Auflistung P304 - 40 Years EMISA 2019 nach Erscheinungsdatum
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- KonferenzbeitragThe Research Group Business Information Systems at the University of Rostock .(40 Years EMISA 2019, 2020) Fellmann, Michael; Lantow, Birger; Sandkuhl, KurtThe paper presents the general orientation, research topics and contribution to the EMISA special interest group of Rostock University’s research group on Business Information Systems, which is part of the Institute of Computer Science in the Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.
- KonferenzbeitragCo-evolution in Business Ecosystems: Findings from Literature(40 Years EMISA 2019, 2020) Riasanow, Tobias; Flötgen, Rob Jago; Greineder, Michael; Möslein, Dominik; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, HelmutThe innovative use of digital technologies has led to a disruption of well-established business models in many industries. To prevent from being disrupted, organizations must transform. However, studies about digital transformation have primarily focused on intra-organizational dynamics, including processes, structures, and business models. Digital transformation, however, substantially changes inter-organizational behavior, sometimes the entire ecosystem. To examine this phenomenon, we draw on co-evolution theory, which states that changes occur among all interacting organizations, permitting transformations to be driven by both direct interactions and ecosystem feedbacks. Thus, goal of this paper is to provide a structured overview of literature about the co-evolution of ecosystems in management, organizational science, and IS literature. Following the six properties of co-evolution, we develop a framework for the co-evolution in ecosystems, comprising 23 configurations, based on the analysis of 44 articles. Ultimately, we suggest avenues for future research.
- KonferenzbeitragBusiness Process Model Patterns: Classification and Repository of Published Work(40 Years EMISA 2019, 2020) Fellmann, Michael; Koschmider, Agnes; Laue, Ralf; Schoknecht, Andreas; Vetter, ArthurPatterns have gained widespread interest and acceptance in various domains. Originating from architecture, patterns are nowadays also suggested as solution templates for various problems related to Business Process Management. Due to the abundance of pattern works, getting an overview on available works or searching for specific patterns can be very difficult. What is missing is an instrument for easy exploration and search. To mitigate this problem, we classified published works on pattern and developed a repository for business process model pattern works. The repository is publicly available and enables browsing and filtering of pattern works according to criteria recently developed by analyzing 280 pattern works.
- KonferenzbeitragPreface to EMISA 40 Years(40 Years EMISA 2019, 2020) Mayr, Heinrich C.; Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie; Strecker, StefanTo commemorate the 40th anniversary of the founding event and the conference series, we returned to the original location and organized the "40 Years EMISA" at the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing. Furthermore, for this event we have not only called for the usual submission of papers with corresponding peer review. Rather, we have also invited personalities to keynotes who have contributed significantly to events and the success of EMISA over the past 40 years. And finally, we have invited relevant research groups to present their current projects in a "madness show" and an exhibition. The response was overwhelming: many of the personalities who were approached promised to make a con-tribution and came to the event, as did all but one of the SIG chairmen.
- KonferenzbeitragTowards a Virtual Reality-based Process Elicitation System(40 Years EMISA 2019, 2020) Vogel, Jannis; Thomas, OliverToday’s worldwide operating companies must design their processes globally. Stakeholders within a global process cannot know each circumstance that is spread over several areas. However, digitalization and globalization lead to process redesigns that have to be discussed and reflected in process modelling workshops with various stakeholders that are more likely non-modelling experts. Hence, traditional process elicitation techniques such as interviews or modelling workshops meet new challenges in a globalized and digitalized world. A promising approach to encounter them is the use of virtual reality as a technology-based process elicitation technique. We have performed a systematic literature review and identified 32 articles to existing technology-based process elicitation techniques. Based on the identified literature a taxonomy and specific requirements for the virtual reality-based process elicitation system were derived. Additionally, the paper proposes an architecture for a virtual reality-based process elicitation system that includes today’s virtual reality 360-degree recording- and hardware standards.
- KonferenzbeitragQualitative Comparison of Enterprise Architecture Model Maintenance Processes(40 Years EMISA 2019, 2020) Hacks, Simon; Lichter, HorstEnterprise Architecture (EA) is no end in itself but has to provide central, important, and up-to-date information of the organization to its clients. So far, different researchers have elaborated on processes to ensure a (semi-)automated EA model maintenance. For practitioners this raises the question how the processes can be compared to each other. To answer this question, we identified a set of five quality criteria and asked EA researcher and practitioners to rate those for three processes.
- KonferenzbeitragOMiLAB-Node Vienna at the Research Group Knowledge Engineering, University of Vienna(40 Years EMISA 2019, 2020) Miron, Elena-Teodora; Muck, Christian; Götzinger, David; Karagiannis, DimitrisThis paper presents the OMiLAB-Node Vienna, which supports the educational and research activities undertaken by the research Group Knowledge Engineering at the University of Vienna, the Node’s host. The OMiLAB Vienna Node is part of a larger community, which is presented subsequently. Last but not least the OMiLAB community’s relevance for the EMISA Special Interest Group is discussed.
- KonferenzbeitragEnterprise Modelling Research Group at the University of Hagen(40 Years EMISA 2019, 2020) Strecker, StefanOn behalf of the entire team, I present the research programme and research themes pursued by the Enterprise Modelling Research Group at the University of Hagen, Germany.
- KonferenzbeitragFundamental challenges in systems modelling(40 Years EMISA 2019, 2020) Proper, Henderik A.; Bjeković, MarijaIn the context of information systems, and digital ecosystems at large, many different forms of systems modelling are used. This includes enterprise (architecture) modelling, business process modelling, ontology modelling and information modelling. The resulting models have come to play an important role during all stages of the life-cycle of digital (eco)systems, where we see such systems as being socio-technical systems involving a hybrid of human and digital actors, supported by (other) technologies. In our view, the key role of models also fuels the need for a more fundamental reflection on core aspects of modelling itself. In line with this, the goal of this paper is to explore some of the underlying fundamental challenges of modelling, and in doing so create awareness for, and initiate discussions on, the need for more foundational research into these challenges. The discussion of these challenges has been structured in terms of three clusters: the semiotic foundations, the essence of modelling, and the role of normative frames (such as modelling languages).
- KonferenzbeitragUniversität 4.0: Herausforderungen, Konzepte und erste (ERCIS) Erfahrungen(40 Years EMISA 2019, 2020) Vossen, GottfriedUniversität 4.0 ist eines von vielen heutigen Buzzwords, welches (in gewisser Analogie zu Industrie 4.0) auszudrücken versucht, dass Universitäten bemüht sind um Anpassung an die Anforderungen des aktuellen Berufslebens und an die Bedürfnisse heutiger Studierender. Ein zentraler Treiber ist auch hier die Digitalisierung sowie die digitale Transformation, welche durch den immer schneller werdenden technischen Fortschritt ermöglicht werden und welche sich auch in Universitäten und ihrem Lehransatz disruptiv bemerkbar machen. Dieser Vortrag geht zunächst auf Ursachen und deren Konsequenzen ein, aus denen sich zahlreiche Herausforderungen ergeben, mit denen Universitäten heute konfrontiert sind. Sodann stehen die Eigenschaften der Universität 4.0 im Vordergrund, und es werden Konzepte wie Flipped Classroom, Just-in-Time-Teaching oder Gamification sowie damit in Münster gemachte Erfahrungen beleuchtet. Der Vortrag endet mit Empfehlungen zur weiteren, Ausbildung im Bereich Informationssysteme.
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