P326 - INFORMATIK 2022 - Informatik in den Naturwissenschaften
Auflistung P326 - INFORMATIK 2022 - Informatik in den Naturwissenschaften nach Erscheinungsdatum
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- TextdokumentAufbau und Umsetzung eines informellen Netzwerkes zur Förderung der Digitalisierung in der Landwirtschaft in Rheinland-Pfalz zur Implementierung einer Wissenstransfer-Plattform(INFORMATIK 2022, 2022) Wintz,Lea; Strerath,PaulPrecision Farming, Smart Farming bis hin zum Digital Farming: Die intensive Verwendung elektronischer Komponenten in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben macht es heute möglich, vielfältige Daten aus unterschiedlichen Produktionsbereichen zu erfassen und verfügbar zu machen. Die Datenanalyse bietet das Potential, Betriebsmittel einzusparen, Dokumentationen zu erleichtern, die Entscheidungsfindung zu unterstützen und die Betriebsführung zu verbessern. Die Technische Hochschule Bingen untersucht im Rahmen des Verbundprojektes Experimentierfeld Südwest des Bundeslandwirtschaftsministeriums in Rheinland-Pfalz die Bedarfe der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe in der Digitalisierung. Das Ziel ist, mittels Coaching und Schulung die Digitalisierung in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben weiterzuentwickeln. Über ein herstellerunabhängiges, zentral gesteuertes informelles Netzwerk der Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft, wird der kritische Dialog zwischen Anwendern wie landwirtschaftlichen Betriebsleitern und Lohnunternehmern, Offizialberatung, Entwicklern und Herstellern von digitalen und KI gestützten Lösungen gefördert. Der individuelle Coaching-Bedarf einzelner Praktiker wird in Gesprächsrunden erkannt. Die als Ergebnis der Gesprächsrunden geschaffenen Wissenstransfer-Plattformen FarmWissen und OpenDataFarm werden als Kanäle des Coachings genutzt.
- TextdokumentAligning Value Creation in Ecosystems through Roadmapping(INFORMATIK 2022, 2022) Petrik,Dimitri; Trieflinger,Stefan; Schönhofen,FelixThere is a growing consensus in research and practice that value-creating networks and ecosystems are supplementing the traditional distinction between the internal firm and market perspectives. To achieve joint value in ecosystems, it is crucial to align the various interests of independently acting ecosystem actors and create a common vision. In this paper, we argue that the ecosystem-wide use of product roadmaps may help with this. To get a better understanding of how roadmapping is conducted in the dynamic ecosystem environment, we systematize the main characteristics of product roadmaps and perform a conceptual comparison with the known challenges of ecosystem management. Comparing the two concepts of ecosystems and product roadmaps, we highlight the fit between the characteristics and objectives of the roadmaps and the challenges of ecosystem management. Hence, we propose to experiment with the ecosystem-wide use of product roadmaps as well as the empirical study of the challenges emerging in the process and the associated redesign of the roadmaps.
- TextdokumentRequirements for a Digital Product Passport to Boost the Circular Economy(INFORMATIK 2022, 2022) Plociennik,Christiane; Pourjafarian,Monireh; Saleh,Shehab; Hagedorn,Tabea; Carmo Precci Lopes,Alice do; Vogelgesang,Malte; Baehr,Julian; Kellerer,Bernd; Jansen,Maike; Berg,Holger; Ruskowski,Martin; Schebek,Liselotte; Ciroth,AndreasThe Digital Product Passport (DPP) is a concept to collect and share product-related information along a product's lifecycle. The aim is to provide all stakeholders during the product lifecycle with the information they need such that a successful Circular Economy can be implemented. At the moment, several varieties of DPPs are being developed, most of them sector-specific. As of today, however, there is no common standard as to what a DPP should look like. This paper collects requirements for the DPP from different perspectives that must be fulfilled to make it broadly applicable.
- TextdokumentIntelligentes Unternehmen, Intelligenter Staat, Intelligentes Europa – Was ist zu tun?(INFORMATIK 2022, 2022) John,UlrichZiel des bereits 2021 geplanten Kurzpapers ist der Anstoß einer Diskussion unter Fachkollegen/ -innen über die aktuelle Situation und über Möglichkeiten, die dringend notwendigen Digitalisierungen zu sichern bzw. „auf den richtigen Weg zu bringen“. Geplant ist, eine diesbezügliche Initialdiskussion auf dem 14. Workshop {KI-basiertes} Management und Optimierung komplexer Systeme (MOC 2022) zu führen. Ergebnisse wären idealer Weise der Anstoß von Folgediskussionen und zielführenden Aktivitäten bzw. Initiativen.
- TextdokumentBereitstellung von Mobilitätsdaten – Ein Problem des Datenschutzes?(INFORMATIK 2022, 2022) Widemann,MarcAn die Nutzung von Mobilitätsdaten sind vielfältige Hoffnungen zur Erreichung der Verkehrswende und für einen Beitrag gegen den Klimawandel geknüpft. Doch obwohl eine Vielzahl von Daten und Informationen ohnehin öffentlich bekannt gemacht werden muss, ist der Zugang zu Mobilitätsdaten an vielen Stellen noch herausfordernd. Neue Verkehrsformen und weitere Möglichkeiten zur Erhebung und Bereitstellung von Mobilitätsdaten erfordern in zunehmendem Maße, auch den Schutz personenbezogener Daten im Blick zu behalten. Wie ein Umgang mit Mobilitätsdaten aussehen kann, der gleichermaßen die Nutzbarkeit der Daten und den Schutz personenbezogener Daten sicherstellt, soll im folgenden Beitrag in Abgrenzung zu den Regelungen im Personenbeförderungsgesetz dargestellt werden.
