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P063 - ISTA 2005 - Information Systems Technolopgy and its Applications

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  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Using XML to support media types
    (Information systems technology and its applications, ISTA' 2005, 2005) Kirchberg, Markus; Schewe, Klaus-Dieter; Tretiakov, Alexei
    The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) has drawn significant attention in research and practice of databases and web-based information systems. At the same time, lots of work has been investigated in conceptual modelling for web-based information systems which is at most loosely coupled with XML. One such research direction has led to the theory of media types, which has proven itself to be useful for the design and development of large and maintainable web-based information systems. The research reported in this article investigates how XML and the theory of media types could be brought together, i.e. how XML could be used to support media types. It turns out that some of the striking features of media types are not yet well supported by XML. Therefore, severals extensions to XML such as subelements, update operations, schema updates, views, media elements and adaptivity will be suggested in this article in order to close this gap.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Travel recommendations in a mobile tourist information system
    (Information systems technology and its applications, ISTA' 2005, 2005) Hinze, Annika; Junmanee, Saijai
    An advanced mobile tourist information system delivers information about sights and events on a tourists travel route. The system should be personalized in its interaction with the tourist. Data that can be used for personalization are: the tourists interest profile, an analysis of their travel history, and the tourists feedback about sights. Existing mobile information systems for tourists do not tailor their information delivery to the tourists interests. In this paper, we propose the use of personalised recommendations that consider all of the personal information a tourist provides. We adopt and modify techniques from recommender systems to the new application area of mobile tourist information. We propose a number of methods for personalised recommendations; and select a subset of these for implementation. This paper then presents the implemented recommender component of our TIP system for mobile tourist information.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Tool supported extraction of behavior models
    (Information systems technology and its applications, ISTA' 2005, 2005) Kop, Christian; Vöhringer, Jürgen; Hölbling, Martin; Horn, Thomas; Mayr, Heinrich C.; Irrasch, Christian
    Information system projects often suffer from incomplete or inadequate requirements specifications. In our opinion, which is supported by practical experience, these problems result from the fact that the models usually applied for requirements analysis are to abstract as to be easily understood and validated by the business owners, i.e. the end users. In addition to that, validation is often hampered by the fact that traditional modeling approaches do not relate the particular model elements to their corresponding requirements sources. We, therefore, propose an approach that uses a lean and thus more transparent requirements model, which is intermediate in the sense that it has to be mapped, after validation, to one of the traditional conceptual models. Clearly introducing such an additional step into the information system development process induces increased effort which has to be reduced by appropriate tool support. This paper concentrates on specific aspects and tool support for extracting behavior models out of requirements texts.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Enhancing user experience for networked multimedia systems
    (Information systems technology and its applications, ISTA' 2005, 2005) Georgievski, Mladen; Sharda, Nalin
    As networked multimedia systems have evolved over the recent years, sophisticated multimedia applications have emerged. Through this, a revolution in the transmission of multimedia information over wired and wireless communication technologies has transpired. Society is now becoming more dependent on such technologies, and these are used in almost every aspect of our daily lives, including: communications, entertainment, education, marketing, research, health and medicine. To provide the user with effective experience in using these networked multimedia applications, it is imperative that optimum Quality of Service (QoS) is delivered. This requires innovative solutions for QoS management. These solutions need to employ better Human Computer Interaction (HCI) techniques and bridge the current gap between the user requirements and the system functionality. In our research, we have developed a Three Layer Quality of Service (TRAQS) model and defined a framework for QoS management of networked multimedia systems. A novel interface called the Quality Cost and Temporal Triangle (QCTT) has been implemented to provide the user with the ability to control the QoS in real-time. Furthermore, we have conducted a usability study in the application of the QCTT model for specifying and managing QoS. This paper articulates the need for developing novel QoS management models; presents the results of usability study carried out on one such model, i.e. the Quality Cost and Temporal Triangle; and discusses the benefits that can flow towards more effective deployment of networked multimedia applications.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Designing distributed data warehouses and OLAP systems
