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Neue Technologien in der Forstwirtschaft am Beispiel der Apps WaldFliege und WaldKarte

dc.contributor.authorMüller, Christine
dc.contributor.editorHosenfeld, Friedhelm
dc.contributor.editorKnetsch, Gerlinde
dc.contributor.editorZacharias, Uta
dc.description.abstractAlthough forestry may seem to be a rather traditional branch with little interest in new technologies the use of android apps offers significant advantages in forestry and management of natural resources. The need of foresters, forest workers and logistic companies to collect and store data in the forest is met by android devices. The android apps ‘WaldFliege’ and ‘Forest(M)ap(p)’ offer a solution for optimizing timber logistic. With WaldFliege people working in the forest can collect timber data and combine it with GPS data, photos and data of forest owners. Forest(M)ap(p) shows the position of the stacks of timber in an offline map. Places can be marked by means of the GPS but also by simply tapping on the map if no satellite signal is available. Inforst also offers measuring with UAVs in forestry. This can simplify the planning of timber harvesting or the management of forest damages. The transfer of data from the multicopter directly to the offline map in the app is in project.de
dc.relation.ispartofUmweltinformationssysteme. Big Data – Open Data – Data Variety
dc.relation.ispartofseriesWorkshops "AK Umweltinformationssysteme"
dc.titleNeue Technologien in der Forstwirtschaft am Beispiel der Apps WaldFliege und WaldKartede
dc.typeText/Conference Paper
gi.conference.locationKarlsruhe (2014) und Kassel (2015)
gi.conference.sessiontitleWorkshop 2015
