Auflistung nach Schlagwort "Computer Science"
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- Conference paperBeyond Realism: Rethinking Presence in Virtual Environments for Abstract Concept Learning(Proceedings of DELFI 2024, 2024) Baberowski, David; Leonhardt, Thiemo; Lilienthal, Lanea; Bergner, NadinePresence, as the feeling of actually being in a virtual place, is an important metric for VR learning applications due to its positive impact on learning. In the literature, the level of immersion a system can provide is assumed to be the main factor influencing presence. This paper investigates this assumption for virtual environments in abstract learning contexts that are not based on reality. This is done by building a physical replica of a VR learning game and comparing both in terms of learning outcomes and presence. The study shows that subjects do not have a consistent view of what can be described as real in abstract contexts, suggesting that the distinction between reality-based virtual environments and those in abstract contexts is important in terms of presence.
- ZeitschriftenartikelInformationstheorie, Fuzzy Sets und Informatik aus wissenschaftshistorischer Perspektive(HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik: Vol. 55, No. 3, 2018) Seising, RudolfDer Beitrag schildert und interpretiert einige Ereignisse aus der Entwicklungsgeschichte der von Claude E. Shannon „Mathematische Theorie der Kommunikation“ genannten Informationstheorie, die zeitgleich auch von Norbert Wiener entwickelt wurde, sowie der Informatik (Computer Science) als eine in den 1950er- und 1960er-Jahren entstehende neue Universitätsdisziplin und der von Lotfi A. Zadeh 1965 eingeführten mathematischen Theorie der Fuzzy Sets als wegweisende historische Prozesse, die im „Digital Turn“ mündeten. Shannon, Wiener, aber auch Warren Weaver und etwas später Zadeh wiesen auf folgendes „Fundamentalproblem der Kommunikation“ hin: Möglicherweise wird die gesendete Nachricht nicht als exakte Kopie empfangen. Dieses Problem fungierte als eine der „Wurzeln“, die zur Begründung der Fuzzy Set Theorie führten. Die Entstehung dieser mathematischen Theorie ging zeitlich mit der Ausdifferenzierung des Fachs Informatik (Computer Sciences) aus der Elektrotechnik (Electrical Engineeering) einher und auch diese Entwicklung wurde von Zadeh aktiv mitgestaltet. Insbesondere interpretierte Zadeh wissenschaftliche Disziplinen am Beispiel der Elektrotechnik und der Informatik als Fuzzy Sets, deren Fachgebiete er nicht als scharf voneinander abgrenzbare sondern als unscharfe Teilbereiche ansah. This paper shows and interprets some events of the historical development of Information theory that was named “Mathematical theory of communication” by Claude E. Shannon and which was simultaneously developed also by Norbert Wiener. The second historical development in this paper is Computer Sciences which arose as a new university discipline in the 1950s and 1960s. The third historical development that interests in this paper is Lotfi A. Zadeh’s mathematical theory of Fuzzy Sets. All three processes formed the path to the “digital turn”. Shannon, Wiener, but also Warren Weaver and some time later Zadeh referred to the “fundamental problem of communication”: Possibly, the sended message will not be received as an exact copy. This problem functioned as one of the “roots”, which led to the foundation of the theory of Fuzzy Sets. The genesis of this mathematical theory was attended by the differentiation of the subject Computer Sciences from Electrical Engineering and Lotfi Zadeh was actively involved also in this development. Particularly, Zadeh interpreted scientific disciplines using the examples Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences as fuzzy sets and their subjects not as usual elements but objects with a membership value between 0 and 1.
- TextdokumentIT-REX --- A Vision for a Gamified e-Learning Platform for the First Semesters of Computer Science Courses(Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen (SEUH 2022), 2022) Speth, Sandro; Becker, Steffen; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Fuchs, Philipp; Meißner, Niklas; Riesch, Anna; Wetzel, DanielDigital learning is becoming increasingly important, especially in situations when students cannot attend presence lectures as we experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, while there are platforms that support generic learning concepts such as multiple-choice questions, we believe that the first semesters of computer science courses can benefit from tailored learning platforms that support IT-specific learning. For example, programming tasks that are automatically checked for correctness. Moreover, in times when students cannot meet each other, self-organization and motivation quickly become severe problems. Therefore, this paper presents a vision for a gamified e-Learning platform specialized for the first semesters of computer science courses.
- ZeitschriftenartikelTensions in specifying computing curricula for K-12: Towards a principled approach for objectives(it - Information Technology: Vol. 60, No. 2, 2018) Webb, Mary E.; Bell, Tim; Davis, Niki; Katz, Yaacov J.; Fluck, Andrew; Sysło, Maciej M.; Kalaš, Ivan; Cox, Margaret; Angeli, Charoula; Malyn-Smith, Joyce; Brinda, Torsten; Micheuz, Peter; Brodnik, AndrejIn this article we examine key issues and tensions for developing and specifying Computing-related elements of curricula design, particularly the role of Computer Science in the curriculum. The article is based on a series of discussions and analyses of curriculum design across various countries with different approaches and traditions of Computing in the curriculum.
- ZeitschriftenartikelWirtschaftsinformatik und Ethik – Komplementarität oder Konkurrenz?(Informatik-Spektrum: Vol. 22, No. 3, 1999) Fehling, Georg; Jahnke, BerndVorliegender Beitrag diskutiert die Beziehung zwischen Wirtschaftsinformatik und Ethik. Dabei wird probeweise eine konstruktivistische Ausgangsposition bezogen. Nach der Erörterung der wichtigsten theoretischen Grundlagen erfolgt die Entfaltung des Themas anhand einiger Felder, in welchen Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Ethik in der Handhabung der Probleme eng aufeinander verwiesen sind. Die Ausführungen verstehen sich als Sondierungen auf ungewissem Terrain.Summary The essay in hand discusses the relation between business information systems and ethics. To explore this uncertain area, we choose constructivist thinking as a starting-point. After dealing with the underlying theoretical presumptions we develop our subject by discussing four topics, in which Computer Science, Business Information Systems, Management Sciences and Ethics are intertwined. The considerations are to be understood as first steps on an uncertain area.