Auflistung nach Autor:in "Softic, Selver"
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- WorkshopbeitragCollaborative Manufacturing Process Redesign Using Sentiment Analysis(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Softic, Selver; Lüftenegger, Egon; Stojic, AleksandarWe present a novel tool called SentiProMo which uses sentiment analysis on collaborative comments collected during the design phase of business and manufacturing processes. This method involves the implicit information of sentiment hidden behind the suggestions for the process improvements. To discover and utilize the sentiment for process redesign we trained and tested a sentiment analysis module as part of our software. This module classifies and scores the sentiment of comments and acts as a part of SentiProMo tool for role based BPMN modeling and annotation. In order to evaluate the usability of the proposed software we tested it with a specific scenario including tasks with representative test persons. For this purpose we used standardized surveys like Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ) and Nielsen’s Heuristic model (NHE) to obtain the insights on usability of the system.
- KonferenzbeitragEinsatz eines Live-Video-Assistenzsystem im Problemlösungszyklus von Service- und Instandhaltungspersonal(Mensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband, 2018) Streibl, Markus; Brandl, Peter; Softic, SelverDie industrielle Entwicklung erfuhr in den letzten 200 Jahren eine Vielzahl an Revolutionen. Die aktuell letzte Revolution findet sich in der Entwicklung von Cyber-physischen Systemen wieder, welche auf Grund einer Zunahme an datentechnischen Anlagenvernetzungen und der daraus resultierenden Zu-nahme der Kommunikation zwischen den einzelnen Anlagen direkte Auswirkungen auf Service- und Instandhaltungsarbeiten hat. Ein Umdenkprozess in Bezug auf die Ausbildung und Qualifikation von Service- und InstandhaltungsmitarbeiterInnen muss auf Grund der steigenden Komplexität, sowie der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung stattfinden. Die nachfolgende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, in-wiefern der Einsatz eines Live-Video-Assistenzsystems den Problemlösungszyklus von Service- und In-standhaltungsmitarbeiterInnen beeinflussen und das Personal in ihrer täglichen Arbeit unterstützen kann, sodass die Komplexität durch einen Digitalisierungsansatz reduziert wird.
- WorkshopbeitragIs OntoWiki useful as Collaborative Working Tool for Engineers?(Mensch & Computer 2014 - Tagungsband, 2014) Softic, Selver; Stocker, Alexander; Rosenberger, Manfred; Zernig, Jürgen; Schmeja, MichaelIn this work we examined whether OntoWiki can be used as collaborative working tool for engineers. We used a specific domain related ontology PROTARES (PROject TAsks RESources), created in previous work on collaboration modelling from a real world use case, to adapt OntoWiki for the case study. As proof of concept we introduce an OntoWiki prototype, which allows knowledge based browsing and visualisation of of tasks within product development. With this example we want to test to which extent, semantically driven customized applications can support monitoring, reflection and decision making in engineering collaboration scenario.
- KonferenzbeitragLinked data driven visual analytics for tracking learners in a PLE(DeLFI 2015 -- Die 13. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 2015) Salkic, Senaid; Softic, Selver; Taraghi, Behnam; Ebner, MartinIn this work we introduce necessary steps and planned actions for implementation of analytical application with purpose on analyzing and visualizing information gathered by tracking user behavior and actions in our educational system called Personal Learning Environment (PLE)5. Furthermore we present a novel Semantic Web driven approach, for modeling of learning and activity based context using eligible domain specific ontologies, as well as for retrieving modeled data depending on the value of interests demonstrated by learner himself. We intend on closing the learning analytic cycle [Clo12] for PLE and for that purpose we are defining the requirements and implementation steps of analytic dashboard which shall give us necessary knowledge for improvement.
