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Environmental Informatics 2012

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  • Konferenzbeitrag
    GDI Bayern - Geodateninfrastrukturen in der Wasserwirtschaft Bayern
    (EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Kazakos, Wassilios; Reineke, Anja; Heidmann, Carsten
    In diesem Beitrag wird die Umsetzung einer Geodateninfrastruktur für das Bayerische Landesamt für Umwelt beschrieben. Im Rahmen von mehreren Schritten sollten alle alten Einzellösungen, die im Landesamt sowie in den Wasserwirtschaftsämtern sukzessive durch eine neue einheitliche Infrastruktur ersetzt werden, die zum einen des internen Informationsaustauschs dient und zum anderen die Daten für die GDI-bayern bereit stellt. Die Umsetzung zeigt, wie spezielle fachliche und organisatorische Rahmenbedingungen in eine neuartige Gesamtinfrastruktur umgesetzt werden können.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Die GSBL-Kommunikationsplattform – ein gemeinsames Portal für Bund und Länder
    (EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Liebscher, Barbara
    The coordination office of the Joint Substance Data Pool of the German Federal Government and the German Federal States (GSBL) is set up at the Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA). The coordination office updates the data of the GSBL database on the ORACLE database of the operator's centre twice a year. This set of updated data is the basis for the search databases provided to the users. The search database GSBLintern provides the totale data pool for authorities of the German Federal Government and the German Federal States. The version GSBLpublic holds an excerpt of the complete database, which is freely available to the general public. In this research project a web-based communication platform was conceptualized and developed which supports the production process in the coordination office extensively and acts as a central contact point for the cooperation community for the exchange of information, data and software. The GSBL communication platform developed provides all partners involved in the production process with a software for production tracing which improves cooperation and protects the quality of the data stream.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Wasserqualität-Online - Landkreisweite Datenbanken zur Überwachung von Roh- und Trinkwasseranalysen
    (EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Gutzke, Thomas
    In three districts of Hesse, a federal state in Germany, all participants of the water sector share their data in districtwide management-systems. It is a complete new approach to create a holistic database, which is directly filled by the property owners. Additionally, all authorized legal authorities have selective access rights to the supervised data. The database and the software are hosted by a professional provider on a WTS. The user-access is realized by using RDP or VPN-tunnels. As a benefit for the public, the water supply companies provide specific quality data of the drinking water over a WebGIS-Portal.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Energieportal Baden-Württemberg
    (EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Tauber, Martina; Schillinger, Wolfgang; Ebel, Renate; Zetzmann, Klaus; Haid, Achim
    Auf der Cebit 2012 wurde das neue Energieportal des Landes Baden-Württemberg www.energie.badenwuerttemberg.de vorgestellt. In der dazu herausgegebenen Pressemitteilung des Ministeriums für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft Baden-Württemberg beschreibt Umweltminister Franz Untersteller die Bedeutung des Portals: „Der freie Zugang zu umfassenden Umweltinformationen trägt dem berechtigten Informationsbedarf der Bevölkerung Rechnung und schafft hierdurch Transparenz und Akzeptanz für unser Verwaltungshandeln. Das Energieportal Baden-Württemberg ist deswegen ein wichtiger Baustein der Energiewende“.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Der Umweltatlas – ein Sachstandsbericht zum Gemeinschaftsprojekt der Bundesländer Schleswig Holstein, Mecklenburg Vorpommern und Rheinland Pfalz
    (EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Görtzen, Dirk; Völz, Roland; Venebrügge, Gesine; Rothenburger, Andrea
    Three german federal states developed a common platform for their environmental atlases. The web based platform leaves enough space for the partners to follow their own corporate design requirements. The main purpose is interactive spatial access to environmental information. The appearance may vary even for different users, in some cases to the point of process support. Furthermore the platform may be used in geo data infrastructures.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Einsatz der Umweltkennzahlen zur Unterstützung des strategischen Öko-Controllings in der Produktion
    (EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Naana, Miada; Junker, Horst
    Die Auswirkung von wirtschaftlichem Handeln auf die Umwelt führte zu ökologischen und finanziellen Problemen. Beispielsweise führt das ökonomische Unternehmensziel zu erhöhten Gewinnen und geringeren Kosten. Dagegen führt die Umweltschutzstrategie als ökologisches Ziel zu zusätzlichen Umweltkosten. Es sollte daher ein ökologisches und wirtschaftliches Gleichgewicht in Unternehmen erreicht werden. Durch diese Situation hat sich das Bedürfnis ergeben, negative Umwelteinwirkungen von Unternehmensaktivitäten frühzeitig zu erkennen, Schwachstellen zu ermitteln sowie die Umweltleistung der Unternehmen zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus wird Öko-Controlling auf der operativen und strategischen Ebene eingesetzt, um soziale, ökologische und ökonomische Unternehmensziele zu fördern. Die Defizite in der umweltorientierten Dimension innerhalb des Führungssystems verringern aber die Möglichkeit, geeignete Entscheidungen zu finden und gleichzeitig Umweltziele zu realisieren. Damit das Defizit reduziert werden kann, wird in diesem Beitrag die Wichtigkeit der Kennzahlen bzw. Umweltkennzahlen im ÖkoControlling vorgestellt, um eine nachhaltige Produktion zu erreichen.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    STORM – Sustainable Online Reporting Model at the University of Oldenburg
    (EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Marx Gómez, Jorge; van Vliet, Sebastian; Roeder, Olaf; Lipnitskaya, Swetlana
