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Siberian Earth System Science Cluster – A Geoportal to provide an user-friendly access and analysis of Earth Observation Products

dc.contributor.authorEberle, Jonas
dc.contributor.authorHese, Sören
dc.contributor.authorSchmullius, Christiane
dc.contributor.editorArndt, Hans-Knud
dc.contributor.editorKnetsch, Gerlinde
dc.contributor.editorPillmann, Werner
dc.description.abstractTo provide earth observation products in the area of Siberia, the Siberian Earth System Science Cluster (SIB-ESS-C) was established as a spatial data infrastructure at the University of Jena (Germany), Department for Earth Observation. This spatial data infrastructure implements standards published by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the International Organizsation for Standardization (ISO) for data discovery, data access, data processing and data analysis. The objective of SIB-ESS-C is to faciliate environmental research and Earth system science in Siberia. To provide discovery, access and analysis services a webportal was published for searching and visualisation of available data. This webportal is based on current web technologies like Ajax, Drupal Content Management System as backend software and a user-friendly surface. To have a wide range of regular updated earth observation products, some products from sensor MODIS at the satellites Aqua and Terra were processed. A direct connection to MODIS archive servers makes it possible to download MODIS Level 2, 3 and 4 products and integrate it in the SIB-ESS-C infrastructure. These data can be downloaded in a file format called Hierarchical Data Format (HDF). For visualisation and further analysis, this data is reprojected, converted to GeoTIFF and global products clipped to the project area. All these steps are implemented as an automatic process chain. If new MODIS data is available within the infrastructure this process chain is executed. With the link to a MODIS catalogue system, the system gets new data daily. Furthermore climate data from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is integrated within SIB-ESS-C. With the implemented analysis processes, these timeseries data (both MODIS products and climate data) can be analysed, for example to plot a trend or different time series against one another. Scientists working in this area and working with MODIS and other provided data can make use of this service over the SIB-ESS-C webportal. They can search manually the archive for MODIS data, process these data automatically and then download it for further processing or just use the regular updated products within SIB-ESS-C.de
dc.publisherShaker Verlag
dc.relation.ispartofEnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management
dc.titleSiberian Earth System Science Cluster – A Geoportal to provide an user-friendly access and analysis of Earth Observation Productsde
dc.typeText/Conference Paper
gi.conference.sessiontitleSoftware Tools and Databases
