Auflistung nach Schlagwort "technology acceptance"
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- KonferenzbeitragEinflussfaktoren für die Akzeptanz von digitalen Werkzeugen in den Geisteswissenschaften(Mensch und Computer 2020 - Tagungsband, 2020) Simon, Tobias; Pagel, Sven; Korflesch, Harald F. O. vonIm Rahmen des User Centered Design Prozesses setzt sich die UX-Forschung immer wieder mit neuen Anwendungsfeldern und Nutzergruppen auseinander. Gerade im beruflichen Kontext stellt man sich in der Praxis oft die Frage warum es bestimmten Nutzergruppen besonders schwer fällt digitale Werkzeuge in ihren Arbeitsalltag zu integrieren? Dieser Frage widmet sich die vorliegende Arbeit, indem sie eine Akzeptanzfaktorenanalyse, in Anlehnung an das Technology Accepance Model, für die Zielgruppe der häufig noch wenig digital arbeitenden GeisteswissenschaftlerInnen, durchführt. In den Geisteswissenschaften werden zwar digitale Werkzeuge zur Unterstützung der Forschungsarbeit eingesetzt, jedoch ist die Nutzungsakzeptanz digitaler Werkzeuge, trotz des mittlerweile umfangreichen Angebots, relativ gering beziehungsweise bleibt hinter den Erwartungen zurück. Hierbei wäre es zu einfach fehlendes Interesse oder Technologiefeindlichkeit von GeisteswissenschaftlerInnen für die geringen Nutzungszahlen verantwortlich zu machen. Es stellt sich demnach die Frage nach den Ursachen für die fehlende Nutzungsakzeptanz und wie dieser entgegengewirkt werden kann. Diese Fragestellung fällt in die Schnittmenge der beiden Fachdisziplinen Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) und Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zur Beantwortung dieser Frage, indem sie die Einflussfaktoren der Nutzungsakzeptanz empirisch ermittelt. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Studie wurden GeisteswissenschaftlerInnen im Rahmen von Workshops mit mehreren digitalen Werkzeugen vertraut gemacht und im Anschluss hierzu befragt. Aus den so erhobenen Daten wurde mit Hilfe des PLS-SEM-Verfahrens ein Modell für die Nutzungsakzeptanz entwickelt. Als wichtigste Faktoren stellen sich für diese Zielgruppe die wahrgenommene Nützlichkeit, beeinflussbar durch das soziale Umfeld und die Output Qualität des Werkzeugs, sowie die wahrgenommene Einfachheit der Bedienung, beeinflussbar durch positive Nutzungserfahrungen, heraus.
- KonferenzbeitragThe Impact of Explanation Detail in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems: User Experience, Acceptance, and Age-related Effects(Mensch und Computer 2023 - Tagungsband, 2023) Hermann, Julia; Nierobisch, Niels; Arndt, Robin; Kubullek, Ann-Kathrin; van Ledden, Sebastian; Dogangün, AysegülUser understanding and confidence are critical in the context of advanced intelligent driver assistance systems (ADAS) to ensure the desired response and prevent manual countersteering during automated maneuvers. However, the interventions of advanced ADAS can sometimes be unexpected and disruptive to drivers, especially when the reasons are unclear. In our study, we investigated the effects of differently presented explanations provided by a driver assistance system. We presented participants with three scenarios from the driver’s perspective and created two videos for each scenario with explanations of varying detail. Participants were asked to answer two questionnaires following each video. The results show that more detailed explanations generally lead to a better user experience and higher confidence in the system’s performance. We also discuss the possible influence of age and technology acceptance in our article.
- TextdokumentImplementation Strategies for Enterprise Social Networks(Digital Enterprise Computing (DEC 2017), 2017) Stei, Gerald; Rossmann, AlexanderIn recent times, enterprises have been increasingly dealing with the use of social media in internal communication and collaboration. In particular, so-called Enterprise Social Networks (ESN), promise meaningful benefits for the nature of work in corporations. However, these plat-forms often suffer from poor degrees of use. This raises the question of what initiatives enterprise can launch in order to stimulate the vitality of ESN. Since the use of ESN is often voluntary, individual adoption by employees need to be examined to find an answer. Therefore, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model was selected for the theoretical foundation of this paper. Following a qualitative research approach, the available research provides an analysis of expert interviews on specific ESN implementation strategies and included factors. In order to extensively conceptualize and generalize these strategic considerations, we conducted an inductive coding process. The results reveal that ESN implementation strategies can be understood as a multi-level construct (individual vs. group vs. organizational level) containing different factors dependent on the degree of documentation and intensity. This research in progress describes a qualitative evaluation as a preliminary study for further quantitative analysis of an ESN adoption model.
