Auflistung Environmental Informatics 2012 nach Erscheinungsdatum
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- KonferenzbeitragWasserqualität-Online - Landkreisweite Datenbanken zur Überwachung von Roh- und Trinkwasseranalysen(EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Gutzke, ThomasIn three districts of Hesse, a federal state in Germany, all participants of the water sector share their data in districtwide management-systems. It is a complete new approach to create a holistic database, which is directly filled by the property owners. Additionally, all authorized legal authorities have selective access rights to the supervised data. The database and the software are hosted by a professional provider on a WTS. The user-access is realized by using RDP or VPN-tunnels. As a benefit for the public, the water supply companies provide specific quality data of the drinking water over a WebGIS-Portal.
- KonferenzbeitragEnergieportal Baden-Württemberg(EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Tauber, Martina; Schillinger, Wolfgang; Ebel, Renate; Zetzmann, Klaus; Haid, AchimAuf der Cebit 2012 wurde das neue Energieportal des Landes Baden-Württemberg vorgestellt. In der dazu herausgegebenen Pressemitteilung des Ministeriums für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft Baden-Württemberg beschreibt Umweltminister Franz Untersteller die Bedeutung des Portals: „Der freie Zugang zu umfassenden Umweltinformationen trägt dem berechtigten Informationsbedarf der Bevölkerung Rechnung und schafft hierdurch Transparenz und Akzeptanz für unser Verwaltungshandeln. Das Energieportal Baden-Württemberg ist deswegen ein wichtiger Baustein der Energiewende“.
- KonferenzbeitragA Common Tool for Managing Environmental Monitoring Data(EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Rüther, Maria; Bandholtz, Thomas; Schulte-Coerne, TillThis article gives an overview of a recent project of the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) regarding the management of its data. It describes the user requirements, both from the perspective of the scientists as well as of application management, which have led to the development of a general tool for managing environmental data. Examples demonstrate the flexible structure of the new application and thus give an impression for possible use in other monitoring programs. Thereafter, we examine the German ESB’s open data, which is a part of the Federal Environment Agency’s Linked Open Data initiative.
- KonferenzbeitragOEPI: A Network Solution for Managing Organizations’ Environmental Performance Indicators(EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Dada, Ali; Müller, Katrin; Abad, José Antonio López; Bracher, ShaneCompanies use Environmental Performance Indicators (EPIs) such as CO2 emissions and water consumption to monitor and reduce the impact of their operations and products on the environment. Various IT solutions are used today to manage these EPIs, however, these suffer from three shortcomings. They do not sufficiently address the business user, they barely touch upon the inter-organizational aspects, and they typically suffer from data availability and quality issues. Addressing these challenges is the aim of the research project OEPI whose approach and results are the subject of this paper. OEPI proposes a new solution aimed at the business user, designed for extensibility, and with particular mechanisms that foster inter-organizational cooperation and high-quality data incorporation. The goal is to provide a many-to-many business network that enables users to easily provision, share, and manage their EPIs.
- Konferenzbeitrag„ReMo Green“ - A new way of developing Standard Environmental Software(EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Meyer, AndreaThe introduction and application of energy efficiency systems and their methods according to the DIn EN ISO 50001 standard is still inhibited by many different factors in small and medium sized enterprises. Firstly, it is a lack of monetary resources in most cases. That includes asset costs as well as costs for particularly educated employees and all follow-up costs such as support, further developed software versions and updates. A SME cannot act and invest like one of the bigger enterprises or a concern - that is a fact. Secondly inhibiting is the already established structure of processes and working resources that have to be broken trough. That means an alteration at least or even a total change of business flows. It can only be handled by an optimally skilled management base, which is unfortunately hard to be found in SME. Different researches and analyses have shown that. All that implies, that well developed IT-solutions have to be brought right to this point. Well developed means, there has to be a comprehensive research about the special needs of SME and further collaboration with these companies while developing an IT-based tool for energy efficiency support, that can be offered and established as an optimal standard environmental software tool which is developed and improved by their own users. The advantage of providing standard software instead of individually developed solutions is clearly and mainly a factor of costs. Ready made software products are mostly cheaper, because they do not run through a long and complex developing process which demands consideration and decision from experts and users within the enterprise. But its still a question of the viewpoint. Individual software on the other hand has an high customize level which means that it does not keep a heavy overload of unnecessary functionality thats useless, expensive and disturbing for most users. There has to be found a middle ground between those two approaches. „ReMo Green“ is taking care of all of the points above and expands it with one simple, but important component - the enterprise itself.
