Auflistung nach Autor:in "Strecker, Stefan"
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- KonferenzbeitragAn Approach to use Executable Models for Testing(Enterprise modelling and information systems architectures – concepts and applications, 2007) Soden, Michael; Eichler, HajoThis paper outlines an approach to test programs by transforming them into executable models. Based on OMG’s metamodelling framework MOF in combination with an action language extension for the definition of operational semantics, we use QVT to transform abstract syntax trees as code representations into executable models. We argue that these models provide an adequate abstraction for simulation and testing, since platform dependencies can be resolved in a controlled way during transformation to detach the program logic from its environment. A prototypic implementation based on eclipse EMF underpins the approach.
- KonferenzbeitragArchitecture principles – A regulative perspective on enterprise architecture(Enterprise modelling and information systems architectures – concepts and applications, 2007) Bommel, Patrick van; Buitenhuis, Pieter; Hoppenbrouwers, Stijn; Proper, ErikIncreasingly, organizations make use of enterprise architectures to direct the development of the enterprise as a whole and its IT portfolio in particular. In this paper we investigate the regulative nature of enterprise architecture. We aim to develop a fundamental understanding of the regulative needs that underly an enterprise architecture, and then take these needs as a starting point to arrive at requirements on the language (architecture principles) used to denote enterprise architectures. We furthermore discuss the process of formulating principles as well as their semantics.
- KonferenzbeitragBPMN-Q: A Language to Query Business Processes(Enterprise modelling and information systems architectures – concepts and applications, 2007) Awad, AhmedWith the growing role business processes play in today’s business life, they are being seen as an asset for the organization. With hundreds of process models developed by different process designers it would be helpful to look up the repository for models that could handle a similar situation before developing new ones. In this paper we introduce a new visual query language for business processes. The language addresses processes definitions. It extends BPMN for its abstract syntax as BPMN is a standard visual notation for modeling business processes. The overall architecture of the system in which the language can fit, in addition to the details of the query processing are also discussed.
- KonferenzbeitragBusiness Process Model Patterns: Classification and Repository of Published Work(40 Years EMISA 2019, 2020) Fellmann, Michael; Koschmider, Agnes; Laue, Ralf; Schoknecht, Andreas; Vetter, ArthurPatterns have gained widespread interest and acceptance in various domains. Originating from architecture, patterns are nowadays also suggested as solution templates for various problems related to Business Process Management. Due to the abundance of pattern works, getting an overview on available works or searching for specific patterns can be very difficult. What is missing is an instrument for easy exploration and search. To mitigate this problem, we classified published works on pattern and developed a repository for business process model pattern works. The repository is publicly available and enables browsing and filtering of pattern works according to criteria recently developed by analyzing 280 pattern works.
- ZeitschriftenartikelBusiness Process Simulation on Procedural Graphical Process Models(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 63, No. 5, 2021) Rosenthal, Kristina; Ternes, Benjamin; Strecker, StefanBusiness process simulation marks an essential technique for analyzing business processes and for reasoning about process improvement. With first contributions dating back to the mid-1990s, computerized business process simulation has been a continuing research focus and is widely acknowledged as foundational to Business Process Management research and practice. Reviewing contributions to the field published between 1990 and 2018, the authors assess the state of research on business process simulation and develop an organizing overview of research contributions discussing simulation approaches, tool support, results visualization, use context, application purposes, and adoption barriers. Findings inform future research on business process simulation by discussing paths for behavioral research on the use of business process simulation, user requirements, and adoption barriers as well as complementary paths for design science research addressing limitations of present approaches and simulation tool support.
- KonferenzbeitragCo-evolution in Business Ecosystems: Findings from Literature(40 Years EMISA 2019, 2020) Riasanow, Tobias; Flötgen, Rob Jago; Greineder, Michael; Möslein, Dominik; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, HelmutThe innovative use of digital technologies has led to a disruption of well-established business models in many industries. To prevent from being disrupted, organizations must transform. However, studies about digital transformation have primarily focused on intra-organizational dynamics, including processes, structures, and business models. Digital transformation, however, substantially changes inter-organizational behavior, sometimes the entire ecosystem. To examine this phenomenon, we draw on co-evolution theory, which states that changes occur among all interacting organizations, permitting transformations to be driven by both direct interactions and ecosystem feedbacks. Thus, goal of this paper is to provide a structured overview of literature about the co-evolution of ecosystems in management, organizational science, and IS literature. Following the six properties of co-evolution, we develop a framework for the co-evolution in ecosystems, comprising 23 configurations, based on the analysis of 44 articles. Ultimately, we suggest avenues for future research.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDas Forschungsfeld „Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme“(Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 56, No. 1, 2014) Frank, Ulrich; Strecker, Stefan; Fettke, Peter; Brocke, Jan; Becker, Jörg; Sinz, ElmarDas Forschungsfeld „Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme“ hat in der wissenschaftlichen Disziplin Wirtschaftsinformatik eine lange Tradition. Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt auf, durch welche Arbeiten die Modellierungsforschung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik bisher geprägt war, skizziert Herausforderungen, die eine Weiterentwicklung des Forschungsfeldes in den nächsten Jahren erheblich beeinflussen dürften, und entwirft vor diesem Hintergrund die Konturen einer zukünftigen Forschungsagenda.AbstractThe research field “Modeling business information systems” has a long tradition in the scientific discipline of Business and Information Systems Engineering (BISE). The present paper highlights research shaping the research field, discusses challenges impairing the development of the research field in the coming years, and outlines elements of a future research agenda.
