Auflistung i-com Band 13 (2014) Heft 1 nach Erscheinungsdatum
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- KonferenzbeitragPeriphere Kooperation am Beispiel der Anschläge in Norwegen 2011 / Peripheral Cooperation in Crises: Norway 22/7/11(i-com: Vol. 13, No. 1, 2014) Weise, SebastianDieser Beitrag thematisiert, wie Zivilbürger während der Anschläge in Norwegen vom 22. Juli 2011 soziale Medien nutzten um Hilfe zu leisten. Bei den Anschlägen detonierte der Attentäter Anders Behring Breivik zunächst eine Bombe in Oslo und riss acht Menschen in den Tod. Danach fuhr er auf die 40 Kilometer entfernte Insel Utøya, wo er 69 Jugendliche ermordete. Unsere Analyse erarbeitet ein neues Konzept der „peripheren Kooperation”, um die öffentliche Beteiligung an der Ressourcenmobilisierung am Rande der offiziellen Krisenhilfe besser zu beschreiben.
- KonferenzbeitragGroupAL: ein Algorithmus zur Formation und Qualitätsbewertung von Lerngruppen in E-Learning-Szenarien / GroupAL: an algorithm for group formation and quality evaluation of learning groups in e-learning scenarios(i-com: Vol. 13, No. 1, 2014) Konert, Johannes; Burlak, Dmitrij; Steinmetz, RalfFostering knowledge exchange among peers is important aspect for motivation, achievement of learning goals as well as improvement of problem solving competency in elearning environments or for computer-based learning. Still, the positive effects of such an exchange depend strongly on the suitability of the selected peers in a learning group. This article describes categories of criteria to be considered by a group formation algorithm for learning groups. Additionally, existing algorithmic solutions from related work will be compared concerning several imposed requirements. For simultaneous consideration of all these requirements, the GroupAL algorithm is introduced. It supports the use of multi-dimensional criteria that are either expected to be matched homogeneous or heterogeneous among participants while aiming for equally good group formation for the whole cohort of participants to be matched. The underlying GroupAL architecture various group formation algorithms and defines a normed metric for learning group formations. This metric allows comparison of different created group formations and is robust against variations on number of used criteria or changes in the underlying cohort of participants. Finally, the presented evaluation reveals the advantages and widespread applicability of GroupAL in comparison to the investigated algorithmic solutions from related work. The approach chosen for GroupAL results in better cohort performance indices and group formation quality under the chosen conditions and with the selected data sets.
- Konferenzbeitrag#Hochwasser – Visuelle Analyse von Social Media im Bevölkerungsschutz / #Hochwasser – Using Visual Analytics of social media in civil protection(i-com: Vol. 13, No. 1, 2014) Zisgen, Julia; Kern, Julia; Thom, Dennis; Ertl, ThomasAnhand des Hochwassers 2013 in Deutschland soll in diesem Artikel untersucht werden, ob sich die Lageeinschätzung zur Krisenreaktion durch die Auswertung von Social Media-Daten verbessern lässt. Dabei soll insbesondere gezeigt werden, dass Techniken zur computergestützten explorativen Datenanalyse geeignet sind, um trotz der noch recht dünnen Datenlage relevante Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Neben einer allgemeinen Erörterung zu Nutzen und Möglichkeiten von Social Media-Daten im Bevölkerungsschutz wird dabei Scatterblogs, ein bestehendes interaktives Social Media- Analysewerkzeug, kurz vorgestellt und evaluiert. Dabei werden Daten verwendet, die während des Hochwassers aufgezeichnet wurden.
- KonferenzbeitragHands2Help – Ein App-basiertes Konzept zur Koordination Freiwilliger Helfer/ Hands2Help – An App-based Concept for Coordination of Disaster Response Volunteers(i-com: Vol. 13, No. 1, 2014) Hofmann, Marlen; Betke, Hans; Sackmann, StefanThe successful overcoming of the flood disaster in Central Germany in summer 2013 can be ascribed not only to several disaster response organizations (e. g. fire fighters, THW, etc.) but also to thousands of on-site disaster response volunteers. However, the decentralized self-coordination of these volunteers by means of social networks evolved as a major problem. It led to useless and even harmful actions and caused many volunteers to appear at overcrowded or closed places of action whereas other sites were in urgent need of additional helping hands. To make such coordination problems manageable in future and to exploit the full potential of disaster response volunteers, system requirements for IT-systems that support volunteer coordination are discussed in this paper. Based on this, a novel and app-based coordination system called Hands2Help is presented which might support incident commanders and control centers in volunteer coordination.
