i-com - Journal of Interactive Media
Die Zeitschrift “i-com – Journal of Interactive Media” bietet ein inzwischen englischsprachiges Fachforum für alle Wissenschaftler, Unternehmenspraktiker und Interessierte, die sich Entwicklung, nutzergerechte Gestaltung und Anwendung neuer Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien zur Aufgabe gemacht haben. Sie eröffnet Wege zwischen Forschung und Praxis, Lehre und Business, interdisziplinärer Teamarbeit und anwendungsbezogenen Lösungen.
Themen der “i-com” sind Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Mediendesign, Usability, Engineering und Systemevaluation, Softwareergonomie, Kooperative Systeme, E-Learning, mobile und ubiquitäre Systeme, nutzeradaptive Systeme, Agenten Entwicklungswerkzeuge und -methoden von Medien in unterschiedlichen Anwendungsfeldern (e-Business, Wissensmanagement, Freizeit und Unterhaltung, Verkehr, Engineering, Medizin u.a.), barrierefreie Systemgestaltung gesellschaftliche Aspekte von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien
Angesprochene Fachrichtungen sind Informatik, Psychologie, Mediendesign, Marketing/Branding, Soziologie, Betriebswirtschaft, Arbeits- und Organisationswissenschaft
Siehe auch https://i-com-journal.org/
Auflistung i-com - Journal of Interactive Media nach Titel
Treffer pro Seite
- Zeitschriftenartikel1. Mitgliederversammlung der neuen Fachgruppe INSYDE(i-com: Vol. 1, No. 3, 2002)
- Zeitschriftenartikel27 Jahre Arbeitstagung Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation(i-com: Vol. 7, No. 1, 2008) Schubert, Kai
- Konferenzbeitrag5Code – An Integrated Programming Environment for Beginners(i-com: Vol. 15, No. 1, 2016) Dahm, Markus; Barnjak, Frano; Heilemann, MoritzBased on experience in teaching programming, we developed the integrated development environment (IDE) 5Code especially to support beginners. As a first step, a simple, understandable formula was developed how to advance from the problem to the program in 5 operative steps: In order to reduce the cognitive load of the learners effectively, 5Code was designed such that all 5 steps are permanently presented, accessible and executable. Thus, learners are provided with the entire programming context from presentation of the task via own notes and annotations to the code area. Learners can mark and annotate any part of the given task’s text; these annotations can be edited as notes with own comments. Furthermore, the notes can be dragged into the code area, where they are shown as comments in the coding language. Any modifications in the comments are synchronized between notes and code. 5Code is implemented as a web-application. It is used in university introductory courses on object oriented programming.
- KonferenzbeitragA Configurable Footswitch Unit for the Open Networked Neurosurgical OR – Development, Evaluation and Future Perspectives(i-com: Vol. 15, No. 3, 2016) Dell’Anna, Jasmin; Janß, Armin; Clusmann, Hans; Radermacher, KlausFootswitches are used in the neurosurgical operating room for human-device-communication every day. However, problems, such as shifting or confusion of footswitches, often occur due to the parallel usage of up to 5 device-specific footswitches, resulting in a significant burden for the surgeon. There are no footswitches available which offer an optional central activation of different devices from various manufacturers and a reconfiguration during usage. Therefore, a new concept of a configurable central footswitch unit has been developed for optional activation of different devices in an open networked neurosurgical OR setting. In a user-centered evaluation 9 surgeons used both, the configurable central footswitch unit and 4 device-specific footswitches, for a cross-over experiment in an experimental OR setting. It shows that all surgeons were able to handle the configurable footswitch autonomously and that efficiency in surgeon-device-communication can be increased.
