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Wattwork - The design of an application for the support of sustainable work practices in offices

dc.contributor.authorCerkowniak, Anika
dc.contributor.authorErdmann, Verena
dc.contributor.editorJohannsen, Vivian Kvist
dc.contributor.editorJensen, Stefan
dc.contributor.editorWohlgemuth, Volker
dc.contributor.editorPreist, Chris
dc.contributor.editorEriksson, Elina
dc.description.abstractThis work describes the design process of an eco-feedback system for office workplaces. In a first step, a literature review was done looking at design implications regarding eco-feedback systems for workplaces. We could identify that information transparency is a major issue that has to be taken into account. The information has to be delivered in real-time and the eco-feedback system has to display individual and only relevant information to its users. The literature research lead to a first paper based prototype, which was evaluated by experts to identify problems regarding functionality and usability. Due to the evaluation, we improved the prototype and developed a clickable low fidelity prototype that can be tested by users. Afterwards more interviews have been conducted with office employees to conceive their motivation and gather further requirements. After each interview the clickable prototype was introduced to the employees. The users expressed all their concerns about the presented eco-feedback system, so new requirements could be identified. A major finding was that user have different needs and motivations to use an eco-feedback system. On one hand there were users, who wanted a wide range of information including absolute data. On the other hand, there were users, who criticised the complexity of an application that provides too much information. They postulated an easy application, without any numerical description. As a result, the initial view was minimised, but the user has the possibility to get detailed and customizable information on request. The study was conducted in the context of the project livinglab-energy.de, which is supported by Umweltministerium NRW.de
dc.publisherUniversity of Copenhagen
dc.relation.ispartofEnviroInfo & ICT4S, Adjunct Proceedings
dc.titleWattwork - The design of an application for the support of sustainable work practices in officesde
dc.typeText/Conference Paper
gi.citation.publisherPlaceCopenhagen, Denmark
gi.conference.sessiontitleConverStation II
