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Modellierung 2022 - Workshopband

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  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Challenges in Multi-View Model Consistency Management for Systems Engineering
    (Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events, 2022) Bergemann, Sebastian
    A way to handle the complexity of cyber-physical systems is model-based systems engineering (MBSE) with multiple viewpoints. These viewpoints satisfy different concerns, but they likely have information dependencies and overlaps among each other. Inconsistencies can be introduced whenever there are changes in only some of the views without consistent synchronization in other dependent views. In this paper, we motivate why consistency management is important in multi-view MBSE and define requirements for it. By analyzing the State of the Art, we identify limitations in (multi-view) consistency management approaches, especially for inconsistency detection. Besides general performance issues, we notice primarily that most approaches are limited to or at least tested on only very specific views and tools with homogeneous models and few specific predefined consistency rules. Furthermore, in most approaches we cannot find solutions regarding subsequent updates of consistency rules by the user, allowance of tolerating inconsistency, and handling confidentiality. These literature gaps pose open research challenges for making multi-view consistency management more applicable in the industry.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Implementation of the SpesML Workbench in MagicDraw
    (Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events, 2022) Regnat, Nikolaus; Gupta, Rohit; Jansen, Nico; Rumpe, Bernhard
    Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is a formalized methodology that focuses on creating models at the centre of system design, rather than traditional document-based approaches. While general purpose modelling languages such as the Systems Modelling Language (SysML) and their corresponding methodological approaches such as the Software Platform Embedded Systems (SPES) framework are available, the combination of a modelling language, method, and tooling is still lacking. Typically, industrial language engineers simply provide guidelines for users on how to use a particular modelling language as there is no methodical support for using the same with a well-defined method and a well-suited graphical modelling tool. This puts all the burden on the user, often resulting in a failure of the whole approach. To solve this challenge, we introduce a coherent and systematic approach for the efficient development of a SysML workbench that combines SysML and the SPES methodology using a modelling tool, MagicDraw. In this paper, we showcase the construction of a comprehensive methodical workbench by integrating key aspects of the modelling language, the SPES methodology and MagicDraw. Ultimately, the resulting SysML workbench for SPES serves as a reference point for future MBSE implementations, relieves users from the many burdens of traditional approaches, and helps mastering the complexity of creating collaborative model-based systems with efficient methods and tools.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Embedding Textual Languages in MagicDraw
    (Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events, 2022) Drux, Florian; Jansen, Nico; Rumpe, Bernhard; Schmalzing, David
    Stakeholders in model-based systems engineering projects often rely on heterogeneous modeling languages and tools. Efficient and seamless model-based engineering requires analyzing consistency, maintaining tracing information, and propagating changes of models of these languages even in different technological spaces. However, research on software language integration and inter-model consistency often only considers modeling languages and tools within the same technological space. We present a method for language composition across the technological spaces of the graphical modeling framework MagicDraw and the language workbench MontiCore. We realized language integration between these technological spaces by applying concepts of language aggregation to exchange essential model information and performing analysis on this information in an automated toolchain. The presented concepts can guide software language engineers and modeling tool developers on how to combine concepts of language composition to bridge technological spaces.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Development of a SysML Profile for Network Configurations in Safety-critical Systems
    (Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events, 2022) Hemmert, Andreas; Schweiger, Andreas
    The contribution describes an approach for defining avionics network architectures in an existing system model. To this end, a SysML profile is developed containing stereotypes to specify such a network. The corresponding model captures the network’s configuration. Such a configuration defines a network of a safety-critical complex system. As a result, systems engineers can use the profile in the systems development process with digital continuity. An example demonstrates the application of the profile in the model development.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Workshop on the State of the Art Methods and Tools in Model-Based Systems Engineering
    (Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events, 2022) Böhm, Wolfgang; Jansen, Nico; Schmalzing, David
    This workshop aims to bring together people involved in model-based systems. In particular, through this workshop, we intended to promote the exchange between industry and research and, by linking theory and practice, exchange knowledge and experience and discuss the application of MBSE methods. Therefore, relevant topics for this workshop were experiences and challenges of applying MBSE tools, methods, and analyses, and efforts to conceive tools and methods to support MBSE.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Features of AI Solutions and their Use in AI Context Modeling
    (Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events, 2022) Rittelmeyer, Jack Daniel; Sandkuhl, Kurt
    Despite the implementation of many new artificial intelligence (AI)-based solutions in research and practice every year, companies still encounter problems while introducing AI solutions. One reason for that, from our own experience, are significant problems with understanding the concepts of AI. To cope with this problem, we aimed for developing a morphological box for AI solutions. The developed morphological box, its features and their values are based on four own industrial cases of AI solutions covering different application domains. We previously presented an enterprise architecture-based AI context model to help to better understand the context of an AI solution in a company and thereby minimize the risks of an implementation. We also analyzed that the morphological box supports the AI introduction process by improving and enhancing the three steps of the AI context model, which lead to more complete requirements for AI solutions.
