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Modellierung 2018 (LNI P280)

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  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Optimal Product Line Architectures for the Automotive Industry
    (Modellierung 2018, 2018) Wägemann, Tobias; Tavakoli Kolagari, Ramin; Schmid, Klaus
    The creation of product line architectures is a difficult and complex task. The resulting architectures must support the required system variabilities as well as further quality attributes. In the automotive domain, product lines of software-intensive system models have a great diversity of products, which leads to vast design spaces. Finding optimal product line architectures as part of the system design process requires the consideration of a variety of trade-offs. In practice, this challenge cannot be solved manually for all but the smallest problems, therefore an automated solution is required. Our contribution is the generation of a sound mathematical formalization of the problem. This formalization makes the product line optimization problem accessible to various established multi-objective optimization techniques. The applicability of the chosen approach is shown by means of applying a commercial tool for multi-criteria decision making.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Exploiting Modular Language Extensions in Legacy C Code: An Automotive Case Study
    (Modellierung 2018, 2018) Grosche, Andreas; Igel, Burkhard; Spinczyk, Olaf
    Model-driven software development using language workbenches like JetBrains MPS provide many advantages compared to traditional software development. Base languages can be incrementally extended to increase the abstractness up to domain-specific languages (DSLs). Changes can be performed more efficiently in problem-oriented language extensions or DSLs, than in a base language. In addition, formal analysis can be performed on abstract models. To benefit from the model-driven approach, non-model-based legacy code has to be reusable and transformable to language extensions and DSLs. For the development of embedded systems, mbeddr provides a C99-like base language and extensions for MPS, such as mathematical symbols and state machines. This paper presents a case study that shows how many legacy C code fragments of three automotive series projects could be replaced by mbeddr language extensions. Furthermore, a proof of concept shows the feasibility of fraction and foreach loop refactorings. This work is a first approach for future language extension refactorings.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Transforming Enterprise Models to Linked Data via Semantic Annotations
    (Modellierung 2018, 2018) Pittl, Benedikt; Fill, Hans-Georg
    The use of conceptual models in enterprises is today a well-known fact. This includes many zdifferent types of models ranging from process models, organizational models, and infrastructure models to various types used in software engineering and technical systems development. Although these models are largely specified in a formal or at least semi-formal way, the knowledge contained in them is often only accessible via manual inspection. The primary reason for this shortcoming is the use of different formats for expressing models and the lack of machine-processable semantic specifications of the model content. In this paper we present a flexible approach for transforming information from such enterprise models to RDF. Thereby, we use a model weaving technique to annotate conceptual models with concepts from ontologies. For assessing its technical feasibility, the approach has been implemented on the SeMFIS platform and applied to a use case in the area of business process management.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Nutzung von Bilddatenbanken zur Erstellung von Symbolen für graphische Modellierungssprachen
    (Modellierung 2018, 2018) Laue, Ralf
    Um graphische Modellierungssprachen effektiv für die Kommunikation zu nutzen, müssen die verwendeten Symbole verständlich und gut erlernbar sein. Nachdem festgestellt wurde, dass dies bei bisher entwickelten Sprachen häufig nicht der Fall war, wurde von mehreren Autoren als Alternative die Methode der kollektiven Symbolerstellung untersucht. Bei dieser Methode werden Symbolvorschläge von potentiellen Nutzern der Modellierungssprache gesammelt. Dieser Beitrag untersucht, ob dieses aufwendige Verfahren durch die Suche nach Symbolen in Bilddatenbanken ersetzt werden kann. Nachdem diese Frage bejaht werden kann, wird eine Methode zur Erstellung von Notationen unter Einbeziehung einer Suche in Bilddatenbanken vorgeschlagen.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Towards a run-time model for data protection in the cloud
    (Modellierung 2018, 2018) Mann, Zoltan; Metzger, Andreas; Schoenen, Stefan
