Auflistung nach Autor:in "Spillner, Josef"
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- KonferenzbeitragCase study on extending Internet of services techniques to real-world services(INFORMATIK 2010 – Business Process and Service Science – Proceedings of ISSS and BPSC, 2010) Spillner, Josef; Kursawe, Ronny; Schill, AlexanderThe Internet of Services promotes distributable, composable and tradeable services as first-class entities. Such services are assumed to encompass the full range from electronic web services to conventional business services. However, research and development of service models and platforms to realise the Internet of Services vision has largely been concentrating on pure technical services. In this case study, we have applied modelling and registration techniques to existing business services with none or few technical components. We outline the results of suitability and acceptance aspects and include an evaluation of the new Unified Service Description Language (USDL) compared to the Web Services Modelling Language (WSML) in the context of real-world service representation.
- KonferenzbeitragGrazing animal tracking and prediction: a critical view on reproducible research(45. GIL-Jahrestagung, Digitale Infrastrukturen für eine nachhaltige Land-, Forst- und Ernährungswirtschaft, 2025) Fonseca Siqueira, João Guilherme; Shamsizadeh, Sepideh; de Oliveira, Edvard Martins; Spillner, JosefOver the past decade, multiple grazing animal tracking technologies have been developed and brought to the market. The research community has been actively fostering remote observations of animal populations with these technologies. Yet many of the studies remain silos without reusable artefacts (such as animal movement models) and without a clear path towards impactful applications. This paper takes a critical look at over twenty existing studies, outlining the types of animals and regions, the technologies and the resulting outcomes. These findings are paired with recent commercial requirements and developments in the alpine region, where shepherds and livestock owners are increasingly open to new functionality based on precision tracking and exploitation of existing models. The analysis raises questions about the availability of contextualized data and models and proposes guidelines for more impactful research in that area, including the contribution of the first multi-angular dataset on sheep movement.
- KonferenzbeitragInfrastruktur zur experimentellen Evaluierung von Konzepten im Internet der Dienste(INFORMATIK 2010. Service Science – Neue Perspektiven für die Informatik. Band 1, 2010) Spillner, Josef; Kümpel, Anne; Braun, Iris; Schill, AlexanderDie Vision eines Internets der Dienste (Internet of Services, IoS) beinhaltet Forschungsthemen zwischen dienstorientierten Architekturen, Entwicklung von Diensten, Geschäftsmodellen und Mehrwertschaffung durch verwaltete Dienstkompositionen. Nach mehreren Jahren entwurfswissenschaftlicher Herangehensweise an die Definition brauchbarer Modelle, Methoden und Infrastrukturen wird zunehmend deutlich, dass es einen Bedarf an Experimentiersystemen gibt, um quantitative Ergebnisse zunehmend optimierter Ansätze erzielen und vergleichen zu können. Die SPACE-Plattform ist unser Beitrag, um Experimente auf reellen IoS-Infrastrukturen aufzusetzen, durchzuführen und auszuwerten. Wir stellen die Plattform, eine passende Experimentierumgebung und ein exemplarisch durchgeführtes Experiment vor.