    Sustainability reporting combines economic, environmental and social reporting in one place. Commonly known as “Sustainability Report”, such a report was presented as book or booklet in printed form, which held all information available. Typically, a stakeholder still had to gather information important to him by himself, even from an online available report. The potential offered by “Web 2.0” can vastly improve such information gathering, since it can be presented in a much more individual way. This is the approach of the SusTainability Online Reporting Model (STORM), which is a CMS specialized for individual and stakeholder-oriented sustainability reporting. It offers planning, implementation and publication of reports as well as target-group-specific personalization of reports and dialogue with and among stakeholders. STORM supports the use of GRI indicators and the validation of indicators by a structured scheme. Creating reports, integration of media elements and publication is done within one integrated editor, which greatly simplifies the whole reporting process. The scheme for a report can both be created by companies itself and reused for on-going reporting. Also, an existing scheme can be imported, which could be based on GRI’s reporting guidelines. The personalization of reports are achieved through an information system that allows reordering and picking of certain articles from any report, either on a per user basis or editorially for known stakeholder-groups. These personalized reports can be further distributed, discussed and analysed. STORM archives all reports online and supports distribution via newsletter, e-mail and social networks, making it possible to integrate stakeholders in evaluation, analysing and discussion of reports. Especially machine readable reports support a deep analysis and comparison. STORM was developed by a student project group at the University of Oldenburg in 2009 – 2010 using only open source software, implemented using the Model-View-Control pattern and additionally divided into several independent modules, which makes it easy to integrate STORM in existing software environments, develop new modules or migrate existing ones to another version or language. The database can be any ODBC compliant database, accessed either locally or remotely; other external systems such as SAP or StudIP (a university’s students organization system) can be accessed, too. Currently STORM needs a J2EE webserver container for operational processing. In this paper, we describe an approach to migrate STORM (as a J2EE Application) to Microsoft’s ASP.NET. This migration will make it possible to run STORM using different technologies, either as independent instances or in a parallel collaborating mode. A long term goal is to fully support (e.g. for import and export) Microsoft’s Office environment and server structures, as those are found in the majority of Small and Medium Enterprises. The main challenge during that migration is to operate at both platforms simultaneously. To achieve this task, a software-bridge will be implemented, which accumulates gateways between those platforms and manages access. This way functionality is directed at the appropriate target platform, the user interface is kept consistent and the databases are synchronized.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Interlink Between Environment and Health Information
    (EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 1: Core Application Areas, 2012) Pillmann, Werner
    Environmental data and information are describing in particular the environmental situation, characterizing the basic conditions for the individual quality of life. Programmatic documents, e.g. from the European Ministerial Conferences on Environment and Health 1989-2010, leave no doubt about the strategic role of information management. This paper outlines some aspects on the interlink between environment and health information and research from an information processing point of view. A Meta-model is presented, which outlines the role of environmental informatics for the supply of environmental and health information. The Meta-Model has a close relationship to DPSIR and DPSEEA 2 structure and specifies more in detail the connection between environmental and health information.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Implementing CEMIS Workflows with State Chart XML
    (EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Bremer, Joerg; Mahmoud, Tariq; Rapp, Barbara
    Contemporary CEMIS do not cope with requirements from the sustainability discussion. At the time of reporting environmental performance, it is too late to set the right course. Without an early identification of cause and effect to anticipate environmental impacts of decisions for timely intervention, potentials for acting precautious remain unemployed. A resource-friendly design of processes and their controlling demands for sustainability oriented organizational structures. The methodical view is also often neglected. Innovative solutions are in demand that foster the seamless integration of external environmental data together with in-house process, product and organizational data into environmental performance calculations in order to gain a decision base for strategic environmental management. Moreover, the huge variety of individually needed applications or adaptions of applications to an organizations individual needs demands for a means to plug together rather small functionalities to a tailor made system in a flexible manner. In this paper, we introduce the workflow centric approach within the IT-for-Green project (http://www.it-for-green.eu) and give an overview of the used techniques.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Design of an Event Engine for Next Generation CEMIS: A Use Case
    (EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Rapp, Barbara; Bremer, Jörg
    The next generation of CEMIS is supposed to breed applications for strategic environmental management that are pro-active and highly automated. Besides a new quality of decision support, such a system might be capable of taking unsupervised decisions and actions in certain situations. In either way, such systems should be capable of unsupervised recognition of system disturbances and be able to set-up alarm messages in order to claim human decision for taking appropriate action. In this paper, we will present our design considerations for a pro-active component for our new CEMIS. This component will be an event engine that is capable of frequently, autonomously processing predefined monitoring tasks.