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Modellierung 2016 (LNI P254)

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  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Infrastructure to use OCL for runtime structural compatibility checks of simulink models
    (Modellierung 2016, 2016) Bertram, Vincent; Manhart, Peter; Plotnikov, Dimitri; Rumpe, Bernhard; Schulze, Christoph; Wenckstern, Michael Von
    Functional development of embedded software systems in the automotive industry is mostly done using models consisting of highly adjustable and potentially reusable components. A basic pre-requisite for reuse is structural compatibility of available component versions and variants. Since each vendor in the automotive domain uses its own toolchain with corresponding models, an unified modeling notation is needed. For this reason based on a detailed feature analysis of wellestablished and commonly used modeling languages, a meta-model has been derived that allows checking structural compatibility, even between heterogeneous modeling languages.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    On the de-facto standard of event-driven process chains: reviewing EPC implementations in process modelling tools
    (Modellierung 2016, 2016) Karhof, Arne; Jannaber, Sven; Riehle, Dennis M.; Thomas, Oliver; Delfmann, Patrick; Becker, Jörg
    Nowadays, most process modelling tools implement popular modelling languages such as the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) or the Event-driven Process Chain (EPC). However, in contrast to BPMN, no effort has yet been undertaken to standardize the EPC language, thus rendering EPCs as being merely a de-facto standard for business process modelling. Subsequently, this paper addresses this issue by laying ground for a successful EPC standardization. To achieve this task, several process modelling tools have been evaluated regarding their implementation of the EPC language with the objective to derive consensus about important language constructs. The evaluation reveals that there is a high degree of variety in the way tools implement EPCs. Especially syntax, semantic and pragmatic of the EPC language are not perceived homogenously and, in fact, commonly neglected. Hence, our research provides valuable implications for further EPC standardization by highlighting the state-of-the-art of the EPC from a software point of view.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    On the de-facto standard of event-driven process chains: how EPC is defined in literature
    (Modellierung 2016, 2016) Riehle, Dennis M.; Jannaber, Sven; Karhof, Arne; Thomas, Oliver; Delfmann, Patrick; Becker, Jörg
    The Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) and the Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) are both frequently used modelling languages to create business process models. While there is a well-defined standard for BPMN, such a standard is missing for EPC. As a standard would be beneficial to improve interoperability among different vendors, this paper aims at providing the means for future EPC standardization. Therefore, we have conducted a structured literature review of the most common EPC variants in IS research. We provide a structured overview of the evolution of different EPC variants, describe means and capabilities and elaborate different criteria for decision-making in regard to including EPC variants in a standardization process.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    NESTML: a modeling language for spiking neurons
    (Modellierung 2016, 2016) Plotnikov, Dimitri; Blundell, Inga; Ippen, Tammo; Eppler, Jochen Martin; Morrison, Abigail; Rumpe, Bernhard
    Biological nervous systems exhibit astonishing complexity. Neuroscientists aim to capture this complexity by modeling and simulation of biological processes. Often very complex models are necessary to depict the processes, which makes it difficult to create these models. Powerful tools are thus necessary, which enable neuroscientists to express models in a comprehensive and concise way and generate efficient code for digital simulations. Several modeling languages for computational neuroscience have been proposed [Gl10, Ra11]. However, as these languages seek simulator independence they typically only support a subset of the features desired by the modeler. In this article, we present the modular and extensible domain specific language NESTML, which provides neuroscience domain concepts as first-class language constructs and supports domain experts in creating neuron models for the neural simulation tool NEST. NESTML and a set of example models are publically available on GitHub.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Tool support for model transformations: on solutions using internal languages
    (Modellierung 2016, 2016) Hinkel, Georg; Goldschmidt, Thomas
