Auflistung Softwaretechnik-Trends 43(1) - 2023 nach Erscheinungsdatum
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- KonferenzbeitragCo-Simulation of Hardware and Software in Palladio(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 43, Heft 1, 2023) Weber, Sebastian; Henss, Jörg; Reussner, RalfTo ensure the fulfilment of quality requirements, for example performance, at design time, the software architect can model the software and simulate it with Palladio. The accuracy of the model depends on the estimation of resource demands, which is difficult and error prone. Therefore, in the later stages of development, values should be evaluated based on available information instead of being estimated. An unavailable component implementation or delayed hardware access should not force the software architect to stick with the estimation, but be compensated otherwise, for example with prototypes or hardware simulation. This paper presents six approaches to adapt the evaluation of hardware resource usage in the Palladio software architecture simulation by incorporating co-simulation techniques to compensate different shortcomings. Possible usage scenarios of the approaches are presented and put in relation to the estimated development effort. We present our initial results of implementing one of the approaches, the integration of a hardware-simulation-based resource demand estimation in Palladio. It can compensate unavailable hardware, despite hardware specifications and software being available. The results show that the parameterization options of the hardware simulation were not sufficient to achieve the desired accuracy and the simulation time increases significantly.
- KonferenzbeitragMenschzentriertes RE: Ja klar, aber wie gelingt uns das noch besser?(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 43, Heft 1, 2023) Hess, Anne; Groen, Eduard C.Menschzentriertes Requirements Engineering (RE) ist eigentlich selbstverständlich – in der Praxis jedoch häu fig nicht so einfach. Können uns andere Disziplinen da bei helfen, Herausforderungen im menschzentrierten RE zu begegnen? Diese Kernfrage möchten wir in diesem Beitrag beleuchten.
- KonferenzbeitragUX Designer By Default(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 43, Heft 1, 2023) Oemig, ChristophDie Business Analyse (BA) bzw. das Requirements Engineering (RE) und die User Experience (UX) haben eine engere Beziehung als man zunächst annehmen würde. Insbesondere wenn kein dediziertes UX Personal verfügbar ist, kann dies schnell zu suboptimalen Projektergebnissen führen, da es keine Option ist, keine UX zu erzeugen. Dieser Beitrag erläutert kurz und knapp die Zusammenhänge und die Rolle des BA/RE als Teil davon. Darüber hinaus werden Vorschläge gemacht, wie durch ein leicht angepasstes Vorgehen in der Anforderungsanalyse Verbesserungen der UX erreicht werden können.
- KonferenzbeitragArchitecture Recovery from Fortran Code with Kieker(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 43, Heft 1, 2023) Jung, Reiner; Schnoor, Henning; Gundlach, Sven; Hasselbring, WilhelmScientific models are software systems, which are key to understand and assess a range of challenges, such as climate change mitigation. However, such models are usually developed over decades. To support program comprehension for software maintenance and restructuring, we designed an architecture recovery process for Fortran-based scientific models utilizing Kieker 4 C to collect call traces at runtime. Furthermore, we derive structural information from the recovered architecture. In this paper, we present our analysis process and some results from analyzing three scientific models. Additionally, we describe how to use the information obtained by our analysis to identify possible optimizations of the scientific models.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDeutscher Preis für Software-Qualität 2023(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 43, Heft 1, 2023) Baumgartner, Manfred; Friske, Mario; Schlich, Maud; Sokenou, Dehla; Vosseberg, Karin; Weißleder, StephanDeutscher Preis für Software-Qualität 2023
- KonferenzbeitragState Space Exploration for Planning Reconfigurations in Cloud-native Systems(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 43, Heft 1, 2023) Ege, Florian; Höppner, Stefan; Tichy, Matthias; Stieß, SarahCurrent self-adaptive systems do a poor job of coordinating their reconfigurations, and those that provide coordination capabilities offer few facilities to under stand how the system decides on its behavior. In this paper, we outline a state graph, the central artifact of a new approach for a self-adaptive system which utilizes simulations provided by Slingshot to decide on adaptations. Slingshot is a simulator on the Palladio ecosystem. We describe the structure of the state graph and its usage in our self-adaptive system approach. We further discuss technical challenges for Slingshot that need to be solved to implement the envisioned self-adaptive system.
- KonferenzbeitragExperiences from Building the Open Database Performance Ranking with benchANT(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 43, Heft 1, 2023) Seybold, Daniel; Domaschka, JörgBenchmarking is an important method to advance database management systems (DBMS) from the industry and research perspective. Ensuring transparent and reproducible results is a key requirement to ensure the acceptance and credibility of benchmarking. To advance the research towards transparent and reproducible benchmark data, we report on building an open DBMS performance ranking with 130 benchmark configurations and ensuring comparability, transparency and reproducibility. We derive the required data on cloud, resource, DBMS and benchmark level to enable transparency and reproducibility and demonstrate the generation of such data sets with benchANT. Building upon such data, we outline future research directions for DBMS performance modelling, DBMS auto-tuning and decision support.
- KonferenzbeitragDeveloping an AI-enabled Industry 4.0 platform - Performance experiences on deploying AI onto an industrial edge device(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 43, Heft 1, 2023) Eichelberger, Holger; Palmer, Gregory; Niederée, ClaudiaMaximizing the benefits of AI for Industry 4.0 is about more than just developing effective new AI methods. Of equal importance is the successful integration of AI into production environments. One open challenge is the dynamic deployment of AI on industrial edge devices within close proximity to manufacturing machines. Our IIP-Ecosphere1 platform was designed to overcome limitations of existing Industry 4.0 platforms. It supports flexible AI deployment through employing a highly configurable low-code based approach, where code for tailored platform components and applications is generated. In this paper, we measure the performance of our platform on an industrial demonstrator and discuss the impact of deploying AI from a central server to the edge. As result, AI inference automatically deployed on an industrial edge is possible, but in our case three times slower than on a desktop computer, requiring still more optimizations.
- KonferenzbeitragCloud-Native Scalability Benchmarking with Theodolite: Applied to the TeaStore Benchmark(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 43, Heft 1, 2023) Henning, Sören; Wetzel, Benedikt; Hasselbring, WilhelmTheodolite is a framework for benchmarking the scalability of cloud-native applications such as microservices. It automates deployment and monitoring of a cloud-native application for different load intensities and provisioned cloud resources and assesses whether specified service level objectives (SLOs) are fulfilled. Provided as a Kubernetes Operator, Theodolite integrates with the cloud-native ecosystem and runs existing deployment configurations of various systems under-test, load generators, and benchmarks. We givea presentation on Theodolite and exemplify its usage by benchmarking the scalability of the TeaStore microservice reference application.
- ZeitschriftenartikelNachruf für Matthias Riebisch(Softwaretechnik-Trends Band 43, Heft 1, 2023) Reussner, Ralf; Rumpe, BernhardNachruf für Matthias Riebisch