Mensch und Computer 2021
Mensch und Computer 2021 vom 5.-8. September in Ingolstadt
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- KonferenzbeitragTracing Covid-19 -- Older Adults' Attitudes Toward Digital Contact Tracing and How to Increase Their Participation(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Tagungsband, 2021) Wagner, Philipp; Winkler, Anna; Paraschivoiu, Irina; Meschtscherjakov, Alexander; Gärtner, Magdalena; Tscheligi, ManfredThe COVID-19 pandemic poses major challenges for health care systems. Contact tracing apps are being used around the world to help track and break the chain of infection. We conducted a qualitative study with eight older adults (65+) to find out how their lives have been affected by the pandemic. One of the topics covered was the “Stopp Corona” app, a contact tracing app by the national Red Cross and participants’ attitude towards it. Despite the fact that most participants did not use the app, they expressed little concerns about the misuse of data as they have high trust in the Red Cross and the national government. Highlighting the societal benefit of contact tracing seems to be a major factor for uptake. Based on our results in comparison with recent studies on digital contact tracing, we suggest four recommendations that may support adoption of contact tracing apps by older adults.
- KonferenzbeitragCognitive Load during First Contact with Mixed Reality Learning Environments(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Tagungsband, 2021) Kockord, René; Bodensiek, OliverMixed Reality (MR) is a growing field in educational settings with increasing importance. Nevertheless, little research has been done so far on howto design a user friendly first contact with this technology. Therefore, this study investigates the challenges and problems that arise when using MR with little to no experience and focuses on the cognitive load of the participants. For this purpose, three tasks are first performed in the natural environment using physical dice, which are then performed by the same participants in MR with virtual dice. Questionnaires are used to assess cognitive load. The problems and challenges are addressed with semi-structured interviews. As a result, a significant increase in cognitive load is observed from the first run (non-MR) to the second run (MR), which is underpinned by the number of challenges encountered. Therefore, further research of the reasons for the increase in cognitive load is needed in order to counteract it with an appropriate design of Mixed Reality Learning Environments.
- KonferenzbeitragOnline Focus Groups with and for the Elderly: Specifics, Challenges, Recommendations(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Tagungsband, 2021) Rietze, Jessica; Bürkner, Isabell; Pfister, Anne; Blum, Rainer; Pfister, AnneTechnik kann ein selbstbestimmtes Leben in einer alternden Gesellschaft unterstützen. Zur Entwicklung sogenannter Ambient Assisted Living-Systeme (AAL) bedarf es eines nutzerzentrierten Design-Prozesses, um die benötigten Funktionalitäten passgenau bereitzustellen und zugleich die Nutzer nicht durch unnötige oder unverständliche Interaktionen zu überfordern. Fokusgruppen sind eine geeignete Methode zur qualitativen Befragung einer Zielgruppe. Sie pandemiebedingt online durchzuführen erfordert Anpassungen und spezielle Vorbereitungen. Dieser Beitrag expliziert die erzielten Erkenntnisse zur Durchführung einer Online- Fokusgruppe mit Senior*innen. Er bietet Empfehlungen zur Auswahl der Teilnehmenden, zur Vorbereitung sowie zu den einzusetzenden Techniken für Online-Fokusgruppen mit eher technik-unerfahrenen Teilnehmenden.
- KonferenzbeitragCan you help me? Testing HMI designs and psychological influences on intended helping behavior towards autonomous cargo bikes(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Tagungsband, 2021) Kopka, Marvin; Krause, KarenAutonomous (cargo-)bikes offer many use cases, especially in urban areas. One challenge they have to face is their dependence on human assistance. This study examines the influence of light color, flashing rhythm, voices, a person’s kindness and technological experience on helping behavior towards an autonomous cargo bike. An experiment with 233 participants was conducted.We found that technological experience and kindness had a positive influence on helping behavior, while light color, flashing rhythm and voice type did not have any influence. Our results imply that helping behavior towards an autonomous bicycle varies individually. However, an electronically generated voice should be used to make the vehicle appear autonomous, emphasize the absence of a human being and give clear instructions to promote helping behavior.
- WorkshopbeitragEvaluating a Smart Car Interface in Terms of Usability, User Experience and User Acceptance(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Avramidis, Mario; Kellner, Christiane; Staudt, Josefine; Zimmermann, Verena; Gerber, NinaAlthough the automation of cars aims to facilitate driving, current systems still rely on the driver for handling critical driving situations. As long as fully automatic systems are not available, the driver has to be supported in the take-over maneuver. We thus propose an interface that relies on auditory and visual signals to support the take-over process. Our interface further provides assistance for driving in poor visibility conditions, such as bad weather or darkness, by highlighting other traffic participants and lane boundaries. An online evaluation of our interface with 22 participants indicates a good usability, user experience, and acceptance.
- KonferenzbeitragDeep Learning meets Private Talk: Conversational AI can Predict Speaker Traits by Eavesdropping for only 30 Seconds(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Tagungsband, 2021) Liesenfeld, Andreas; Parti, Gábor; Huang, Chu-renConversational AI such as smart speakers placed in home environments can accidentally activate and record people’s talk for a short time. What can such devices learn about people by listening in on ongoing conversations? Taking two commonly used speaker traits as an example, we present the results of an experiment that simulates Conversational AI eavesdropping on ongoing talk using transcriptions of naturalistic conversations in private settings. We show that a currently popular type of deep learning-based system can reliably predict if a speaker is “young”, “old”, “female” or “male” (age=99%, gender=82%) based on what they say in around 30 seconds. Our results exemplify howpowerful current big data language models are when it comes to data-driven predictions of personal information based on how people talk, even when listening only for a short time. We conclude the experiment with a critical comment on the increasingly pervasive use of such user modeling technology to compute speaker traits, touching upon some potential ethical concerns, bias, and privacy issues.