    The protection of sensitive data in the cloud is a challenge of increasing importance. It is made particularly difficult by the complex and dynamic interactions of many entities (hardware and software, as well as organizations and individuals). A model-based approach can be used to reason about these interactions and their impact on data protection during deployment and at run time. The basis for such an approach is a model of all relevant socio-technical cloud entities, which is created during deployment and kept alive at run-time to support adaptations. In this paper, we focus on the meta-model of this model. The meta-model is created during design and instantiated during deployment. We discuss what entities must be present in the meta-model to allow reasoning about data protection. In particular, we discuss to what extent the results of previous cloud modeling efforts can be reused and what extensions are necessary because of the particular requirements of data protection.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Model-driven Development of Virtual Network Embedding Algorithms with Model Transformation and Linear Optimization Techniques
    (Modellierung 2018, 2018) Tomaszek, Stefan; Leblebici, Erhan; Wang, Lin; Schürr, Andy
    Enhancing the scalability and utilization of data centers, virtualization is a promising technology to manage, develop and operate network functions in a flexible way. For the placement of virtual networks in the data center, many approaches and algorithms are discussed in the literature to optimize solving the so-called virtual network embedding problem with respect to various optimization goals. This paper presents a new approach for the model-driven specification, simulation-based evaluation, and implementation of possible mapping algorithms that respect a set of given constraints and using linear optimization solving techniques to select one almost optimal mapping. Rule-based model transformation techniques are used to translate a given mapping problem into a linear optimization problem by taking domain specific knowledge into account. The resulting framework thus supports the design and evaluation of (correct-by-construction) virtual network embedding algorithms on a high level of abstraction. Well-defined model transformation rule refinement strategies can be used to reduce the search space for the employed linear optimization techniques.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    A web-based modeling tool for studying the learning of conceptual modeling
    (Modellierung 2018, 2018) Ternes, Benjamin; Strecker,Stefan
    How do we learn conceptual modeling? What are common learning difficulties? Which tool support assists learners in what respect? We report on the design and development of a web-based modeling tool aimed at studying the learning of conceptual modeling by observing learner interactions with graphical model editors. Learner interactions with graphical model editors are tracked, recorded and analyzed at the individual and aggregate learner levels with support for graphically reproducing the learner-editor interactions over time. In this short paper, we report on the current state of the tool development.
  • Textdokument
    Modellierung 2018
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    A Framework to Model and Implement Mobile Context-Aware Business Applications
    (Modellierung 2018, 2018) Dörndorfer, Julian; Seel, Christian
    The success and ubiquity of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets changed the daily work activities of many employees and employers. With the data provided by mobile devices in combination with external data from databases or web services, it is possible to recognize the context of a business process. Context recognition allows to adapt the business process by selecting the next process step or providing the necessary data, like the next customer near the current location. However, to use the advantages of context recognition, mobile business processes have to be designed, implemented and executed in a context-aware manner. Therefore, this paper presents a comprehensive framework for modeling context-aware business processes, which comprise the business process as well as the information collection to evaluate the needed context. Furthermore, it presents an architecture for the realization of context-aware applications.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Eine musterbasierte Kontrollflusssemantik zur interaktiven Simulation von Geschäftsprozessmodellen
    (Modellierung 2018, 2018) Drescher, Andreas
    Für die Modellierung von Geschäftsprozessen existieren eine Vielzahl von Modellierungssprachen, die allerdings häufig eine unpräzise Kontrollflusssemantik aufweisen. Hierdurch werden die Analysefähigkeit sowie auch die Austauschbarkeit der Modelle eingeschränkt. In diesem Beitrag wird eine leichtgewichtige Methode am Beispiel der Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) zur präzisen Beschreibung der Kontrollflusssemantik einer beliebigen, graphischen Modellierungssprache als Microsoft Visio (MS Visio) Add-In vorgestellt. Die Kontrollflusssemantik wird durch eine fallbasierte Zuweisung zu den Kontrollflussmustern der Workflow Pattern Initiative definiert. Auf dieser Grundlage können die dokumentierten Geschäftsprozesse analysiert und simuliert sowie mit anderen Software-Werkzeugen ausgetauscht werden.