Auflistung ABIS 2002 – 10. GI-Workshop "Adaptivität und Benutzermodellierung in interaktiven Softwaresystemen" nach Schlagwort "Applications Software for Content Providers"
(10. GI-Workshop "Adaptivität und Benutzermodellierung in interaktiven Softwaresystemen", 2002) Rist, Thomas; Kröner, Alexander; Brandmeier, Patrick
The background of this article is formed by work on IMAGEN, a toolset for the creation of Web portals that aim at providing their users with personalized content packages. After an overview of the system, we focus on the resolution of layout problems imposed by the content packaging approach. The core of the presented component for layout management applies constraint techniques for integrating layout preferences of authors, portal providers, and end users who receive the compiled content packages. Since IMAGEN aims at cross-platform delivery, we continue the discussion of our component with the question of how IMAGEN can be extended so that mobile access to personalized content packages becomes possible. Our discussion includes a description of experimental work conducted within the IMAGEN project. The focus of this work is on the customization of graphical representations for display on mobile devices with tiny screens. We have developed a module that uses techniques from the area of machine learning to chose from a set of available image transformations a transformation which most likely produces a reasonable result for a yet unseen image.