- KonferenzbeitragGeospatial Service Interfaces and Encodings for Mobile Applications(EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 1: Core Application Areas, 2012) Havlik, Denis; Kutschera, Peter; Geyer, Clemens; Egly, MariaSensor Web Enablement suite (OGC SWE) offers a set of standardized service interfaces and data models which can be used for encapsulation of arbitrary observation-generating processes. In the past, AIT has used the OGC SWE for wrapping of hardware sensors, sensor data stores, cadastres and various sensor-like models behind OGC Sensor Observation Service (for data access) and Sensor Planning Service (for process control) interfaces. This approach was successfully applied in different projects (SANY, SUDPLAN), and resulted in development of the SOS and SPS service interfaces for the set of open source tools for time-series handling ( developed by AIT. We have also discovered several issues and limitations of the OGC SWE services: (1) encoding of observations in SensorML/SWE Common is not always straightforward; (2) XML encoding/decoding can become extremely inefficient for large data sets; and (3) the complexity of the OGC XML schemas (O&M, SWE common, GML) further slows down the SWE-based solutions. However, these issues appeared of secondary importance compared to benefits of interoperability for classic environmental applications where both server and the client had plenty of memory and CPU power, the observations and processes creating them are well-defined and do not often change, and the interoperability across different organizations is a must. Recently, our focus moved towards Volunteered Geographic Information, and the rules of the game changed, with (potential) numbers and profiles of users and “sensors” drastically rising, and smartphones replacing the classical PCs as key client platform. This resulted in development of a Mobile Data Acquisition Framework (MDAF) which will be described in this paper.
- KonferenzbeitragEin Ordnungsrahmen zur IKT gestützten Analyse von ökologischen Anforderungen(EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Arndt, Hans-Knud; Jacob, StephanOrganisationen unterliegen starken Einflüssen aus Ihrem Umfeld. Verschiedene Anspruchsgruppen definieren Anforderungen, welche im Rahmen der Tätigkeiten innerhalb der Organisation beachtet werden müssen. Diese Einflüsse beschreiben zum einen eine Hierarchie und zum anderen beeinflussen diese nicht nur die Aktivitäten sondern sich auch gegenseitig, so dass sie als ein semantisches Netz systematisiert werden können. Aufgrund der Komplexität ist eine IKT-gestützte Verarbeitung im Rahmen des Anforderungsmanagement unumgänglich. Durch eine geeignete Aufbereitung der Informationsbasis ist es für die Organisation möglich, den Rahmen für zukünftige Entwicklungen einzuschränken, da diese zu großen Teilen durch verschiedene Anforderungen begrenzt werden. Die Analyse der Anforderungen kann somit Handlungsalternativen für eine Organisation aufzeigen. Um diese Wirkung zu ermöglichen, wird in diesem Artikel ein Ordnungsrahmen beschrieben, welcher die IKT gestützte Erfassung, Verarbeitung und Analyse der verschiedenen Anforderungen und die sich ergebenen Konsequenzen erlaubt.
- KonferenzbeitragDer Umweltatlas – ein Sachstandsbericht zum Gemeinschaftsprojekt der Bundesländer Schleswig Holstein, Mecklenburg Vorpommern und Rheinland Pfalz(EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Görtzen, Dirk; Völz, Roland; Venebrügge, Gesine; Rothenburger, AndreaThree german federal states developed a common platform for their environmental atlases. The web based platform leaves enough space for the partners to follow their own corporate design requirements. The main purpose is interactive spatial access to environmental information. The appearance may vary even for different users, in some cases to the point of process support. Furthermore the platform may be used in geo data infrastructures.
- KonferenzbeitragCorporate Environmental Management Information Systems (CEMIS) - Sustainability Reporting Tools for SMEs(EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 2: Open Data and Industrial Ecological Management, 2012) Jamous, Naoum; Alwafaie, Rami; Albadawi Dahma, MiguelIn recent years, companies have begun to concentrate on the topic of environment sustainability. They have tried different methods and software in order to reduce their businesses’ effect on the environment, like pollution and unsustainable use of natural resources. These measures contribute to the protection of the integrity of ecosystems and human health, ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources, and guaranteeing fair competition. This paper is a literature review focusing on meanings rather than facts, so it uses the deductive research method which depends mainly on the qualitative data analysis, and it is closer to the positivism research philosophy. Within the topic environmental management information system (EMIS), we will start this paper with a theoretical part highlighting the most used terms and concepts, and then we will analyse several sustainability reporting tools, providing a comparison among four different tools against the small to medium sized companies’ requirements.
- KonferenzbeitragPublication and Discovery of Semantically Annotated Geospatial Web Services(EnviroInfo Dessau 2012, Part 1: Core Application Areas, 2012) Larizgoitia, Iker; Beltran, Arturo; Toma, Ioan; Maué, PatrickEnvironmental information and services have become a crucial asset in the creation of decission support systems. Unfortunately, this information and services are not usually exposed in an interoperable and standard way, limiting their reusability and impact in the community. Publishing and discovering geospatial information and services on the Web is therefore an important challenge in order to create a breeding ground for collaboration and more sophisticated environmental platforms. Based on common standards defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) as the starting point to ensure interoperability, we propose a discovery mechanism based on semantic annotations. OGC service descriptions are annotated with SAWSDL and linked to concepts in domain ontologies, following a common semantic service model. We seamlessly integrate the semantics in the standard OGC discovery infrastructure, extending the CSW service catalogues with semantic publication and discovery. Semantics queries can be created based on formal languages like WSML, significantly improving the precission of discovery. In this paper we present our approach, which provides a semantic infrastructure for publication and discovery of environmentally enabled web services.