- TextdokumentPotential analysis for the detection of attacks on wireless networks using the Wireless Intrusion Detection System Nzyme(INFORMATIK 2022, 2022) Eisenhut,Maximilian; Honekamp,WilfriedDue to the flexibility and low cost of acquisition compared to wired network connections, wireless networks continue to proliferate. Due to this increasing number and the characteristics of a shared medium, it offers potential attackers a suitable platform to easily gain access to diverse network types. To this end, the range of specialised hardware and software for attacking wireless networks is constantly evolving. Information on the location and other parameters of wireless networks is also documented and updated online in a largely automated manner. Particularly in the economic as well as in the public environment, a special need can thus arise to detect attacks, identify attackers and initiate countermeasures on the basis of this information. This paper describes the evaluation of the possibilities offered by the open-source Wireless Intrusion Detection System (WIDS) Nzyme. For this purpose, the messages that occur during different attacks were examined. Furthermore, real data was recorded and evaluated based on the parameters from the test attacks to draw conclusions about the type and frequency of attacks. The ratio between legitimate reports and false alarms was also determined. Test attacks were successfully detected and could be assigned to possible attacks. Real data was recorded at three locations and compared with the patterns from the test attacks. The evaluation shows that the rate of false alarms in real operations is unacceptable, at over 27%. The causes for this are mostly misconfigurations and atmospheric disturbances. The study further shows, that combined alarm messages allow conclusions to be drawn about the type of attack carried out and thus the number of false alarms can be reduced. The effort and benefit of a WIDS are currently not yet in a meaningful relationship. Nevertheless, use and further development are recommended, taking these circumstances into account.
- TextdokumentPotentials of Bicycle Infrastructure Data Lakes to Support Cycling Quality Assessment(INFORMATIK 2022, 2022) Schering,Johannes; Marx Gómez,Jorge; Büsselmann,Lena; Alfaro,Federico; Stüven,JanA data-driven quality assessment of bicycle infrastructure is necessary in times of crisis to support the decision-making process in cycling promotion. The INFRASense project was initiated to support the scoring of bike paths by providing new crowdsourcing data that is combined with other relevant data sources (traffic amount, accidents, citizen reportings etc.). The storage and processing of heterogeneous bike infrastructure data may be a challenge. With its flexibility a Data Lake could be an alternative to the traditional Data Warehouse. In the first step the paper gives an overview about data-driven initiatives in the use-case of bike infrastructure quality assessment and the recently started research project INFRASense. We will provide an overview about data sources that may potentially be included into the data driven quality assessment. Big Bicycle Data is available in many different structures and formats (CSV, XML, SHP etc.). In the second step the concepts of Data Lake and Data Warehouse are introduced. The benefits and weaknesses of these two solutions are shown followed by a discussion about which one of these is the best concept for storage, processing, and analysis of heterogeneous bicycle infrastructure data. In the last step we are providing an outlook how an efficient bicycle infrastructure data management system could be implemented.
- TextdokumentIssues of Verifying Anonymity: An Overview(INFORMATIK 2022, 2022) Stummer,SarahThe processing of anonymous data has great potential for research, economy, and society. However, due to legal ambiguities regarding anonymization and the verification of anonymity, its potential is not exploited yet. This paper addresses the chances and issues regarding the concept of anonymization and discusses what needs to be clarified to enable organizations to verify whether data are anonymized in a GDPR-compliant way. Based on this discussion, the paper proposes the implementation of a metrics system as a possible preliminary solution to solve the issues with anonymization and the verification of anonymity.
- Textdokument‘Not all algorithms!' Lessons from the Private Sector on Mitigating Gender Discrimination(INFORMATIK 2022, 2022) Winkler,Mareike; Köhne,Sonja; Klöpper,MiriamIn the public sector, the use of algorithmic decision-making (ADM) systems can be directly linked to crucial state assistance, such as welfare benefits. Prominent examples such as an algorithm of the Public Employment Service Austria, that predicted below-average placement chances for women, underline the high risks of systematic gender discrimination. The use of ADM is rather novel in the public sector. The private sector, on the other hand, can resort to a relative wealth of experience in adopting such algorithms and dealing with algorithmic gender discrimination, for example in recruiting. Based on empirical examples our paper 1) explores how gender is currently considered in the development of ADM for the public sector, 2) highlights the potential risks of algorithmic gender discrimination, and 3) analyzes how the public sector can learn from the experience of the private sector in mitigating these risks.
- TextdokumentInfluence Estimation In Multi-Step Process Chains Using Quantum Bayesian Networks(INFORMATIK 2022, 2022) Selch,Maximilian; Müssig,Daniel; Hänel,Albrecht; Lässig,Jörg; Ihlenfeldt,SteffenDigital representatives of physical assets and process steps play a decisive role in analysing properties and evaluating the quality of the process. So-called digital twins acquire all relevant planning and process data, which provide the basis, for example, to investigate path accuracies in manufacturing. Each single process step aims to perform an ideal machining after the specification of a target geometry. However, the practical implementation of a step usually shows deviations from the targeted shape. The machine-learning based method of probabilistic Bayesian networks enables the quality estimation of the holistic process chain as well as improvements by targeted considerations of single steps and influence factors. However, the handling of large-scale Bayesian networks requires a high computational effort, whereas the processing with quantum algorithms holds potential improvements in storage and performance. Based on the issue of path accuracy, this paper considers the modelling and influence estimation for a milling operation including experiments on superconducting quantum hardware.