P323 - Sicherheit 2022 - Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit
Auflistung P323 - Sicherheit 2022 - Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit nach Erscheinungsdatum
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- TextdokumentOngoing Automated Data Set Generation for Vulnerability Prediction from Github Data(GI SICHERHEIT 2022, 2022) Hinrichs, TorgeThis paper describes the development of a continuous github repository analysis pipeline with the focus on creating a data set for vulnerability prediction in source code. Currently, used data sets consist only of source code functions or methods without additional meta information. This paper assumes that the surrounding code of vulnerable functions can be beneficial to the detection rate. In order to test this assumption, large data sets are needed that can be created using the proposed pipeline. Although the pipeline requires some improvements, in a first test run 1.5 million repositories could be analyzed and evaluated. The resulting data set will be published in the future.
- TextdokumentReinforcement Learning-Controlled Mitigation of Volumetric DDoS Attacks(GI SICHERHEIT 2022, 2022) Heseding, HaukeThis work introduces a novel approach to combine hierarchical heavy hitter algorithms with reinforcement learning to mitigate evolving volumetric distributed denial of service attacks. The goal is to alleviate the strain on the network infrastructure through early ingress filtering based on compact filter rule sets that are evaluated by fast ternary content-addressable memory. The reinforcement learning agents task is to maintain effectiveness of established filter rules even in dynamic traffic scenarios while preserving limited memory resources. Preliminary results based on synthesized traffic scenarios modelling dynamic attack patterns indicate the feasibility of our approach.
- TextdokumentShort Paper: Untersuchung des Gender-gaps bei Cybersecurity-Publikationen(GI SICHERHEIT 2022, 2022) Mayer, Nico; Wendzel, Steffen; Keller, JörgIm Bereich der Informatik konnte bereits aufgezeigt werden, dass es eine geringere Anzahl an weiblichen Autoren von wissenschaftlichen Publikationen gibt. Wir untersuchen die Frage, ob es ein ähnliches Verhältnis bei Publikationen im Teilbereich Cybersecurity gibt, ob Frauen seltener zitiert werden als Männer und ob ein Trend in den letzten 10 Jahren erkannt werden kann. Zur Beantwortung der Frage untersuchen wir ausgewählte Journale und Tagungen auf deren Zitierungsanzahl und die Geschlechtsverteilung der Autor:innen. Wir stellen keinen Gender-gap in Form einer Benachteiligung in der Zitierungsanzahl fest, allerdings liegt ein Gender-gap bei der Publikationszahl vor, der jedoch erwartbar ist und zudem in Cybersecurity weniger ausgeprägt ist als in der Informatik als Ganzes.
- TextdokumentHardening the Security of Server-Aided MPC Using Remotely Unhackable Hardware Modules(GI SICHERHEIT 2022, 2022) Doerner, Dominik; Mechler, Jeremias; Müller-Quade, JörnGarbling schemes are useful building blocks for enabling secure multi-party computation (MPC), but require considerable computational resources both for the garbler and the evaluator. Thus, they cannot be easily used in a resource-restricted setting, e.g. on mobile devices. To circumvent this problem, server-aided MPC can be used, where circuit garbling and evaluation are performed by one or more servers. However, such a setting introduces additional points of failure: The servers, being accessible over the network, are susceptible to remote hacks. By hacking the servers, an adversary may learn all secrets, even if the parties participating in the MPC are honest. In this work, we investigate how the susceptibility for such remote hacks in the server-aided setting can be reduced. To this end, we modularize the servers performing the computationally intensive tasks. By using data diodes, air-gap switches and other simple remotely unhackable hardware modules, we can isolate individual components during large parts of the protocol execution, making remote hacks impossible at these times. Interestingly, this reduction of the attack surface comes without a loss of efficiency.