- WorkshopbeitragAn interface for increasing users’ understanding of smart home systems using gamification(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Lakbir, Mohamed; Akyildiz, Serkan; Gupta, Pulkit; Afola, Marlyse; Sieger, Leonie NoraSmart home systems are becoming more and more popular as the technologies become more sophisticated and efficient. Despite this interest and popularity, the use and acceptance of smart home systems are still low. This is due to factors such as lack of understanding of how smart home systems work, as well as concerns about privacy and data protection. We created a concept of a smart home interface that is supposed to increase understanding of the functioning and data management of the system through gamification. Interviews were conducted with possible users, who were questioned about their experiences with and opinions about certain aspects of smart home systems, to further investigate the factors that impact acceptance. After that, the subjects were presented our concept, which is supposed to solve these barriers. Results show that most participants worry about a lack of transparency of data usage in a smart home but have mostly positive feelings about our concept. We conclude that our gamification approach has the potential to make people more aware of how personal data works and how it is handled.
- KonferenzbeitragNon-behavioral variables on the acceptance of AI-based camera systems(44. GIL - Jahrestagung, Biodiversität fördern durch digitale Landwirtschaft, 2024) Alexander Kühnemund, Guido ReckeThis study investigated the contextual factors for the acceptance of AI camera technologies. For this purpose, 185 pig farmers were interviewed in an online survey. The regression model investigated whether technology acceptance is influenced by the variables age, education, region, digitalization experience, and farm size. The statistical analysis showed that a higher perceived level of digitalization on the farm and the geographical location of the farm are predictors of technology acceptance. This shows that acceptance, and thus adoption, is determined by factors other than behavioral ones.
- WorkshopbeitragPerceptions of Police Technology Use and Attitudes Towards the Police - A Representative Survey of the German Population(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Haunschild, Jasmin; Reuter, ChristianMany Germans perceive a brutalization of society, and state officials also report feeling under attack. At the same time, policing is criticised for becoming increasingly militarised and for having extended surveillance in the course of fighting terrorism. Advancements in HCI are used in the context of many of the issues that policing is facing. In this study, we conduct a representative survey of the German population to investigate personal experiences with and attitudes towards the police and information and communication technologies (ICT) used for policing. We find an overall positive image of the police and uncritical attitudes towards ICT used for general surveillance (body-worn cameras, video surveillance, face recognition) and slightly more critical attitudes towards personal surveillance (e.g. through communication data retention). The study indicates that perceptions differ according to experience of unfair treatment by the police, while other factors such as age and education have similar effects.
- KonferenzbeitragPlaying in virtual nature: improving mood of elderly people using VR technology(Mensch und Computer 2020 - Tagungsband, 2020) Graf, Linda; Liszio, Stefan; Masuch, MaicAge-related physical, mental, and social limitations can severely reduce the quality of life of elderly people. Research has shown that virtual reality (VR) can provide stimulating experiences, elicit positive emotions, and provoke relaxation. In this paper, we present an approach that integrates cognitive stimulating tasks, playful elements and virtual natural environments in one VR app tailored for elderly people. We developed a virtual walk in the forest where the players can solve cognitive tasks in two mini-games. To support a feeling of social presence and to reduce loneliness, we integrated a virtual dog as a companion who accompanies the players. We conducted an evaluation with 14 participants aged 66 to 84 years. The results show a change of positive and negative affect scores after using the VR experience. That supports our assumption, even though the differences were not significant. The participants enjoyed the VR app and were especially impressed by the experience of presence. Despite their inexperience in using VR technology, the participants behaved naturally and were interested in using the technology again. Our results support the assumption that elderly people can benefit from VR games in their everyday lives.
- KonferenzbeitragTime to Get Conversational: Assessment of the Potential of Conversational User Interfaces for Mobile Banking(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Tagungsband, 2021) Fahn, Vanessa; Riener, AndreasConversational user interfaces have recently gained in popularity, for example in chatbot systems for customer service or as intelligent assistants on Smartphones or other IoT devices. However, conversational banking interfaces have also found their way into the mobile banking sector and allow banks to offer their customers a cost-effective and personalized solution to perform financial services via natural language. Conversational interfaces, in particular for mobile banking applications, are very sensitive to user acceptance and trust. Also, user experience and the perceived security influence their adoption significantly. To explore the influence of these dimensions we have implemented three prototypes for conversational banking and evaluated them in a user study with n=18 subjects concerning the factors mentioned above. Although the results suggest no significant differences between the prototypes, we can draw design implications for conversational interfaces for mobile banking from the collected quantitative and qualitative data.
- ZeitschriftenartikelTrust in Automated Vehicles(i-com: Vol. 17, No. 1, 2018) Mirnig, Alexander G.; Trösterer, Sandra; Meschtscherjakov, Alexander; Gärtner, Magdalena; Tscheligi, ManfredIncreasing degrees of automation in on-road vehicles bear great potential for heightened driver safety and traffic efficiency in both the near and far future. The more the driver delegates control to the vehicle, the more salient the issue of trust in automated technology becomes. Misaligned trust can lead to mishandling of automation controls in individual instances and decreases the general acceptance of on-road automation on a broader scale. In this paper, we apply insights from trust research for dynamic web service interaction to the novel automated driving domain, in order to scope the problem space regarding trust in automated vehicles. We conclude that the appropriate communication of trustworthiness, the necessity to calibrate trust, the importance of intervention capabilities by the driver, and the unambiguous transparency of locus of control are all important aspects when in comes to understanding trust in automated vehicles.