Auflistung nach Schlagwort "COVID-19"
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- KonferenzbeitragAnalyse des persönlichen Burnout-Niveaus von Studierenden während des digitalen Semesters(20. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien (DELFI), 2022) Stemme, JonasIn der nachfolgenden Panelstudie werden in einem induktiven Verfahren mithilfe von Interviews Belastungsfaktoren identifiziert, die Studierende (Erst- und Drittsemester) im digitalen Semester als besonders belastend empfunden haben. Insgesamt konnten sechs Dimensionen festgestellt werden, die in drei quantitativen Erhebungen weiter analysiert wurden. Zusätzlich wurde das persönliche Burnout-Niveau bei beiden Gruppen von Studierenden zu drei Zeitpunkten gemessen, um Veränderungen zu erkennen. Zusammenfassend lässt sich bei den Belastungsfaktoren feststellen, dass diese stark mit dem persönlichen Burnout-Niveau korrelieren. Zudem konnte zum Zeitpunkt Z3 bei beiden Gruppen ein höheres persönliches Burnout-Niveau als zum Zeitpunkt Z1 festgestellt werden.
- KonferenzbeitragCollaborating in a Crisis: Perspectives on Trust and Technological Framework in Organising a COVID-19 Online Hackathon(Mensch und Computer 2022 - Tagungsband, 2022) Karhu, Mari; Karampela, Maria; Häkkilä, JonnaThis paper explores trust in online-only-collaboration, where a team was gathered to organise a COVID-19 online hackathon with only three days notice. The study is based on the thematic analysis of ten in-depth interviews with the hackathon organisers. The findings report how trust among the organisers was encapsulated in 1) the shared big goal, 2) the significance of real-life networks, 3) a strong lead organiser on the collaboration forming on the fly, and 4) the lack of face-to-face contact in relation to becoming familiar or staying unknown. Technology related findings showed that the collaboration platforms were selected based on familiarity and ease of use. The chosen communication channels created a split between age groups, and transparency of the communication suffered somewhat from one-to-one communications in the background and divided application use. However, trust between the organisers helped them to overcame the transparency challenges. The findings are applicable to societal crisis situations in which technologies are used to build collaboration in aim to address shared challenges.
- ZeitschriftenartikelComputer-Supported Cooperative Work – Revisited(i-com: Vol. 20, No. 3, 2021) Bullinger-Hoffmann, Angelika; Koch, Michael; Möslein, Kathrin; Richter, AlexanderDue to the COVID-19 lockdowns and the related mandated work for home, we have seen a massive increase of the use of collaboration tools in various work settings in the last 18 months. Whereas this might have been a new terrain for some, IT-supported work and the related research domain Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) have been around for decades. In this article we briefly review what CSCW has to offer for the currently increasing demand in setting up remote collaboration – and share our own observations about what happened when collaboration tools have been introduced in the pandemic. As a summary, we present some learnings from the experience – both for the current state of CSCW research and for future work.
- ZeitschriftenartikelCorona Tracing Apps – Eine Analyse und Strukturierung des europäischen Marktes(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 58, No. 4, 2021) Brendel, Alfred Benedikt; Greve, Maike; Masuch, Kristin; Trang, SimonApps für die Kontaktnachverfolgungen – so genannte Corona Tracing Apps – stellen einen essentiellen Teil der nationalen Strategien zur Bekämpfung des COVID-19 Virus dar. Mithilfe dieser Technologie sollen Infektionsketten effektiver nachvollzogen und schnellstmöglich unterbrochen werden. Corona Tracing Apps lassen sich aus Perspektive der Technik, der Entwicklung und der Funktionalität auf verschiedenste Weise gestalten. Aufgrund der Vielfalt an Möglichkeiten wurden seit dem Beginn der Coronapandemie mehr als 40 verschiede Apps entwickelt und in Europa veröffentlicht. Diese Vielfalt an Technologie wird zum Problem, da die Effektivität von Corona Tracing Apps davon abhängt, wieviel Bürger*innen dieselbe App nutzen. Dieser Beitrag widmet sich der Vielfalt verschiedener App Konfigurationen. Auf Basis einer morphologischen Analyse untersuchen wir, in welchen Aspekten sich die Apps unterscheiden und zeigen anschließend, dass sich diese Apps in zwei Archetypen unterscheiden lassen. So called corona tracing apps are an essential part of national strategies to fight the coronavirus. Contact tracing apps aim to trace infection chains and interrupt them as quickly as possible more effectively. Corona tracing apps can be designed in a variety of ways from a technological, a development, and a functional perspective. Due to the diversity of options, more than 40 different apps have been developed and released in Europe since the beginning of the corona pandemic. This diversity of technology becomes a problem because the effectiveness of corona tracing apps depends on how many citizens use the same app. This paper addresses the diversity of different app configurations. Based on a morphological analysis, we investigate in which aspects the apps differ and then show that these apps can be distinguished into two archetypes.