- KonferenzbeitragDesign and Usage of an IT-System for workplace management with ergonomic analysis under health protection aspects(Enterprise modelling and information systems architectures – concepts and applications, 2007) Dubian, Clemens; May, WolfgangThis article describes an information system for analysis and description of workplaces under the aspects of health protection and ergonomic risks, which is currently being developed at Volkswagenwerk Kassel. The system provides an instrument for matching ergonomic risks of workplaces with work limitations of employees for an efficient assignment of employees to appropriate workplaces. It integrates data from several existing systems and collects additional data. The collection and maintenance of data is accomplished by an analysis team and by the team leaders in the factory. Besides the functional aspects, the following two issues have been solved: minimizing the effort for the collection and maintenance of data by using a hierarchical categorization of the objects of interest and their properties. Secondly, for accomplishing the acceptance and direct benefit for the following user groups (health care, human resource management, and most of all, local supervisors), group-specific graphical user interfaces are provided.
- KonferenzbeitragDisruption – Informatik wider den Schwarzen Schwan?(40 Years EMISA 2019, 2020) Lockemann, Peter C.Als Innovation gilt die Umsetzung von neuen Ideen oder Erfindungen in neue Produkte, Dienstleistungen, Verfahren, die erfolgreich den Markt durchdringen. Schon die normale Innovation – das ist die Erneuerung eines Marktes ohne ihn grundlegend zu verändern – gilt als herausfordernd. Bedrohlich wird aber die disruptive Innovation: Sie zerschlägt oder verdrängt einen gesamten Markt (Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte, Technologien, Dienstleistungen). Die Ursachen einer Disruption werden gerne mit dem Begriff des Schwarzen Schwans umschrieben: Dies ist ein extrem unwahrscheinliches Ereignis mit immensen und oft falsch eingeschätzten Auswirkungen. Bei aller Geschwindigkeit kann man von der Entwicklung einer Technologie kaum sagen, dass sie urplötzlich eintritt. Unerwartet ist sie nur dann, wenn man die Entwicklung übersehen hat und von ihr überrascht wird. Ob es sich dabei auch um einen Schwarzen Schwan handelt, lässt sich letztlich nur aus dem Blickwinke des einzelnen Unternehmens beurteilen. Zu den aktuellen Innovationen zählt man gerne die Digitalisierung. Verschläft man sie, kann dies die eigene Existenz kosten. Größe ist kein ausreichender Schutz. Warnende Beispiels sind etwa Kodak oder Nokia. Ein kluger Wechsel des Geschäftsmodells kann jedoch das Überleben sichern – siehe IBM. Emporkömmlinge ohne den Ballast einer Vergangenheit sind aber im Vorteil: Sie helfen eher dem Schwarzen Schwan dabei, flügge zu werden – siehe etwa Uber oder Airbnb.
- KonferenzbeitragEA Model as central part of the transformation into a more flexible and powerful organisation(Enterprise modelling and information systems architectures – concepts and applications, 2007) Gerber, Stefan; Meyer, Uwe; Richert, ClausThis report introduces an approach how Enterprise Architecture (EA) design can be deployed in a large financial organisation for strategic transformation. Our EA design embraces all main components of the business organisations, its information systems and the way they work to achieve business objectives. In order to tackle such EA design and its deployment, governance, design and measurement principles are required to keep EA consistent and avoid misunderstandings among stakeholders. Since EA focuses on a holistic view of the organisation, full EA deployment is risky due to cost and organisational impact. Therefore we use an iterative approach within EA deployment that will be considered as an assessment process evaluating the whole IT-landscape of a certain CIO area. There are metrics used which allow the identification of transformation objects and these will be reworked in different structures by using architectural principles and then integrated into EA. Finally the existing EA will be evaluated (together with transformation object) by EA design principles and either the transformation will be rejected or design principles will be adopted. In order to make this model operative it is embedded in an architecture organizational structure which is independent from the organizational structure of the enterprise.