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Using Calculated-logical Systems (CLS) to Raise the Effectiveness of the Remote Control of Automatic Space Vehicles (SV)

dc.contributor.authorAlekseevich, Udaloy Valeriy
dc.contributor.authorLeonidovich, Sokolov Nikolay
dc.contributor.editorHřebíček, J.
dc.contributor.editorRáček, J.
dc.description.abstractIn this article is investigating a problem of CLS building application of it during taking decision process during the remote control of SV (space vehicle). CLS is based on the periodic accumulation of knowledge about flight information of SV and on elements using of intellectual searching. There are following principles in the base of CLS projecting: The apportionment of hierarchical stages of TMP to make the operative diagnostics of onboard systems′ capacity for work; The working out of logical connections between control influences and the prognosis of SV onboard systems′ condition; The automated working out recommendations of taking decisions to take SV in different conditions. CLS functions in two conditions: the tuning condition using during the preparing stage of SV for control and the operative condition using during control process. Using of CLS allows making the monitoring of onboard systems, to make prognosis onboard systems′ capacity for work for the following period of time and to work out future control programs. There are described examples of CLS using during the operative control process of SV. Given the inference about the existence of a big reserve of reliability and energy in getting things done during the remote control when an irregular situation is string up.de
dc.publisherMasaryk University Brno
dc.relation.ispartofInformatics for Environmental Protection - Networking Environmental Information
dc.titleUsing Calculated-logical Systems (CLS) to Raise the Effectiveness of the Remote Control of Automatic Space Vehicles (SV)de
dc.typeText/Conference Paper
gi.conference.sessiontitleEnvironmental information systems engineering