- KonferenzbeitragA Generic Approach for Assessing Compatibility Between Task Descriptions and Interactive Systems: Application to the Effectiveness of a Flight Control Unit(i-com: Vol. 14, No. 3, 2015) Fayollas, Camille; Martinie, Célia; Navarre, David; Palanque, PhilippeTask models are a very powerful artefact describing users’ goals and users’ activities and contain numerous information extremely useful for designing usable interactive applications. Indeed, task models is one of the very few means for ensuring effectiveness of the application i. e. that the application allows users to reach their goals and perform their tasks. This paper presents a tool-supported framework for exploiting task models throughout the development process and even when the interactive application is deployed and used. To this end, we introduce a framework for connecting task models to an existing, executable, interactive application. The main contribution of the paper lies in the definition of a systematic correspondence between the user interface elements of the interactive application and the low level tasks in the task model. Depending on the fact that the code of the application is available or not, the fact that the application has been prepared at programming time for such integration or not, we propose different alternatives to perform such correspondence (in a toolsupported way). This task-application integration allows the exploitation of task models at run time bringing in the benefits listed above to any interactive application. The approach, the tools and the integration are presented on a case study of a Flight Control Unit (FCU) used in aircraft cockpits. This paper extends the article entitled ‘A Generic Tool-Supported Framework for Coupling Task Models and Interactive Applications’ which have been presented at the 7 ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (EICS 2015). In this expanded version, the detailed description of the correspondence between annotations in the program of the interactive application and interactive tasks in the task models has been added. The complete version of the case study has also been integrated so that the application of each step of the proposed validation process is presented.
- KonferenzbeitragA Hybrid and Modular Framework for Mobile Campus Applications(i-com: Vol. 14, No. 1, 2015) Kiy, Alexander; Geßner, Hendrik; Lucke, Ulrike; Grünewald, FrankaMobile devices and associated applications (apps) are an indispensable part of daily life and provide access to important information anytime and anywhere. However, the availability of university-wide services in the mobile sector is still poor. If they exist they usually result from individual activities of students and teachers. Mobile applications can have an essential impact on the improvement of students’ self-organization as well as on the design and enhancement of specific learning scenarios, though. This article introduces a mobile campus app framework, which integrates central campus services and decentralized learning applications. An analysis of strengths and weaknesses of different approaches is presented to summarize and evaluate them in terms of requirements, development, maintenance and operation. The article discusses the underlying service-oriented architecture that allows transferring the campus app to other universities or institutions at reasonable cost. It concludes with a presentation of the results as well as ongoing discussions and future work
- ZeitschriftenartikelA Smartphone-based System to Improve Adherence in Scoliosis Therapy(i-com: Vol. 15, No. 3, 2016) Dannehl, Susanne; Seiboth, Diana; Doria, Laura; Minge, Michael; Lorenz, Katharina; Thüring, Manfred; Kraft, MarcThis project developed and evaluated a smartphone-based feedback system to improve adherence in long-term therapy of scoliotic curves occurring in pubertal growth spurt. A scoliosis means a physical deformity in spine, which can be treated with wearing a thoraco-lumbar orthosis (brace). The therapy is promising if the medical device is worn at least 16 hours a day for several years. To support the adolescent patients reaching their therapy goals, the barriers and resources for a successful bracing treatment were explored in several interviews and workshops with scoliosis patients. In scoliosis therapy, patients usually experience therapeutic success at the beginning of the treatment, whereas after six months the progress normally stagnates and motivation for long-term therapy decreases. In this article we describe the user-centered design of a quiz function as a health education tool within the aforementioned smartphone-based feedback system to improve adherence in long-term therapy of scoliotic curves.
- ZeitschriftenartikelAbsatzoptimierung im Internet. Zur konsumpsychologischen Gestaltung von Online-Shops (Teil 1)(i-com: Vol. 6, No. 2, 2007) Henseler, Wolfgang
- ZeitschriftenartikelAbstrakte Beschreibung automobiler HMI-SystemeAbstract Description of Automobile HMI systems(i-com: Vol. 8, No. 2, 2009) Weber, Michael; Berton, André; Reich, BjörnIn diesem Artikel wird eine Beschreibungssprache für automobile HMI-Systeme definiert, die es er-möglicht ein solches System unabhängig von einem zur Modellierung eingesetzten Programm zu beschreiben. Vor der Definition dieser eigenen Beschreibungssprache werden vorhandene Sprachen auf ihre Tauglichkeit hin untersucht. Anschließend wird am Beispiel von Web-Services gezeigt, wie mit einer solchen Beschreibungssprache auch die Anbindung neuer Dienste an ein HMI-Modell beschrieben werden kann.
- ZeitschriftenartikelAbwicklung internetbasierter Lehre: Erfahrungen und Perspektiven auf der Konferenz Mensch & Computer 2001(i-com: Vol. 1, No. 1, 2002) Bomsdorf, Birgit; Schönwald, Oliver