Auflistung Environmental Informatics 1999 nach Titel
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- KonferenzbeitragA Decision Support System for Ranking Countermeasures for Radionuclide Contaminated Aquatic Ecosystems: The MOIRA project(Umweltinformatik ’99 - Umweltinformatik zwischen Theorie und Industrieanwendung, 1999) Ríos-Insua, Sixto; Gallego, Eduardo; Mateos, Alfonso; Jiménez, AntonioThis paper describes the evaluation module in the MOIRA system, which is a decision support system based on a multi-attribute additive value model, aim at the identification of optimal remedial strategies restoration of aquatic ecosystems contaminated by radionuclides. It includes facilities for assessing imprecise scalar utility functions and scaling factors, as well as a sensitivity analysis tool to check the sensitivity of the conclusions to the inputs, to allow the decision makers to gain insights into the problem. An example based on real data illustrates the usefulness of the system.
- KonferenzbeitragA Knowledgebase system approach — Integrated Assessment of Mechanised Harvesting Operation on Forest Environment(Umweltinformatik ’99 - Umweltinformatik zwischen Theorie und Industrieanwendung, 1999) Zhangren, LanDue to rapidly increasing mechanised timber harvesting operation in commercial forest, new and increasing pressures are being brought to bear on environment issues. Estimating the environmental risk of timber harvesting operations plays an important role in selecting suitable machines of harvesting system on wood procurement chain in environmental-oriented procedure. It is obvious that main impacts of harvesting operations concentrate on the soil compaction, site disturbances and biological damage. From the view point of pre-operational damage risk evaluation, the relevance of soil compaction and other consequences derived from harvesting operation is not directly from the results of associated changes of the soil properties but rather from the environmental and technical parameters of harvesting machine which are defined in the methods of harvesting with specific operational modes and type of machine. In this paper, a knowledge-base system (KBS) approach in co-operation with a fuzzy integrated assessment was developed for pre-operational evaluation of timber harvesting activities. The critical factors concerning the damage risk of harvesting operations to forest target area were extracted, evaluated, weighted and encoded into the knowledge-base system based on topographical conditions of forest area, machine parameters, harvesting system types and so on concerning harvesting operation as following: • Ground slopes and slope capacity of machine: ground slope is one of the critical factors that identify the operability of individual machine and harvesting system in a give condition. The slope capacity of machine to some extent means for machine to be operated efficiently at the productivity, cost, and less impacts of operations. • Soil condition and ground strength: the soil characteristic is a main factor for defining the trafficability of the machine and risk of various damages to the soil at the time of traffic. Generally, ground conditions worsen, wider range of machine traffic capacity should be taken into consideration for the choice of machines and their equipment. • Logging patterns and machine size: machine size to a large extent identifies the ground pressure of machine and risks of various damages to the soil and remaining trees in thinning operation. Defining the parameters of machine size could induce the extent of environmental consequence dominating concerns of damage to soil and remaining trees in given logging pattern. • Harvesting method and machine types: three types of harvesting system, i.e. cut-to-length, tree-length, and whole tree system corresponding to harvesting methods and machines applied determine the types and extent of environmental consequences, which are indicated by the machine performance varying with the logging patterns from thinning to final cutting. • Machine productivity and operating cost: there might be some extent of conflict among the machine productivity, costs effectiveness and forest damage risk. Machine to be operated in the most-efficient way implies larger machine employed and less restricted impact of harvesting operation. There might be a compromise required between maximising financial benefit and minimising site damage. • Operational modes: harvesting and forwarding with the crane work operated at wider spacing cause much of damage to trees; direct dragging and winching are often more dangerous for the standing trees; skidding and feller-bunching will disturb more area, incurring more damage risk to stands. • Ground pressure of harvesting machine: maximum site protection would require low ground pressure. Machinery with low ground pressure could greatly reduce the extent of damage to the forest floor. • Tyre types and tracks: the extensive disturbance indicated with the rut depth depends strongly upon the types, size and inflation pressure of tyres besides the ground pressure of machine. Wider tyres or tracks facilitate efficiently to reduce soil damage and rut depth. The values of those variables concerning forest machine performance and environmental parameters are converted into a scaling system in numerical way. Fuzzy method involved in pre-operational evaluation of timber harvesting is employed to integrating assessment and analysis based on critical factors and machine performance level indicated with index method of harvesting operation. The purpose of KBS is to provide the knowledge that can evaluate environmental issues, and interpret its generated output. In the case of the machine pre-operational assessment, potential risk of harvesting operations is primary goal to be specified through the inference engine of knowledge-base system. Further more, the management objective of timber harvesting operations will be reached by examining rules and executing special 483 search, which then provided the recommendations for suitable choice of sound environmental harvesting machines. The window-based application of pre-operational evaluation system was built with Borland Delphi development tool. Friendly user interface environment is suitable for users to control data input and output. The output data could be extended to various kinds of timber harvesting planning and management of environment-oriented procedure at company level.
