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P352 - INFORMATIK 2024 - Lock in or log out? Wie digitale Souveränität gelingt

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  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Maschinelle Bilderkennung von Phänophasen bei Pflanzen
    (INFORMATIK 2024, 2024) Seegert, Tim; Schulze, Paul; Fuchs-Kittowski, Frank
    Die Phänologie von Pflanzen steht im direkten Zusammenhang mit klimatischen Bedingungen in Ökosystemen und kann helfen, die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels zu erkennen. Es besteht ein Bedarf an der Entwicklung von automatischen Methoden zur Erkennung von Phänophasen, um diese mittels Crowdsourcing erheben zu können. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, ein ML-Modell zu entwickeln, das in eine mobile Anwendung integriert werden kann, um phänologische Phasen automatisch zu erkennen. Hierfür wurden Anforderungen an phänologisches Bildmaterial definiert und verschiedene Bilddatenbanken als Datengrundlage untersucht. Drei verschiedene CNN-Modelle wurden für die Pflanzen Mais und Soja erstellt, die vier verschiedene phänologische Phasen eines Feldes unterscheiden können. Die entwickelten Modelle erreichten bei den Metriken „recall“, „precision“, „accuracy“ jeweils mindestens 90 % für Soja und Mais. Ein stichprobenhafter Test mit Nahaufnahmen führte zu falschen Klassifikationen. Mittels TensorFlow Lite konnte das Modell in mobile Anwendungen integriert werden. Für eine praktische Nutzung sind weitere Bilder von phänologischen Phasen (insbesondere Nahaufnahmen) zu berücksichtigen.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Autonomous mobile robot search strategy for automated compressed air leakage detection
    (INFORMATIK 2024, 2024) Richard, Philipp; Dudhagara, Satyam Uttamkumar; Kunz, Leonhard; Plociennik, Christiane; Ruskowski, Martin
    Compressed air is an important work medium for transfer of energy in many industrial processes. The inefficient physical processes used to produce it make compressed air one of the most expensive energy sources in supply systems. Even small leakages can over time result in high energy losses and costs if not detected and fixed timely. In addition, finding leakages in such systems is very time-consuming and expensive as the whole network of pipes must be examined to localize defects. This paper presents the concept of a targeted detection approach for effectively detecting and locating Compressed Air Leakages semi-autonomously through the usage of an Autonomous Mobile Robot as a mobile sensor. It describes how the detection process in an unknown environment can be rapidly accelerated by constraining the search space for the detection of leakages. The process utilizes expert knowledge, object detection and scene interpretation techniques to constrain the search space. The results obtained are integrated into an existing map of the environment and enable targeted repair actions. The evaluation includes an analysis of the individual phases of the approach, proposes further evaluation scenarios, and compares the efficiency of the approach with conventional manual leakage detection.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Bridging Generations: Exploring Virtual Reality Tourism and Universal Design in an Intergenerational Civic Centre. A quest for a fit in the realms of technology
    (INFORMATIK 2024, 2024) Botrous, Mirametta; Elkhalifa, Akram A.