- KonferenzbeitragVernetzte Selbsthilfe in Sozialen Medien am Beispiel des Hochwassers 2013 / Linked Self-Help in Social Media using the example of the Floods 2013 in Germany(i-com: Vol. 13, No. 1, 2014) Reuter, ChristianThis article examines the usage of Social Media during the Floods 2013 in Germany. Twitter, Facebook, Google Maps and other platforms were used by affected citizen and volunteers to coordinate help activities among themselves providing an additional and significant contribution to the official emergency management. Beside the qualitative analysis of selected emergent volunteer communities interviews were conducted with Facebook group founders. The objectives of this study are on the one hand to analyse the use behaviour of social media in disaster settings, on the other hand to identify capabilities of designing and extending social media for emergency management purposes.
- KonferenzbeitragZeitliche Verläufe emotionaler Aktivierung in der Mensch-Technik-Interaktion / Temporal dynamics of emotional activation in man-machine interaction(i-com: Vol. 13, No. 1, 2014) Backhaus, Nils; Brandenburg, StefanUser Experience (UX) plays an important role in human machine interaction. This investigation focuses on two different aspects of UX. On the one hand we wanted to induce two affective states (frustration and happiness) in a humanmachine interaction (HMI) setting using a bodily interactive game console. On the other hand we analyzed the effects of the elicited emotional activation on the interaction with another device (tablet-PC). The results imply that it is possible to induce distinct affective states with an interactive, full-body controlled HMI. Interestingly, happiness and frustration showed different activation patterns in the subsequent interaction with the tablet-PC. For example, happiness did not last as long as frustration did. Nevertheless, both activation patterns did not have any effect on the subjects’ performance with the tablet- PC, maybe due to unstably elicited emotions. These findings are discussed against the background of research regarding emotional dynamics, contextual change, and UX.
- KonferenzbeitragEmergency Messenger als Kommunikationskonzept für Notfallarbeit/ EmergencyMessenger as a Communication Concept for Emergency Response Work(i-com: Vol. 13, No. 1, 2014) Betz, Matthias; Dyrks, Tobias; Wulf, VolkerFinding and rescuing missing or injured people or fighting fire inside burning buildings is a central challenge for fire brigades. To ensure the safety of indoors attacking firefighting units monitoring their operations is crucial. As in most countries firefighters in Germany utilize radio sets to establish voice communication between operating units and the superordinated leading structures. Based on findings from a long term ethnographic study in cooperation with different German fire brigades over a time span of more than 5 years we analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the established voice over radio communication tactics and techniques. We designed and evaluated a complementary text based communication device the EmergencyMessenger to support the time critical work of indoor attacking troops working under harsh conditions with Self-Contained-Breathing-Apparatus (SCBA). We conducted 13 full scale training missions including extensive debriefings to design and evaluate the communication concept and the corresponding device.
- KonferenzbeitragKreative Nutzung der verfügbaren Netzwerkinfrastruktur im Katastrophenfall / Creative usage of available network infrastructure in disaster situations(i-com: Vol. 13, No. 1, 2014) Al-Akkad, Amro; Boden, AlexanderIn this paper, we examine challenges people face in situations of disrupted network infrastructures and how people use surviving portions of technology to cope with these challenges. Building on the analysis of interviews with crises witnesses and first responders, external reports and scientific literature, we propose and describe five architectural qualities that can increase the resilience of systems for crisis communication in situations of infrastructure breakdowns, and show how they can be implemented on the basis of established technologies in the form of two prototypes that we have developed.
- KonferenzbeitragEvaluation der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion in Krisenszenarien / Evaluating human-computer-interaction in crisis scenarios(i-com: Vol. 13, No. 1, 2014) Nestler, SimonThe various processes in crisis management are uncertain, unstable and time-critical. In crisis scenarios the support of emergency workers by the means of interactive systems is challenging. Even smaller blind spots in the human-computer- interaction (HCI) might cause the unusability of the overall crisis management system. Therefore, regular usability testing of the overall system by emergency workers is essential in crisis scenarios. In crisis management usability tests are the foundation for the successful introduction of interactive systems. Usability tests in crisis situations are highly complex: The usability tests have to be smoothly integrated in the crisis scenario. In crisis scenarios realism leads to an overproportional need for resources. This publication gives an overview on concepts for usability testing in crisis scenarios. These usability tests facilitate an iterative improvement of interactive systems. This concept is not limited to a methodical examination of the usability test itself. Usability testing is considered from HCI perspective and from the perspective of crisis management. This combined analysis leads to a more systematic approach to usability testing in crisis situations. The proposed approach increases the frequency of usability tests without increasing the overall effort.
- KonferenzbeitragForschungsherausforderungen der Interaktion und Kooperation im Krisenmanagement(i-com: Vol. 13, No. 1, 2014) Pipek, Volkmar; Reuter, Christian