- KonferenzbeitragA management tool for business process performance tracking in Smart Production(Mensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband, 2018) Lüftenegger, Egon; Softic, Selver; Hatzl, Stefanie; Pergler, ElisabethIn this paper, we present a management tool for tracking KPIs in business processes. This tool can be used by executives from a Smart Factory in a strategic manner for defining performance targets by using Smart Production dimensions. The tool uses a standard BPMN notation that suits the operational-driven scenarios of Smart Production. This paper introduces a tool that allows attaching and tracking of KPIs to the single tasks and activities of a business process modeled in BPMN. It describes its functionality and its possible applicability for Smart Factory use case where also business processes, systems, and humans interact within an intelligent manufacturing procedure.
- KonferenzbeitragOpen Services for Lifecycle Collaboration: Ein Ansatz zur Unterstützung der Zusammenarbeit in der Produktentwicklung(Mensch & Computer 2014 - Workshopband, 2014) Paschke, Stefan; Softic, SelverKomplexe Produkte zu entwickeln und in entsprechender Qualität zu produzieren erfordert ein hohes Maß an Kooperation auf menschlicher und technischer Ebene. Die technische Ebene zeichnet sich heute durch eine Vielzahl an technischen Hilfsmittel (sog. Tools) aus, mit deren Hilfe Informations-artefakte (z.B. Anforderungen, Testergebnisse, …) verwaltet werden. Die Herausforderung besteht auf technischer Ebene nach wie vor darin, diese Tools bestmöglich zu integrieren. Mit „Open Service for Lifecycle Collaboration“ wird im folgenden Beitrag ein Community-Ansatz vorgestellt, wie Tools möglichst pragmatisch integriert werden können, ohne proprietäre Schnittstellen entwickeln zu müssen. OSLC versucht die Effizienz des Kooperationsprozess auf technischer Ebene zu verbessern und da-durch allen beteiligten Stakeholdern Kosten zu ersparen.
- WorkshopbeitragUsability Analysis of Cost-Benefit Tracker: A Tool for Utility Analysis of Business Processes(Mensch und Computer 2020 - Workshopband, 2020) Softic, Selver; Lüftenegger, EgonWe introduce the Cost-Benefit Tracker (CB Tracker), which is a software for analyzing the economic potential of the business processes. We designed and developed the Cost-Benefit Tracker as a simple software-based BPMN 2.01 tool by integrating the concepts of the Service-Dominant Business Model design. As a result, the software is simple and straightforward to use more than enterprise BPMN 2.0 software. The entrepreneurs can use the presented softwaresupported method to financially evaluate own business processes designed as BPMN 2.0 diagrams, before committing a large amount of financial resources into realisation of these. In order to evaluate the usefulness and usability of the proposed software we tested it with a specific scenario including tasks with representative test persons from possible target groups. We also used standardized surveys like Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ) and Nielsen’s Heuristic model (NHE) to obtain the insights on usability of the system. The findings of usability evaluation of CB Tracker will be presented as main contribution of this paper.
- KonferenzbeitragVisual Analytics Dashboard for Exogenous Risk Management and Logistical and Strategic Planning of Supply Chains for Smart Factories(Mensch und Computer 2017 - Workshopband, 2017) Streibl, Markus; Edelsbrunner, Christian; Frühwirth, Markus; Göri, Peter; Liebmann, Richard; Nehl, Dominik; Weigl, Stefan; Softic, SelverIn this paper, which focuses on the exogenous risks, a prototype is developed, which presents the users a world map with the country-specific risk factors. These risk factors, which have a massive impact on the supply chain of a company, are based on live data sources from the Internet, in order to provide up-to-date risk assessments. The prototype allows to place and link the individual company sites or suppliers in the world map. The resulting supply chains can be analyzed based on the exogenous risk factors such as weather and natural catastrophes, as well as war situations and terrorist warnings. Through a detail view, as well as through the comparability of several supply chains, based on an aggregation of the risks, the prototype provides users with the vulnerability of the supply chain as a measure of the risk exposure of the company.