Auflistung Environmental Informatics 2006 nach Titel
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- KonferenzbeitragA Data Mining Tool for the Analysis of Epidemiological Data(Managing Environmental Knowledge, 2006) Vlachogiannis, Diamando; Sfetsos, AthanasiosThe present paper introduces an integrated approach based on statistical analysis coupled with data mining to analyse epidemiological data. Initially, the statistical properties of the data are analysed. The causality of the exogenous variables (e.g. meteorological and air quality) on the epidemiological data through the Granger causality test is estimated in an attempt to identify those variables that explain major variations. Those variables that are estimated as important are subsequently binned into a finite number of categories as a pre-processing step for the data mining algorithm. The epidemiological and meteorological data are grouped into 5 categories, were as for the air quality parameters the Air Quality Index introduced by U.S. EPA is utilised. Then an algorithm to estimate association rules from the categorised data is developed and applied. The outcomes of the analysis are patterns that relate meteorological and air quality characteristics to specific epidemiological conditions and appear systematically on the examined data set. The application of the developed methodology is performed using data from two major U.S. cities, namely Los Angeles and Pittsburgh.
- KonferenzbeitragA GIS-based Model for the Assessment of Energy and Environmental Contributions of Distributed Energy Systems(Managing Environmental Knowledge, 2006) Mori, Shunsuke; Ito, Junichi; Ishida, Takeshi; Morimoto, ShinichiroCogeneration systems (CGS) and District Heating Systems (DHC) are often expected to contribute to the energy conservation and CO2 emission reduction in the commercial and residential buildings. However, since the contribution strongly depends on the regional conditions as well as the energy demand patterns, existing assessments have mainly dealt with the certain building or a district. In this paper, to evaluate the potential reduction of CGS and DHC more generally, we develop a GIS based energy system assessment model. We pick up seven regions of Utsunomiya-city which locates near Tokyo and has 450 thousand inhabitants, as a typical mid-size city of Japan. Applying GIS, we evaluate detailed energy demand statistics, which are then transferred to the energy flow model taking into account the properties of the energy equipments. The outputs of the model are then applied to estimate the potential contribution of the distributed energy systems to the whole Utsunomiya city.
- KonferenzbeitragA GIS-based Water Supply Information System for an Urban Area(Managing Environmental Knowledge, 2006) Dikshit, Anil Kumar; Krishnarao, P.V.A Water Supply Information System (WatSIS) has been developed for the sector 9 of Bidanasi area of Cuttack city in India using street layout, water distribution, house information and valve positions maps for the study area. WatSIS aims at serving as a decision support system for the water works management for maintaining the records of leaks and repairs undertaken; generating contracts; developing work schedules for crews; developing pipe replacement programmes; fixing water charge; automatic billing of water charges; carrying out risk assessment due to main break; providing enhanced customer services etc. A few capabilities of the system have been demonstrated with the help of examples.
- KonferenzbeitragA Modelling and Simulation Environment for Real-time Pricing Scenarios in Energy Markets(Managing Environmental Knowledge, 2006) Sonnenschein, Michael; Stadler, Michael; Rapp, Barbara; Bremer, Jörg; Brunhorn, StefanWe describe an agent-based simulation tool for examining the impact of real-time pricing methods upon the power consumption of domestic users (households). The main entities within the model are electricity suppliers and electricity consumers scheduling their demand according to real-time prices for electricity. The main aspect of the modelling and simulation tool consists in very flexible methods to calculate tariffs and in detailed methods for describing the behaviour of electricity consumers communicating with their electricity supplier.
- KonferenzbeitragAlarm Reporting in River Information System(Managing Environmental Knowledge, 2006) Bec, Sonja; Pecar-Ilic, Jadranka; Skocir, ZoranThis paper gives a description of the most significant parts of the development of the Alarm Reporting Subsystem of the River Information System (River IS). River IS will provide efficient waterway related data management at national level for the Croatian part of the Danube River. Our research in that area dates from the year 2000, and since 2003 is carried out within the CROatian River Information Services (CRORIS) project. In this paper, first the main functionalities of River IS are outlined, and then the alarm reporting process is described in detail. We were interested in alarms and regular status checks from buoys and floats positioned along the river and regular status checks of displays from the bridges. Provision of measurement data from the floats as well as water level data along the river was also required. For modeling of the requirements the UML Use Case diagram was used and based on it and the characteristics of chosen SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) and Web technologies the Class diagram representing the Static Structure was developed. Along with the description of the diagrams, especially the characteristics of the alarming and SVG technologies were discussed. In the end, an example of the map interface with explained access to reports is shown.
