Too Hidden for Research? - The Quest to Understand the Potential of Hidden Game Mechanics for Gamification Research
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Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
Although the academic discourse on gamification repeatedly emphasizes the need to explore design elements beyond points, badges, and leaderboards, much of the research in recent years has continued to focus on popular gamification design elements. As an important contribution to expanding the research field, we consider the investigation of less visible or “hidden” game mechanics to be particularly relevant. In particular, we are interested in making the unknown or “magic source” - often invisible to (ordinary) players - more understandable to gamification designers and researchers. In this paper, we define Hidden Game Mechanics (HGMs), distinguish them from related concepts such as “Advanced Game Mechanics”, and situate them within existing gamification and game design terminology. Based on this, we propose a first iteration of a framework for understanding HGMs. This aims to improve the understanding of the effects and uses of HGMs. In addition, we present further steps for research and potential applications of HGMs in gamification design. Our work demonstrates the diverse potential of HGMs and highlights the significant research gap in this area.