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Implementation and development of an Internet based information exchange network between EU-member states, the European Commission and small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)

dc.contributor.authorAvci, Nurten
dc.contributor.authorGeldermann, Jutta
dc.contributor.authorRentz, Otto
dc.contributor.editorHilty, Lorenz M.
dc.contributor.editorGilgen, Paul W.
dc.description.abstractThe EU-Solvent Directive (Council Directive 1999/13/EC on the limitation of emissions of VOC due to the use of organic solvents) lays down emission limit values for twenty different categories of installations using solvents. These limit values are determined depending on the applied production processes and the installation capacity. Therefore, companies are obliged to take measures in the near future to reduce emissions. Information about the way of compliance with the Directive is needed. Articles 7 and 8.5 of the EU-Solvent Directive shall ensure that an exchange of information between Member States and the activities concerning the use of organic substances and their potential substitutes takes place. The objective of a new and comprehensive information exchange forum is to provide high quality, focused information for all users affected by the Solvent Directive and to offer the possibility to upand download specific information for each activity and Member State.de
dc.relation.ispartofSustainability in the Information Society
dc.titleImplementation and development of an Internet based information exchange network between EU-member states, the European Commission and small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)de
dc.typeText/Conference Paper
gi.conference.sessiontitleEnvironmental and Sustainability Management