    In 2018, an architectural graduation thesis titled, 'Adult Active Community: A Quest for a Fit' was presented in the School of Architecture, University of Khartoum. It aimed to serve a marginalized group of society—the elderly—under the theme of universal design and inclusiveness. It also reflects on the users as significant figures neglected in the local design codes. Therefore, the project aimed to bring them back into society through design attributes alongside another approach, connecting them with a different younger generation through Sudanese cultural heritage to bridge the generational gap. The project envisioned the Civic Centre as an intergenerational space and an educational content hub focusing on bridging the generational gap through space alone and the activities occurring in it between youth and the elderly who socialize in cultural evenings, talk events, and documentary nights, aiming at reminiscing the past. The result, however, was still a set of intangible literature, perhaps audible and visual in some materials, but still lacking the experience of space. This paper rethinks the preservation and revival of heritage in the Civic Center through the lens of sustainable tourism and virtual traveling. It also looks upon virtual traveling as an approach that utilizes the universal design theme. Furthermore, along with introducing technology to diminish physical barriers, the digitization of cultural heritage accentuated the environmental psychology of the space. During the fall semester, our group participated in creating a virtual platform of an app titled 'Heritage Link', which encourages sustainable tourism and virtual traveling. It has been introduced in this paper as a demo for creating an intergenerational space with an experiential dimension. In this paper, a few designs were reviewed as an example to present an idea that is closer to what we hope the Civic Center can be like someday, introducing its challenges and limitations. It showcases the role of virtual reality tourism and digitalized culture in fulfilling some of the major concepts of universal design and its ability to bridge the gap between generations while studying environmental psychology. Even though the thesis project was based in Khartoum, Sudan, it also aims to become a prototype for global implementation.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Capturing the Past: Photogrammetry for Safeguarding Sudanese Cultural Heritage Digitally
    (INFORMATIK 2024, 2024) Abdalhaleem, Duaa; Elkhalifa, Akram A.
    Cultural heritage is a valuable asset for any country, and it is crucial to protect, restore, and preserve it because it is threatened by both nature and human actions. Preservation methods have always been a significant concern, and traditional methods of documentation, such as 2D drawings, pictures, and conventional 3D modelling systems, have proven to be inefficient in terms of cost, time, effort, and quality. However, with advancements in technology and digital transformation, more effective techniques have been developed. One such technique is photogrammetry, which has proven to be a convenient way to digitize cultural heritage. For countries such as Sudan, where rich inheritance is in inevitable danger of ongoing armed conflicts, it is important to preserve this cultural heritage. This paper studies the feasibility of using photogrammetry as a digitalization technique to preserve Sudan’s cultural heritage by reviewing previous experiences and conducting two case studies that investigate the applicability of the technique to non-experts, along with its potential and limitations. Selected objects were digitized using close-range photogrammetry with a low budget and simple equipment. The final outcome was promising, particularly for small and medium-sized objects. Finally, a list of recommendations is provided to facilitate the digitalization of Sudanese cultural heritage to preserve it.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Energy Load Profile Analysis and Application for Production Simulation and Scheduling using Energy Load Disaggregation
    (INFORMATIK 2024, 2024) Klostermeier, Mario; Kunz, Leonhard; Motsch, William; Ioshchikhes, Borys; Plociennik, Christiane; Ruskowski, Martin
    Rising energy prices and an increasing share of volatile energy supply from renewable energy are leading to greater interest in detailed modeling of energy consumption in manufacturing. Nevertheless, energy measurements and energy load profiling at the machine level as well as the application of energy-related data for production scheduling is challenging. To provide detailed information for applications like scheduling models, degrees of freedom to adapt to energy consumption must be considered even at the component level. Since metering hardware and energy load profiles are often not available for machine components, the methodical application of energy load disaggregation can contribute to these topics. The paper introduces a concept for incorporating event-based load disaggregation to create energy load profiles for production machines. It also explores and discusses potential applications for simulation and scheduling in manufacturing environments.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Digital Transformation Of Cultural Heritage In Sudan: An attempt to save a nation’s history, the case study of old Dongola and Al-Khandag, Sudan
    (INFORMATIK 2024, 2024) Khalifa, Alaa; Alhaj, Lina
    Sudan has a lengthy past that dates back to thousands of years before the birth of Christ. In the city of Merowe alone, there are more than 200 pyramids, more than there are in all of Egypt. There have been several experiments and initiatives aimed at digitizing Sudan’s cultural legacy, but the majority of them focused on folklore; little attempt has been made to preserve the physical cultural heritage. The paper discusses the status of Sudan’s historic sites and the outcomes of previous digital conservation efforts. It addresses these issues within the context of digital conservation trails of physical monuments using photogrammetry, highlighting the urgent problem posed by the nation’s on-going civil war and its impact on conservation trials. Utilizing photogrammetry scanning software Metashape, the sites of Old Dongola and Al-Khandag were selected for conservation trials. This approach enabled the creation of digital models of the monuments, ensuring their accessibility in the event of conflict or potential deterioration.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Cultural Continuity in Crisis: The Interaction of Virtual Tourism and Heritage Culture in War-torn Sudan
    (INFORMATIK 2024, 2024) Tahir, Gabass M.; Elkhalifa, Akram A.