- TextdokumentDistance Decay Effect and Spatial Interaction during the COVID-19 Pandemic(SKILL 2021, 2021) Wolz, Nicolas; Xu, Manning; Wang, TiantianIn computational communication science, social network data can be used to analyze trends in the communication behavior of people. For this work, a data set containing english Tweets was provided by the University of Technology Ilmenau, which was collected during the begining of the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal was to find hidden patterns within the data to show if and how the pandemic influenced our communication. This paper looks at the Distance Decay Effect, which says that near things are more related to each other than distant things, and therefore communication should get more sparse the greater the distance between users. Modeling the data with a Gravity Model shows that this relationship is true for the data provided, therefore reproducing earlier research on this topic. We were not successful in finding any clear trend showing that the strengh of the Distance Decay Effect changed over the course of the first weeks of the pandamic.
- KonferenzbeitragDon't Catch It! - An Interactive Virtual-Reality Environment to Learn About COVID-19 Measures Using Gamification Elements.(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Tagungsband, 2021) Krauter, Christian; Vogelsang, Jonas; Calepso, Aimée Sousa; Angerbauer, Katrin; Sedlmair, MichaelThe world is still under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though vaccines are deployed as rapidly as possible, it is still necessary to use other measures to reduce the spread of the virus. Measures such as social distancing or wearing a mask receive a lot of criticism. Therefore, we want to demonstrate a serious game to help the players understand these measures better and show them why they are still necessary. The player of the game has to avoid other agents to keep their risk of a COVID-19 infection low. The game uses Virtual Reality through a Head-Mounted-Display to deliver an immersive and enjoyable experience. Gamification elements are used to engage the user with the game while they explore various environments. We also implemented visualizations that help the user with social distancing.
- KonferenzbeitragThe Effect of Wearing a Mask on Face Recognition Performance: an Exploratory Study(BIOSIG 2020 - Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group, 2020) Damer, Naser; Grebe, Jonas Henry; Chen, Cong; Boutros, Fadi; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, ArjanFace recognition has become essential in our daily lives as a convenient and contactless method of accurate identity verification. Process such as identity verification at automatic border control gates or the secure login to electronic devices are increasingly dependant on such technologies. The recent COVID-19 pandemic have increased the value of hygienic and contactless identity verification. However, the pandemic led to the wide use of face masks, essential to keep the pandemic under control. The effect of wearing a mask on face recognition in a collaborative environment is currently sensitive yet understudied issue. We address that by presenting a specifically collected database containing three session, each with three different capture instructions, to simulate realistic use cases.We further study the effect of masked face probes on the behaviour of three top-performing face recognition systems, two academic solutions and one commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) system.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDer Einfluss von IoT-, Big-Data- und Mobile-Health-Lösungen auf die Wertschöpfung in Krankenhäusern: Gap-Analyse und Handlungsempfehlungen(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 58, No. 1, 2021) Neft, Florian; Kappler, Karolin Eva; Smolnik, StefanDeutsche Krankenhäuser sehen sich heutzutage mit Herausforderungen wie der Globalisierung, dem demographischen Wandel, nachhaltiger Entwicklung und den Folgen des Corona-Virus konfrontiert. Um in diesen Zeiten die Versorgungsqualität zu verbessern, profitabel zu wirtschaften und die Resilienz gegenüber diesen allgemeinen und spezifischen Risiken zu erhöhen, ist in Krankenhäusern ein Optimierungsbedarf erkennbar. Daher werden in dieser Arbeit Mängel im Leistungsspektrum deutscher Krankenhäuser untersucht, um darauf aufbauend aktuelle Lösungsansätze zu diskutieren. Die hierfür interviewten Krankenhausleiter erkennen in der Kommunikation, der Reaktionsfähigkeit bei Patientenanstiegen, der Verwaltung sowie der IT-Ausstattung Verbesserungspotenziale. Die Antworten zu den verwendeten IT-Systemen weisen darauf hin, dass die Krankenhäuser bereits diverse Technologien einsetzen, diese allerdings häufig veraltet sind, zu wenige Schnittstellen besitzen und somit die Anforderungen des Personals und der Patienten nicht erfüllen. In der Evaluierung zeigen sich durch die Verwendung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien wie Mobile Health, Big Data und dem Internet of Things langfristig Potenziale, die Leistungs- und Nachhaltigkeitsdefizite zu lösen. Weiterhin tragen sie zur Verbesserung vieler Wertschöpfungsprozesse bei. Auch für andere Technologien wie Robotik, Virtual und Augmented Reality sowie RFID bestehen zahlreiche Nutzungspotenziale. Dennoch bindet die Digitalisierung personelle und finanzielle Mittel, dient aber durch verbesserte Planungsmöglichkeiten der Ressourceneinsparung und somit der Nachhaltigkeit. Globalization, demographic change, sustainable development, and implications of the Corona virus challenge German hospitals today. In order to improve the quality of care, to operate profitably, and to increase resilience to these general and specific risks, hospitals need to optimize. For this reason, we examine deficiencies in the services offered by German hospitals, in order to discuss current solutions. The hospital managers interviewed for this purpose identify potentials for improvement in communication, responsiveness to patient increases, administration, and IT equipment. The responses about the IT systems in use indicate that the hospitals already apply various technologies, but that these are mostly outdated, have too few interfaces, and, thus, do not meet the requirements of staff and patients. The evaluation shows the long-term potential of using information and communication technologies such as Mobile Health, Big Data, and Internet of Things to solve deficits concerning performance and sustainability. They also contribute to the improvement of many value-added processes. Promising application areas also exist for other technologies such as robotics, virtual and augmented reality, and RFID. Nevertheless, digitization ties up human and financial resources, but serves to save resources through improved planning and hence to promote sustainability.