- KonferenzbeitragSpatial is Special - User Experience in Geo-Dashboards, Mobilen Karten und Kulturkreisen(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Usability Professionals, 2021) Henzen, Christin; Ostkamp, Morin; Degbelo, Auriol; Helbig, Carolin; Maas, Felix; Landerer, Carina; Schmidt, Benno; von den Drisch, Stefan; Zander, FranziskaWarum sehen Karten in China anders aus als in Europa? Warum scheinen interaktive Karten auf dem Smartphone oft noch nicht intuitiv nutzbar zu sein? Warum gelten Dashboards für Fachthemen, z.B. der aktuellen Corona-Lage, meist als kompliziert zu verstehen und benutzen? Der 3. Workshop Spatial is Special auf der Mensch und Computer greift diese Fragen im Rahmen von drei Trendthemen auf: Geo UX in verschiedenen Kulturkreisen, UX von mobilen Karten und UX von Geo-Dashboards. Interdisziplinäre Teilnehmer*innen diskutieren und erarbeiten diese Themen in mehreren Sessions. Der Workshop wird von Mitgliedern des German UPA Arbeitskreises Geo UX ( organisiert.
- KonferenzbeitragAnalysis of Significant Factors Influencing the Technology Acceptance of Smartglasses in the Craft Sector(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Tagungsband, 2021) Bröning, Lukas; Herpers, MartineSmartglasses mit Augmented Reality Technologie erfreuen sich immer größerer Beliebtheit in der Arbeitswelt und finden zunehmend Verwendung als Arbeitsassistenzsysteme. In Deutschland sind die Geräte im Handwerk, insbesondere in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU), noch nicht weit verbreitet, obwohl sie zentralen Herausforderungen wie Fachkräftemangel und kürzer werdenden Innovations- und Produktionszyklen entgegenwirken können. Um die Wahrnehmung von Smartglasses im Handwerk zu beleuchten, wird eine erste quantitative Analyse durchgeführt. Hierzu wird ein kontextspezifisches Forschungsmodell für die Sanitär-, Heizungsund Klimatechnik-(SHK-)Branche entwickelt, das die Akzeptanzfaktoren Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Compatibility, Perceived Risks und Perceived Substitutability umfasst. Auf Basis einer Online-Umfrage (N = 38) wird das entwickelte Modell evaluiert und eine deskriptive Analyse sowie Korrelationsanalyse zur Auswertung der Umfragedaten vorgenommen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Nutzung von Smartglasses überwiegend Zustimmung durch die Beschäftigten erfährt und die Technik als nützlich, einfach bedienbar, risikofrei und mit der eigenen Arbeitsweise vereinbar wahrgenommen wird.
- WorkshopbeitragPerceptions of Police Technology Use and Attitudes Towards the Police - A Representative Survey of the German Population(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Haunschild, Jasmin; Reuter, ChristianMany Germans perceive a brutalization of society, and state officials also report feeling under attack. At the same time, policing is criticised for becoming increasingly militarised and for having extended surveillance in the course of fighting terrorism. Advancements in HCI are used in the context of many of the issues that policing is facing. In this study, we conduct a representative survey of the German population to investigate personal experiences with and attitudes towards the police and information and communication technologies (ICT) used for policing. We find an overall positive image of the police and uncritical attitudes towards ICT used for general surveillance (body-worn cameras, video surveillance, face recognition) and slightly more critical attitudes towards personal surveillance (e.g. through communication data retention). The study indicates that perceptions differ according to experience of unfair treatment by the police, while other factors such as age and education have similar effects.
- KonferenzbeitragComparison Between Video-mediated and Asymmetric 3D Teleconsultation During a Preclinical Scenario(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Tagungsband, 2021) Strak, Robin; Yu, Kevin; Pankratz, Frieder; Lazarovici, Marc; Sandmeyer, Benedikt; Reichling, Julia; Weidert, Simon; Kraetsch, Clemens; Roegele, Barbara; Navab, Nassir; Eck, Ulrich; Roth, DanielCurrent teleconsultation solutions for preclinical emergencies can transmit knowledge from a remote expert to a local paramedic using audio and 2D video channels. Such technology lacks precision and efficiency for medical diagnostic tasks, and visual feedback is often missing between participants. We investigate a mixed reality 3D teleconsultation solution for preclinical use, which provides a 3D reconstruction of the local scene to a remote expert, displayed in Virtual Reality. A remote expert can join the local scene virtually as an Augmented Reality avatar. The remote expert can annotate the local scene and guide the local paramedics through the procedure. We explored our system in a user study within a preclinical scenario on a collaborative task of attaching chest lead electrodes of a 12 channel electrocardiogram on a mannequin. We compared the 3D teleconsultation system to a 2D video-mediated teleconsultation via a top-mounted camera and report results from the consultee side in AR. Based on our empirical user study with 10 paramedics with an average of 17 years experience, we observe an improvement in the electrode placement quality using the 3D teleconsultation system. Results indicate no significant difference in the cognitive task-load between conditions. Participants perceived the video-mediated consultation as more usable due to their unfamiliarity with the 3D teleconsultation system. However, participants acknowledge the potential of 3D teleconsultation and believe such a system can significantly improve the preclinical treatment.