    Since April 2023, Sudan has been embroiled in a devastating war, resulting in the loss of much significant cultural heritage all over the country. This study aims to explore how virtual travel and digital tools can help preserve Sudan’s cultural heritage by leveraging technology. The methodology included a literature review, digitalization case studies, and qualitative methods, such as interviews with cultural heritage and tourism experts. The study discussed how Sudan could use digital tools during the conflict to preserve its cultural heritage, one of the key results of this study is the digitization process to preserve Sudanese cultural heritage through and after the conflict for future generations. The call to digitize the remaining non-destructed heritage sites is essential through VR, digital technologies, 3D scanners, photogrammetry applications, and digital platforms to share it with a global audience.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    5. Workshop Künstliche Intelligenz in der Umweltinformatik
    (INFORMATIK 2024, 2024) Abecker, Andreas; Behrens, Grit; Naumann, Stefan; Willenbacher, Martina
    Im Rahmen des INFORMATIK FESTIVAL 2024 der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) e.V. im Herbst 2024 in Wiesbaden findet die fünfte Auflage des Workshops KIU zur Nutzung von Methoden der Künstlichen Intelligenz in der Umweltinformatik statt. In der KIU-Workshopreihe werden seit 2020 anwendungsorientiert und interdisziplinär innovative Beiträge der KI für wichtige Fragen von Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit vorgestellt und diskutiert. Auch der fünfte Workshop soll dabei helfen, eine deutschsprachige Wissenschafts- und Anwendungscommunity zu diesen Themen zu etablieren und konsolidieren, um langfristig die Kreativität und die Wirkung dieses wichtigen Aufgabenfelds zu unterstützen.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Photogrammetry and iPhone LiDAR in Remote Places for Preparation of 3D-Objects in a Virtual Museum
    (INFORMATIK 2024, 2024) Noviana, Eka; Plank, Uli; Wand, Eku
    This is a feasibility study to evaluate acquisition of three-dimensional cultural artefacts for a virtual museum in Indonesia, in particular under difficult conditions regarding transportation, lighting and power supply. Evaluation is done by comparison of the resulting models in a 3D software for size, resolution, and visual realism. In a second step, models are reduced in texture size and mesh resolution, to be tested for real-time playback in FrameVR. Included hardware tools for photogrammetry are high-resolution stills from a hybrid photographic camera, a small drone, and a smartphone with a combination of LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and photography. Generation of 3D models is realised by free software for generation and also for enhancement of results. The results show that the tools can generate realistic models of cultural artefacts under varying environmental conditions and enable playability in a virtual 3D environment.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Digitization of cultural heritage using photogrammetry: The case of Al Bidya Mosque
    (INFORMATIK 2024, 2024) Abdalhaleem, Duaa; Abdelrahman, Duaa; Ahmed, Mohamedalmugtaba; Ahmed, Zainab
    Cultural heritage of a nation forms its identity, inherited from past generations and to be passed to the next. Therefore, it is crucial to preserve it from natural and human effects or even worse, extinction. Throughout time, several approaches were utilized to preserve the cultural heritage from text, drawing, photographs to the modern-day digitized 3D models, points clouds with coordinates, achieving a higher accuracy and more realistic results. This paper focuses on the digitization of cultural heritage using close range terrestrial photogrammetry. The study was conducted on a self-financed low budget, simple equipment and non-professional group of researchers. Al Bidya Mosque, the oldest mosque in the United Arab Emirates, was taken as a focal point of the study, reflecting the country’s cultural and religious heritage built in the 15th Century. The main objective of this study is to investigate how cultural heritage sites can be documented and preserved using close range photogrammetry while exploring the potentials and challenges of close-range photogrammetry.