlerübergreifende Lösungen im Sinne eines digitalen Marktplatzes. Wir skizzieren einen möglichen Gestaltungsansatz einer händler- und kundenübergreifenden mobilen Plattform, die neue digitale Technologien einbindet und dem physischen innerstädtischen Marktplatz als digitaler Kompagnon zur Seite steht. Diese Plattform vereint die Gruppen der innerstädtischen Händler und Innenstadtbesucher und ermöglicht die Interaktion zwischen beiden Parteien auf verschiedenen Ebenen. Ein digitaler innerstädtischer Marktplatz kann Beiträge dazu leisten, ein digitales Einkaufserlebnis zur Stütze des gesellschaftlich geschätzten, aber durch den Online-Handel herausgeforderten, „Einkaufserlebnis Innenstadt“ zu schaffen.AbstractThe emergence of online shopping and digital technologies have transformed consumers’ shopping behavior and have also risen their expectations towards the digital profile of high street retailers. However, small and medium-sized retailers in particular – who cannot compete with the large-scale digital initiatives conducted by major retail chains and pure online retailers – struggle to retain and attract customers to their stores. Eventually, their market share might decline. Improving customer experience creation is a viable path to re-build a competitive edge for high street retailers. By introducing new digital technologies into their stores and by integrating customers’ devices into their physical servicescape, new types of interactions between retailers and customers emerge that allow co-creating digital customer experience.This article proposes building and implementing a digital platform that local retailers can use to collectively offer digital customer experience. We sketch the design of a mobile platform that accompanies traditional high street retailing with a digital counterpart. The platform connects local stores with digital customers and enables different levels of interaction among its users. In doing so, the platform enables the co-creation of digital customer experience, strengthening the competitive position of retailers in consumers’ buying decisions.
- KonferenzbeitragIT und dienstleistungen für die energiewende und die elektromobilität (IDEE 2016)(Informatik 2016, 2016) Satzger, Gerhard; Beverungen, Daniel; Matzner, Martin; Stryja, Carola
- ZeitschriftenartikelThe MobIS-Challenge 2019(Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISAJ) – International Journal of Conceptual Modeling: Vol. 15, Nr. 5, 2020) Baier, Stephan; Dunzer, Sebastian; Fettke,; Houy, Constantin; Matzner, Martin; Pfeiffer, Peter; Rehse, Jana-Rebecca; Scheid, Martin; Stephan, Sebastian; Stierle, Matthias; Willems, BrianInformation systems (IS) can significantly support the organization of business processes. However, the proceeding digitalization of processes can also lead to an increasing organizational complexity and the need to more intensely investigate the adherence to external or internal compliance rules. Process-related data from IS and underlying process models can, however, also contribute to an effective compliance checking. This paper summarizes the motivation, the setup, the data set and the results of the 2019 MobIS-Challenge which was conducted as a workshop at WI 2019 in Siegen, Germany. Results submitted to the challenge are presented in detail and directions for future work are discussed.
- KonferenzbeitragEin Plädoyer für die Berücksichtigung von Semantik beim Stammdaten-Alignment – Vorgehensmodell und prototypische Anwendung im Einzelhandel(Synergien durch Integration und Informationslogistik, 2008) Winkelmann, Axel; Matzner, Martin; Müller, Oliver; Becker, Jörg
- ZeitschriftenartikelPredictive End-to-End Enterprise Process Network Monitoring(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 65, No. 1, 2023) Oberdorf, Felix; Schaschek, Myriam; Weinzierl, Sven; Stein, Nikolai; Matzner, Martin; Flath, Christoph M.Ever-growing data availability combined with rapid progress in analytics has laid the foundation for the emergence of business process analytics. Organizations strive to leverage predictive process analytics to obtain insights. However, current implementations are designed to deal with homogeneous data. Consequently, there is limited practical use in an organization with heterogeneous data sources. The paper proposes a method for predictive end-to-end enterprise process network monitoring leveraging multi-headed deep neural networks to overcome this limitation. A case study performed with a medium-sized German manufacturing company highlights the method’s utility for organizations.
- ZeitschriftenartikelQuo Vadis Conferences in the Business and Information Systems Engineering (BISE) Community After Covid(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 63, No. 6, 2021) Leimeister, Jan Marco; Stieglitz, Stefan; Matzner, Martin; Kundisch, Dennis; Flath, Christoph; Röglinger, Maximilian
- ZeitschriftenartikelSeven Paradoxes of Business Process Management in a Hyper-Connected World(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 63, No. 2, 2021) Beverungen, Daniel; Buijs, Joos C. A. M.; Becker, Jörg; Ciccio, Claudio; Aalst, Wil M. P.; Bartelheimer, Christian; Brocke, Jan; Comuzzi, Marco; Kraume, Karsten; Leopold, Henrik; Matzner, Martin; Mendling, Jan; Ogonek, Nadine; Post, Till; Resinas, Manuel; Revoredo, Kate; del-Río-Ortega, Adela; Rosa, Marcello; Santoro, Flávia Maria; Solti, Andreas; Song, Minseok; Stein, Armin; Stierle, Matthias; Wolf, VerenaBusiness Process Management is a boundary-spanning discipline that aligns operational capabilities and technology to design and manage business processes. The Digital Transformation has enabled human actors, information systems, and smart products to interact with each other via multiple digital channels. The emergence of this hyper-connected world greatly leverages the prospects of business processes – but also boosts their complexity to a new level. We need to discuss how the BPM discipline can find new ways for identifying, analyzing, designing, implementing, executing, and monitoring business processes. In this research note, selected transformative trends are explored and their impact on current theories and IT artifacts in the BPM discipline is discussed to stimulate transformative thinking and prospective research in this field.