    (Information systems technology and its applications, ISTA' 2005, 2005) Zhao, Jane
    On-line analytical processing (OLAP) systems deal with analytical tasks in businesses. As these tasks do not depend on the latest updates by transactions, it is assumed that the data used in OLAP systems are kept in a data warehouse, which separates the input coming from operational databases from the output going to dialogue interfaces for OLAP. In this article we present a 3-tier architecture for data warehouses and OLAP systems capturing the fundamental requirement of separating input from operational databases from output to OLAP systems. On this basis we start developing refinement rules to enable step-wise refinement for such systems, which includes pragmatic guidelines for the application of such rules.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    A lightweight agent system for collaborative learning support
    (Information systems technology and its applications, ISTA' 2005, 2005) Doroshenko, Anatoliy; Kushko, Taras; Vonog, Stanislav; Zhereb, Konstantin
    Collaboration and interaction features to support real time activities have become an important feature of many practices and education but often can not be used because expensive equipment and sophisticated software are unavailable in standard classroom environments. We propose an approach to achieve collaboration and interaction effects in relatively simple and inexpensive way by development of lightweight agent platform supporting collaborative learning applications called Inspirational Classroom Environment (ICE). The system is written in C# and uses Microsoft .NET platform and ConferenceXP product as the basis for the development of real time collaborative applications and rich multimedia content. A case study is carried out to use the ICE system in learning children by means of collaborative drawing, animations and personal tutor agents.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    On the test-driven development and validation of business rules
    (Information systems technology and its applications, ISTA' 2005, 2005) Dietrich, Jens; Paschke, Adrian
    In recent years we have seen the rise of a new type of software called business rule management systems (BRMS). These are systems to externalize business rules and to provide a facility for centralized business rule management. This addresses an urgent need businesses do have nowadays: to change their business rules in order to adapt to a rapidly business environment, and to overcome the restricting nature of slow IT change cycles. Early manifestations of business rule engines which have their roots in the realm of artificial intelligence and inference systems were complex, expensive to run and maintain and not very business-user friendly. Improved technology providing enhanced usability, scalability and performance, as well as less costly maintenance and better understanding of the underlying inference systems makes the current generation of business rule engines (BRE) and rules technology more usable. However, there are a number of risks and difficulties that have to be taken into account when employing a BRMS. Another recent trend that tries to address the same problem of slow IT change cycles is agile software engineering, in particular test driven development. In this paper, we investigate how BRMSs can be used in conjunction with test driven development. The result is an approach that facilitates the authoring of business rules significantly and safeguards it by providing means for automated validation and verification.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    An approach to knowledge-based data handling in complex process
    (Information systems technology and its applications, ISTA' 2005, 2005) Gamzayev, R.; Kuklenko, D.; Tkachuk, M.
    This paper presents an approach for knowledge-based data handling in complex Process Control Systems (PCS). Special attention is paid to the specific situations taking place in the technical processes, which run under control of such PCSs. To describe those specific situations we use the concept of Active Rule (AcR). The considered PCSs operate in the real-time mode. Because of this, handling a big number of active rules may cause violations of some real-time constraints. We propose an approach of Association Rules (AsR) in order to eliminate those problems. The collection of AsR is mined from the data describing the specific situations of processes. Those data are collected in PCS as a result of executing appropriate AcR. We elaborate a collection of modification patterns for simplifying the structure of existing AcR, and the general scheme for the interaction between AcR and AsR. The results presented in the paper are based on real-life projects that we performed in the domain of Web-based PCSs for Ukrainian gas-and-oil production enterprises.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    On the impact of document representation on classifier performance in e-mail categorization
    (Information systems technology and its applications, ISTA' 2005, 2005) Berger, Helmut; Köhle, Monika; Merkl, Dieter
    This paper provides an analysis of multi-class e-mail categorization performance. In order to investigate this issue, the quality of various classification algorithms based on two distinct document representation formalisms is compared. In particular, both a standard word-based document representation as well as a character n-gram document representation is used. The latter is regarded as highly noise-tolerant and was originally proposed for automatic language identification and as a convenient means for producing compact document indices. Furthermore the impact of using available e-mail specific meta-information on classification performance is explored and the findings are presented.