- KonferenzbeitragApplication of a GIS-based Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment in a Participatory Process(Managing Environmental Knowledge, 2006) Berkhoff, Karin
- KonferenzbeitragAutomatic Identification of Heavily Modified Water Bodies Using Digital Topographic and Land Cover Data(Managing Environmental Knowledge, 2006) Lange, Peter; Greve, KlausThis paper describes the development of a screening system for automatic detection of heavily modified water bodies, as part of the European Union Water Framework implementation process. The input Data consists of digital river geometry and land use data. The algorithm assigns a fuzzy membership to the class of heavily modified water bodies, based on the geometry of a river and the class of land use on both sides of the river bed. A comparison of the results with the German river habitat assessment shows a high consistency between the screening method described in this paper and the much more detailed river habitat assessment.
- KonferenzbeitragCatalogue Services Enabling Syntactical and Semantic Interoperability in Environmental Risk Management Architectures(Managing Environmental Knowledge, 2006) Hilbring, Desiree; Usländer, ThomasThis paper is discussing the role of generic catalogue services for environmental risk management architectures based on a two-step architectural approach of the European Integrated Project ORCHESTRA ( ORCHESTRA is defining an Open Architecture and Spatial Data Infrastructure for Risk Management based on and extending the relevant ISO, Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and W3C Standards. Two important topics are examined: 1) the functional requirements for a catalogue in a service-oriented architecture including possibilities for semantic discovery and query, and 2) the role of current well-known standards like UDDI or the OGC Catalogue Specification. Both of these standards have to be supported to gain acceptance in the respective markets. However, they also comprise constraints and lead to additional requirements for generic catalogue services. As a result, the ORCHESTRA solution approach for a generic abstract specification of a catalogue service is presented. The paper concludes with an outlook that the abstract catalogue service specification will be mapped to several catalogue service implementations based on W3C Web Services and including concepts of the Semantic Web that will be demonstrated in multi-national risk management pilots of the ORCHESTRA project.
- KonferenzbeitragCO2 Assessment Tool for Communities(Managing Environmental Knowledge, 2006) Bußwald, Petra; Niederl, Franz; Lunzer, Horst; Mehl, WolfgangThe “CO2 Grobbilanz” (communal registers of CO2 emissions) described by this paper is an assessment tool for environmental policy and decision makers in municipalities. The development of the tool was initiated by Klimabündnis Österreich (climate alliance Austria)3 to support member communities in their activities for climate protection. As a first step the tool offers easy CO2 assessment by a large number of integrated statistical data in combination with only few input of the municipality user. Possibilities to adapt the statistical data to the local settings (if known) allow for more precise calculation. Display of all the data shows the influencing factors of a community’s CO2 emissions and thereby fulfils educational purposes. In the future the tool is meant to function as a monitoring and steering tool for CO2 reduction policies.
- KonferenzbeitragCO2 Monitoring in the Context of an Energy Data System ATPEDS(Managing Environmental Knowledge, 2006) Ruzicka, Ronald; Schmidt-Kluth, Thomas-MichaelNearly ten years ago the process for the efforts of reducing the carbon dioxide (CO2) amount in the air started. Finally a cap and trade system was installed, which obligates plants and factories, emitting CO2, to use certificates corresponding to their emission rates. Therefore in 2003 Verbund Austrian Thermal Power ordered an energy data system, which had to handle all kinds of data around a power plant, especially the emissions and certificates. The system, based on Oracle’s application server and data base, has been implemented by Simutech. It has to deal with different data sources and sinks. Special attention is paid to security and safety of measurement values, leading to strict rules for the access, change journaling and the value correctness. A formula module and different graphical, e.g. online displays support the evaluation of now more than five thousand parameters, among which the emission and certificate computation is one of the most important one.