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Sustainable Business Strategies in the Internet Economy

dc.contributor.authorFichter, Klaus
dc.contributor.editorHilty, Lorenz M.
dc.contributor.editorGilgen, Paul W.
dc.description.abstractAs to the environmental effects of e-commerce and Internet use, three levels can be distinguished: direct environmental effects of the information technology infrastructure (energy use etc. of networks, servers, receiver systems, PCs etc.), secondary effects caused by Internet use, and tertiary effects due to subsequent and rebound effects. Until now, positive environmental effects brought about by Internet use and e-business have generally been unintended coincidental side-effects. The growth in significance of e-business and Internet for the economy and environment means that companies in future will have to take environmental demands into specific consideration as part of their innovation strategies. E-business provides four environmental strategies for sustainable company development: 1. Greening of ICT: environmentally friendly production, use recycling of information and communication appliances and technologies, 2. E-substitution: Substitution of physical products by electronic and environmentally friendly alternatives for products, mail order services and uses; 3. E-support: Use of the Internet and e-business for the safeguarding and dissemination of environmentally friendly products and services and 4. E-services: use of Internet based services, business models and networks for safeguarding the environment and improving eco-efficiency.de
dc.relation.ispartofSustainability in the Information Society
dc.titleSustainable Business Strategies in the Internet Economyde
dc.typeText/Conference Paper
gi.conference.sessiontitleThe New Economy and Sustainable Devolopment