  • Conference Proceedings
    Modellierung 2022 - Workshop Proceedings
    (Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events, 2022)
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Modellierungsumgebung zur Erzeugung synthetischer Ereignisprotokolle für das Process Mining
    (Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events, 2022) Zisgen, Yorck; Janssen, Dominik; Imenkamp, Christian; Koschmider, Agnes
    Process Mining hat in verschiedenen Bereichen einen erheblichen praktischen Nutzen erlangt. Der Ausgangspunkt von Process Mining ist ein Ereignisprotokoll, das die Ausführung von Aktivitäten beinhaltet, die einem Geschäftsprozess zugeordnet werden können. Somit hat die Qualität von Ereignisprotokollen erhebliche Auswirkungen auf das Process Mining-Ergebnis. Die Verwendung von Process Mining in neuartigen Anwendungsszenarien oder experimentellen Umgebungen scheitert aktuell daran, weil kaum geeignete Ereignisprotokolle öffentlich zugänglich sind. Dieser Beitrag stellt ein Werkzeug zum Generieren synthetischer (Sensor-)Ereignisprotokolle vor. Im Vergleich zu bestehenden synthetischen Protokollgenerator-Werkzeugen erzeugt der IoT-Prozessprotokollgenerator Daten auf nicht deterministische Weise. Benutzer können Rauschen kontrolliert hinzufügen und Prozesse mit IoT-Daten erweitern. Auf diese Weise ermöglicht das Werkzeug die Generierung synthetischer Daten für IoT-Umgebungen, die individuell konfiguriert werden können. Somit leistet unser Werkzeug einen Beitrag zu einem verstärkten Einsatz von Process Mining in Umgebungen, die auf (IoT-) Sensorereignisdaten angewiesen sind.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    MEMO4ADO: A Comprehensive Environment for Multi-Perspective Enterprise Modeling
    (Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events, 2022) Bock, Alexander; Frank, Ulrich; Kaczmarek-Heß, Monika
    This paper describes the construction and use of a comprehensive tool for enterprise modeling, MEMO4ADO, implemented using the meta modeling environment ADOxx. MEMO4ADO offers an extensible set of editors for various modeling languages. The paper gives an overview of the tool's architecture and describes the integration of modeling languages and diagrams. A use case serves to illustrate the design and analysis of enterprise models with MEMO4ADO. The paper concludes with a brief assessment and an outlook on the further development of the tool.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    The Simplified Platform, an Overview
    (Modellierung 2022 Satellite Events, 2022) Mulder, Mark A.T.; Mulder, Rick; Bodnar, Fiodor; van Kessel, Mirjam; Gomez Vicente, Jorge
    Simplified is a new approach to modelling and meta-modelling.This platform is a result of experience with a previous research tool for modelling Design and Engineering Methodology for Organisations (DEMO).It's cloud based development makes it suitable for research and business applications.The configurable notations, flexible user interface, and real-time transformation and visualisations makes the platform adaptable and understandable for every stakeholder.