    Model-driven engineering (MDE) has proven to be a useful approach to cope with todays ever growing complexity in the development of software systems, yet it is not widely applied in industry. As suggested by multiple studies, tool support is a major factor for this lack of adoption. Existing tools for MDE, in particular model transformation approaches, are often developed by small teams and cannot keep up with advanced tool support for mainstream languages such as provided by IntelliJ or Visual Studio. In this paper, we propose an approach to leverage existing tool support for model transformation using internal model transformation languages and investigate design decisions and their consequences for inherited tool support. The findings are used for the design of an internal model transformation language on the .NET platform.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Towards a catalog of structural and behavioral verification tasks for UML/OCL models
    (Modellierung 2016, 2016) Hilken, Frank; Niemann, Philipp; Gogolla, Martin; Wille, Robert
    Verification tasks for UML and OCL models can be classified into structural and behavioral tasks. For both task categories a variety of partly automatic solving approaches exist. But up to now, different interpretations of central notions as, for example, `consistency' or `reachability' can be found in current approaches and tools. This paper is designed to clarify central verification notions and to establish a collection of typical verification tasks that are common to multiple approaches and tools. In addition, the verification tasks are categorized with the aim of creating a central catalog of tasks, providing a common understanding of the terms used in model verifications.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Vom Clean Model zum Clean Code
    (Modellierung 2016, 2016) Vasileva, Anna; Schmedding, Doris
    In diesem Beitrag wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Code-Qualität und UML- Modellen in einem Software-Entwicklungsprozess in der Informatik-Ausbildung vorgestellt. Es wird untersucht, welche der im Code sichtbar werdenden Mängel bereits im Modell erkannt werden können. Werkzeuge zur statischen Code-Analyse und Refactoring-Techniken unterstützen die Studierenden beim Entdecken und Beseitigen der Qualitätsmängel im Programm-Code. Eine Analyse der studentischen Projekte hat gezeigt, dass sich manche Code-Mängel im Nachhinein nur schwer beseitigen lassen. Aus diesem Grund müssen Qualitätsaspekte bereits beim Modellieren in Betracht gezogen werden. Frühzeitig erkannte Mängel lassen sich mit geringeren Kosten beseitigen als spät erkannte Defekte.
  • Editiertes Buch
    Modellierung 2016
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Modeling variability in template-based code generators for product line engineering
    (Modellierung 2016, 2016) Greifenberg, Timo; Müller, Klaus; Roth, Alexander; Rumpe, Bernhard; Schulze, Christoph; Wortmann, Andreas
    Generating software from abstract models is a prime activity in model-driven engineering. Adaptable and extendable code generators are important to address changing technologies as well as user needs. However, they are less established, as variability is often designed as configuration options of monolithic systems. Thus, code generation is often tied to a fixed set of features, hardly reusable in different contexts, and without means for configuration of variants. In this paper, we present an approach for developing product lines of template-based code generators. This approach applies concepts from feature-oriented programming to make variability explicit and manageable. Moreover, it relies on explicit variability regions (VR) in a code generator's templates, refinements of VRs, and the aggregation of templates and refinements into reusable layers. A concrete product is defined by selecting one or multiple layers. If necessary, additional layers required due to VR refinements are automatically selected.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Konzeptionelle Modellierung ausführbarer Event Processing Networks für das Eventdriven Business Process Management (Kurzbeitrag)
    (Modellierung 2016, 2016) Gabriel, Stefan; Janiesch, Christian
    Unternehmensübergreifende Geschäftsprozesse müssen nicht nur interne, sondern auch externe Ereignisse berücksichtigen, um adäquat auf auftretende Situationen reagieren zu können. Eine kurze Reaktionszeit auf Basis von Event-driven BPM-Systemen verbessert hierbei den Entscheidungsspielraum. Die Planung derartiger Systeme auf Basis von BPM- und CEP-Technologie ist derzeit allerdings nicht ohne frühzeitige Festlegung auf proprietäre Technologie möglich. Um dem zu begegnen, schlagen wir eine Sprache und Architektur zur konzeptionellen Modellierung und Serialisierung in ausführbaren Code von CEP-Modellen für das Event-driven BPM vor. Wir zeigen, wie eine entsprechende Implementierung auf Basis einer herstellerunabhängigen CEP- Modellierungssprache und Notation, umgesetzt in der Open-Source-Modellierungs-Plattform Oryx, für die Esper Event Processing Language aussehen kann und demonstrieren diese an einem Beispiel.