- TextdokumentExplainable Diagnosis of COVID-19 from Chest X-ray Images via CNNs(SKILL 2021, 2021) Arkan, Emre; Beckert, Jan MalteThis work demonstrates how Convolutional Neural Networks ( CNN s) can be used to identify signs of COVID-19 from Chest X-rays (CXR s) and discusses the challenges of deep learning with small datasets. In order to validate the model’s performance, two novel explanation methods LIME and Grad-CAM are explored. Additionally, they serve to further increase users’ confidence in specific classifications. Since the explanation results revealed model biases, additional preprocessing mechanisms were explored: A U-Net-based lung segmenter is introduced to the preprocessing pipeline, which masks all non-lung parts of the CXRs images. Subsequently, the segmentation and non-segmentation results were evaluated with regard to both their performance metrics and interpreted explanation results.
- ZeitschriftenartikelEin integriertes Konzept für nachhaltige hybride Arbeit – Erkenntnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen aus einem Transformationsprojekt(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 59, No. 4, 2022) Kreuzer, Thomas; Lanzl, Julia; Römmelt, Jörg; Schoch, Manfred; Wenninger, SimonGroße gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen wie die COVID-19-Pandemie und der globale Klimawandel haben die Art und Weise wie Menschen zusammenarbeiten und über Arbeit nachdenken für immer verändert. Aber was bedeutet das konkret für Organisationen? Genau diese Frage wird in diesem Artikel anhand einer Fallstudie über das Transformationsprojekt eines deutschen Forschungsinstituts hin zu nachhaltiger hybrider Arbeit untersucht. Der analysierte Fall ist besonders interessant, weil sich das Forschungsinstitut zusätzlich der Herausforderung eines anstehenden Umzugs noch während der COVID-19-Pandemie gegenübersah. Der Artikel zielt darauf ab, Erfahrungen und Handlungsempfehlungen für eine adäquate Gestaltung der Rahmenbedingungen für nachhaltige hybride Arbeit in allen Phasen der Transformation darzustellen. Erstens wird ein konkretes New-Work-Konzept entlang mehrerer Dimensionen für nachhaltige hybride Arbeit präsentiert, das durch Erkenntnisse in der Literatur und durch Erfahrungen aus deren praktischer Anwendung entwickelt wurde. Zweitens werden Einblicke in die Umsetzung gegeben, dabei das Zusammenspiel mehrerer interdisziplinärer Teams aufgezeigt und Good Practices auf dem Weg zu nachhaltiger hybrider Arbeit abgeleitet. Der Beitrag hebt sich von bisherigen Erkenntnissen ab, da er hybride Arbeit und Nachhaltigkeit vereint und Wege der integrierten, interdisziplinären Umsetzung aufzeigt. So geben unsere Ergebnisse anderen New-Work-Forschenden Grundlage und Struktur, um das Konzept nachhaltige hybride Arbeit und der Entwicklung und Messung ihrer Erfolgsfaktoren tiefergehend zu untersuchen. Praktiker können das Konzept und die Good Practices als Blaupause für die eigene Transformation hin zu nachhaltiger hybrider Arbeit verwenden und davon ausgehend organisationsindividuelle Anpassungen vornehmen. Major societal challenges like the COVID 19 pandemic and global climate change have forever altered the way people work together and think about work. But what does this mean for organizations? This article explores this through a case study of a German research institute’s transformation project towards sustainable hybrid work. The case at hand is particularly interesting as the research institute faced the additional challenge of a pending move during the COVID 19 pandemic. The article aims to present experiences and recommendations for action for an adequate design of sustainable hybrid work in all phases of the transformation. First, it presents a concrete New Work concept along several dimensions for sustainable hybrid work, which has been developed drawing from literature and practical experiences. Second, this article provides insights into the implementation, showing the collaboration of several interdisciplinary teams and deriving good practices on the way towards sustainable hybrid work. This article complements previous findings by combining hybrid work and sustainability and showing ways of integrated, interdisciplinary implementation. Thus, our findings provide a basis and structure for other researchers to explore the concept of sustainable hybrid work and the development and measurement of its success factors in more depth. Practitioners can use the concept and the good practices as a blueprint for their own transformation towards sustainable hybrid work and decide on corresponding organizational adaptations.