Auflistung P213 - Software Engineering 2013 nach Erscheinungsdatum
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- KonferenzbeitragOn the prediction of the mutual impact of business processes and enterprise information systems(Software Engineering 2013, 2013) Heinrich, Robert; Paech, BarbaraFrequently, the development of business processes and enterprise information systems (IT systems) is not well aligned. Missing alignment of business process design and IT system design can result in performance problems at runtime. Simulation is a promising approach to support the alignment of the designs by impact prediction. Based on the predicted impact, the designs can be adapted to enable alignment. However, in current simulation approaches, there is little integration between business processes and IT systems. In this paper, we present a simulation-based approach to predict the impact of a business process design on the performance of IT systems and vice versa. We argue that business process simulation and IT simulation considered in isolation is not an adequate approach as this neglects the mutual impact on workload distribution. Furthermore, we sketch a solution idea to adequately represent workload distribution in simulation.
- KonferenzbeitragAnforderungen an das Software-Engineering in der Automatisierungstechnik(Software Engineering 2013, 2013) Vogel-Heuser, Birgit; Diedrich, Christian; Fay, Alexander; Göhner, PeterAutomatisierte Systeme sind komplexe Hardware-Software-Systeme, die zu einem hohen Maß von der Qualität des zugrundeliegenden Software- Engineering abhängen. Der Beitrag soll durch die Klärung der spezifischen Anforderungen zu einem besseren Verständnis von Automatisierungstechnik und Software-Engineering führen und die Grundlagen für eine engere Zusammenarbeit legen. Es werden die wesentlichen Anforderungen identifiziert, die sich aus dem funktionalen Aufbau sowie aus den Randbedingungen des Lebenszyklus automatisierter Systeme ergeben. Auf dieser Grundlage können Methoden und Werkzeuge verbessert und so die Qualität des Software-Engineering gesteigert werden.
- KonferenzbeitragReActor: A notation for the specification of actor systems and its semantics(Software Engineering 2013, 2013) Burmeister, RodgerWith the increasing use of the actor model in concurrent programming there is also an increased demand in precise design notations. Precise notations enable software engineers to rigorously specify and validate the non-deterministic behavior of concurrent systems. Traditional design notations are either imperative, too concrete, or do not support the actor model. In this paper, we present a new, TLA-inspired specification language called ReActor that supports a declarative style of specification and selected programming language features in combination. For ReActor a precise operational semantics is defined in terms of action interleavings. We propose ReActor to be used in abstract design specifications and as a supplement to existing design notations, especially if a sound notion of concurrent objects is required.
- KonferenzbeitragModellbasierte Bewertung von Testprozessen nach TPI NEXT® textregistered mit Geschäftsprozess-Mustern(Software Engineering 2013, 2013) Schumacher, Claudia; Güldali, Baris; Engels, Gregor; Niehammer, Markus; Hamburg, MatthiasDie Qualität eines zu entwickelnden Softwareprodukts wird entscheidend durch die Qualität des zugehörigen Testprozesses beeinflusst. Das TPI®-Modell ist ein Referenzmodell zur Bewertung der Qualität eines Testprozesses, das mittels Kontrollpunkten den Reifegrad von Testaktivitäten bestimmt. Dabei ist allerdings sowohl die Interpretation des zu bewertenden Testprozesses, welcher in der Praxis häufig gar nicht oder nur informell beschrieben ist, als auch die Interpretation des TPI®-Modells selbst von dem Wissen und den Erfahrungen des bewertenden Experten abhängig. Dies führt unmittelbar zu einer langwierigen, schwierigen und insbesondere subjektiven Bewertung eines Testprozesses. Um eine objektivere, einfachere und effizientere Bewertung zu ermöglichen, wird im Beitrag ein Ansatz vorgestellt, mit dem ein Testprozess als Geschäftsprozess und die Kontrollpunkte des TPI®-Modells in Form von Geschäftsprozess-Mustern mit Hilfe der Modellierungssprache BPMN formal modelliert werden. Auf dieser Basis kann die Qualität eines Testprozesses durch eine systematische Analyse untersucht und bewertet werden. Zur Evaluierung des entwickelten Konzepts wird ein Fallbeispiel eines Testprozesses systematisch bewertet.
- KonferenzbeitragOn shared understanding in software engineering(Software Engineering 2013, 2013) Glinz, Martin; Fricker, SamuelShared understanding is essential for efficient communication in software development and evolution projects when the risk of unsatisfactory outcome and rework of project results shall be low. Today, however, shared understanding is used mostly in an unreflected, intuitive way. This is particularly true for implicit shared understanding. In this paper, we investigate the role, value and usage of shared understanding in Software Engineering. We contribute a reflected analysis of the problem, in particular of how to rely on implicit shared understanding. We discuss enablers and obstacles, compile existing practices for dealing with shared understanding, and present a roadmap for improving knowledge and practice in this area.
- Konferenzbeitrag6. Arbeitstagung Programmiersprachen (ATPS 2013)(Software Engineering 2013, 2013) Knoop, Jens; Voigtländer, Janis
- KonferenzbeitragStatistical analysis of changes for synthesizing realistic test models(Software Engineering 2013, 2013) Yazdi, Hamed Shariat; Pietsch, Pit; Kehrer, Timo; Kelter, UdoTools and methods in the context of Model-Driven Engineering have to be evaluated and tested. Unfortunately, adequate test models are scarcely available in many application domains, and available models often lack required properties. Test model generators have been proposed recently to overcome this deficiency. Their basic principle is to synthesize test models by controlled application of edit operations from a given set of edit operation definitions. If test models are created by randomly selecting edit operations, then they become quite unnatural and do not exhibit realworld characteristics; generated sequences of edit operation should rather be similar to realistic model evolution. To this end, we have reverse-engineered a carefully selected set of open-source Java projects to class diagrams and computed the differences between subsequent revisions in terms of various edit operations, including generic low-level graph edit operations and high-level edit operations such as model refactorings. Finally, we statistically analyzed the distribution of the frequency of these edit operations. We have checked the fitness of 60 distributions in order to correctly represent the statistical properties. Only four distributions have been able to adequately describe the observed evolution. The successful distributions are being used to configure our model generator in order to produce more realistic test models.
- Konferenzbeitrag5. Workshop „Design For Future - Langlebige Softwaresysteme“(Software Engineering 2013, 2013) Sauer, Stefan; Klatt, Benjamin; Ruhroth, Thomas
- KonferenzbeitragOn-the-fly computing - das Entwicklungs- und Betriebsparadigma für Softwaresysteme der Zukunft(Software Engineering 2013, 2013) Engels, Gregor
- KonferenzbeitragExperience from measuring program comprehension - toward a general framework(Software Engineering 2013, 2013) Siegmund, Janet; Kästner, Christian; Apel, Sven; Brechmann, André; Saake, GunterProgram comprehension plays a crucial role during the software-development life cycle: Maintenance programmers spend most of their time with comprehending source code, and maintenance is the main cost factor in software development. Thus, if we can improve program comprehension, we can save considerable amount of time and cost. To improve program comprehension, we have to measure it first. However, program comprehension is a complex, internal cognitive process that we cannot observe directly. Typically, we need to conduct controlled experiments to soundly measure program comprehension. However, empirical research is applied only reluctantly in software engineering. To close this gap, we set out to support researchers in planning and conducting experiments regarding program comprehension. We report our experience with experiments that we conducted and present the resulting framework to support researchers in planning and conducting experiments. Additionally, we discuss the role of teaching for the empirical researchers of tomorrow.