- TextdokumentDifferential Testing: How to find differences between programs that mostly behave identically?(GI SICHERHEIT 2022, 2022) Möller, JonasDifferences between programs based on the same specification might lead to vulnerabilities that can not be detected by conventional testing. Differential testing is able to find these discrepancies by executing multiple programs on the same input and comparing their output. In this work, we discuss the fundamentals of differential testing and outline a general scheme for differential testing methods which is used to categorize and analyze current research approaches. Based on this, we formulate our own research questions which focus on how machine learning can aid differential testing
- TextdokumentPrivacyDates: A Framework for More Privacy-Preserving Timestamp Data Types(GI SICHERHEIT 2022, 2022) Burkert, Christian; Balack, Jonathan; Federrath, HannesCase studies of application software data models indicate that timestamps are excessively used in connection with user activity. This contradicts the principle of data minimisation which demands a limitation to data necessary for a given purpose. Prior work has also identified common purposes of timestamps that can be realised by more privacy-preserving alternatives like counters and dates with purpose-oriented precision. In this paper, we follow up by demonstrating the real-world applicability of those alternatives. We design and implement three timestamp alternatives for the popular web development framework Django and evaluate their practicality by replacing conventional timestamps in the project management application Taiga.
- TextdokumentTowards Detection of Malicious Software Packages Through Code Reuse by Malevolent Actors(GI SICHERHEIT 2022, 2022) Ohm, Marc; Kempf, Lukas; Boes, Felix; Meier, MichaelTrojanized software packages used in software supply chain attacks constitute an emerging threat. Unfortunately, there is still a lack of scalable approaches that allow automated and timely detection of malicious software packages and thus most detections are based on manual labor and expertise. However, it has been observed that most attack campaigns comprise multiple packages that share the same or similar malicious code. We leverage that fact to automatically reproduce manually identified clusters of known malicious packages that have been used in real world attacks, thus, reducing the need for expert knowledge and manual inspection. Our approach, AST Clustering using MCL to mimic Expertise (ACME), yields promising results with a F1 score of 0.99. Signatures are automatically generated based on characteristic code fragments from clusters and are subsequently used to scan the whole npm registry for unreported malicious packages. We are able to identify and report six malicious packages that have been removed from npm consequentially. Therefore, our approach can support the detection by reducing manual labor and hence may be employed by maintainers of package repositories to detect possible software supply chain attacks through trojanized software packages.
- TextdokumentAnalyzing the Software Patch Discipline Across Different Industries and Countries(GI SICHERHEIT 2022, 2022) Müller, Robin; Ruppert, Julius; Will, Katharina; Wüsteney, Lukas; Heer, TobiasIn view of recent cyberattacks and new regulatory requirements, companies in different industries and countries are forced to implement additional IT security measures. Nevertheless, a large number of services with vulnerable or outdated software can be found on the Internet. In this work, we investigate whether industry-specific differences exist in the maintenance and use of outdated Internet-facing software. For this purpose, we combine results from Internet-wide port scans with product and version information as well as information of companies listed at stock markets in different countries. We show that different industries have more or less up-to-date software for different services like remote access tools, databases, webservers and file servers. With this approach, we discovered surprising amounts of outdated and even unsupported software in use across many industries and countries.
- TextdokumentAutomated Monitoring of Operational Technology Security and Compliance for Power Grids(GI SICHERHEIT 2022, 2022) Fraune, BastianIT security standards can increase trust in a system or component if compliance to the standard can be proven to third parties. Those standards usually specify requirements for security features, which then lead to a certain configuration of an industrial control system. Continuous monitoring of IT security configurations on intelligent electronic devices is difficult because there is no standardised way to query the security configurations of those devices. The objective of this PhD project is to enable automatic querying of security settings from industrial control system in the use case of the power grid infrastructure for remote monitoring. This opens up the possibility of automatically comparing the actual security state on the device against the defined IT security standard configurations. In such cases, industrial control systems that do not comply with defined security standards can thus be identified directly by monitoring systems in the control centre.
- TextdokumentShort Paper: Debating Ethics with Cybersecurity Students(GI SICHERHEIT 2022, 2022) Breig, Jan; Westhoff, DirkWe aim to debate and eventually be able to carefully judge how realistic the following statement of a young computer scientist is: “I would like to become an ethical correctly acting offensive cybersecurity expert”. The objective of this article is not to judge what is good and what is wrong behavior nor to present an overall solution to ethical dilemmas. Instead, the goal is to become aware of the various personal moral dilemmas a security expert may face during his work life. For this, a total of 14 cybersecurity students from HS Offenburg were asked to evaluate several case studies according to different ethical frameworks. The results and particularities are discussed, considering different ethical frameworks. We emphasize, that different ethical frameworks can lead to different preferred actions and that the moral understanding of the frameworks may differ even from student to student.
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