- KonferenzbeitragAUDIS: Informations und Managementsystem für den betrieblichen Arbeits und Umweltschutz(Umweltinformatik ’99 - Umweltinformatik zwischen Theorie und Industrieanwendung, 1999) Hagel, Harald; Chudalla, Andreas
- KonferenzbeitragBetriebswirtschaftliche Bewertung eines betrieblichen Umweltinformationssystems zur industriellen Abfallbewirtschaftung in Theorie und Praxis(Umweltinformatik ’99 - Umweltinformatik zwischen Theorie und Industrieanwendung, 1999) Blümel, Christian; Gamweger, Jürgen
- KonferenzbeitragBUIS der 2. Generation von funktionalen Lösungen zur Prozessintegration(Umweltinformatik ’99 - Umweltinformatik zwischen Theorie und Industrieanwendung, 1999) Kürzl, Hans
- KonferenzbeitragConceptual Framework of a Data Warehouse for the Nationalpark Hohe Tauern(Umweltinformatik ’99 - Umweltinformatik zwischen Theorie und Industrieanwendung, 1999) Hasenauer, Hubert; Haslik, Ingrid; Rosenthaler, Roman; Pernul, Günther; Stangl, DietmarDie Arbeit stellt ein Data Warehouse Konzepte für die Datenorganisation in einem Nationalpark vor. Die darauf aufbauende Implementierung eines Prototypen mit Hilfe des Universal Server 9.12 von INFORMIX zeigt die Anbindung an das Internet und diskutiert die daraus entstehenden Vorteile.
- KonferenzbeitragCustomization in Environmental Information Systems(Umweltinformatik ’99 - Umweltinformatik zwischen Theorie und Industrieanwendung, 1999) Hicks, David L.; Tochtermann, Klaus; Kussmaul, Andreas; Neils, SandroThe world of information today is an increasingly diverse, distributed, and fragmented one. As the amount of information available in digital form continues to increase, so does the number of systems that are employed to make that information available. Often environmental information systems provide functionality which is based on metadata, i.e. data describing data, in order to support users in searching for and retrieving data required to perform a specific task. Support for customization and personalisation of these metadata according to the personal needs of a user can further increase the potential benefit and effectiveness of environmental information systems. Against this background, the paper introduces a customization architecture which allows users to customize environmental information systems according to their personal needs. To better illustrate how such systems can benefit from customization, the paper also presents the status quo of our prototype implementation.
- KonferenzbeitragDatenanalyse von umweltrelevanten Metadatenbanken(Umweltinformatik ’99 - Umweltinformatik zwischen Theorie und Industrieanwendung, 1999) Voigt, Kristina; Welzl, Gerhard; Rediske, GerdaMetadatenbanken nehmen als Werkzeug zur Unterstützung der Auffindung geeigneter Primärquellen im Umweltschutz eine immer größere Bedeutung ein. Seit einigen Jahren erarbeitet die GSF Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit drei Metadatenbanken auf dem Gebiet des Umweltschutzes im Zusammenhang mit Chemikalien. Es handelt sich dabei um DADB Metadatenbank der Online Datenbanken, DACD – Metadatenbank der CD-ROMs, DAIN Metadatenbank der Internet Ressourcen. Im Vordergrund dieses Beitrages steht die Datenanalyse der Inhalte der Metadatenbanken mittels Methoden aus dem Gebiet der explorativen multivariaten Statistik. Es werden 50 relevante Deskriptoren (Objekte) für die Datenanalyse ausgewählt. Da die drei Metadatenbanken DADB, DACD und DAIN betrachtet werden sollen, liegt eine Datenmatrix 50 x 3 vor. Dabei wird die Datenmatrix derart umsortiert, daß bezüglich der Medienverfügbarkeit "ähnliche" Deskriptoren nebeneinander zu liegen kommen. Durch Minimierung der Summe alle "Abstände" zwischen benachbarten Deskriptoren entsteht eine Datenmatrix mit homogener Struktur. Dabei kommen Algorithmen zur Lösung des sog. Traveling Salesman Problem zur Anwendung. Es wird u.a. deutlich, daß Internet Ressourcen bei den meisten Umwelt-relevanten Deskriptoren geringere Datenverfügbarkeit aufweisen als Online Datenbanken und CD-ROMs.
- KonferenzbeitragDatenbanken als Informationsträger von der Produktentstehung bis zu Demontageplanung(Umweltinformatik ’99 - Umweltinformatik zwischen Theorie und Industrieanwendung, 1999) Hesselbach, Jürgen; Herrmann, Christoph; von Westernhagen, KarstenWaste management as well as the consumption of raw materials and energy dominate public discussions. Environment-protection and preservation of the resources became important tasks for the producing-industry because of the increasing waste, the deficiency of landfills or the declining of important resources. At the design stage of products, new demands concerning recycling and disassembly have to be taken into consideration. Comprehensive tools are going to be developed to support such a recycling and disassembly friendly design. Performing recycling and disassembly is costly and inefficient these days because of lack of important information about the products. On account of these reasons, information originating in the design phase must be edited in such a way that they can be used at the end-of-life phase. In addition, information from the end-of-life phases of products must be made available for usage at the design stage in order to be able to estimate the effects of design decisions. For these reasons, the development of a data memory system usable for the complete product life cycle is necessary. This paper presents such a system based on databases. Specific algorithms allow the data preparation for the individual product life phases.
- KonferenzbeitragDatenunsicherheit in hybriden Geoinformationssystemen(Umweltinformatik ’99 - Umweltinformatik zwischen Theorie und Industrieanwendung, 1999) Glemser, Michael; Klein, UlrikeAn essential requirement for a comprehensive use of hybrid data is the consideration and processing of its uncertainty. Erroneous interpretations of analyses can be avoided if uncertainty is integrated as a mandatory component, stored and considered in all operations. In this contribution, a probabilistic approach is presented for modelling geometrical and thematic uncertainty. The used hybrid data model is extended to manage data uncertainty.