3D User Interfaces for Interventional Support and Medical Education
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Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Spatial user interfaces hold the opportunity to improve the interaction with medical structures in several domains. This thesis presents spatial input and output devices as well as interaction techniques that support physicians during interventions, students and teachers in medical education, and patients and physicians during patient education.
Physicians are supported with freehand gestures that are used as a touchless interaction technique to control interventional imaging software. This enables them to investigate patient’s radiographic scans during interventions in a sterile manner. Patient education, medical teaching and therapy planning are supported with the natural interaction technique of sketching. Here, approaches are presented to sketch vascular structures, pathologies, treatment options and blood flow in real-time, either as 2D or 3D structures. For this purpose, an interactive whiteboard and a spatial input and output device is used (namely the zSpace).
Furthermore, this thesis presents general guidelines for the evaluation of interactive medical visualizations. This comprises quantitative and qualitative methods, directives for the collection of data, the definition of tasks and experimental designs as well as the selection of appropriate statistical tests.
The conducted evaluations within this thesis follow these guidelines, which allows to assess them with quantitative and qualitative aspects. The presented prototypes show the potential for touchless interaction with medical image data, the chance to support patients in understanding the impact of different treatment strategies, and the opportunity in helping students to learn particularities and spatial relationships of vascular configurations.