Auflistung Environmental Informatics 1998 nach Titel
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- KonferenzbeitragAcquisition and Representation of Knowledge for the FOREX Expert System(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Dorn, Jürgen; Mitterböck, FranzIn the FIW II project, an expert system shall be developed for the management of forestries and especially for the rehabilitation of forest ecosystems dominated by Norway spruce. From the artificial intelligence point of view, the domain is characterised by its large number of partly contradictory and vague theories supplied by locally distributed experts. In this paper, the required knowledge is analysed and knowledge representation formalisms are proposed for this domain. It is tried to cover the whole domain and not only the rehabilitation problem to enhance extensions of the knowledge base to be conducted in the future. An expert system as well as an Internet browser has access to the knowledge base on a web server. The knowledge acquisition is supported by the Internet browser. A first prototype of a knowledge base for the bark-beetle problem was developed with PROLOG (Krzizala 1997). A first knowledge acquisition tool on base of HTML were developed in a second master thesis (Ledl 1996). This paper describes these systems, summarise first results and makes some proposal for further improvement.
- KonferenzbeitragAkuVis: Interactive Visualization of Acoustic Data(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Fehr, Rainer; Börner, Katy; Wachsmuth, IpkeAkuVis (Interactive Visualization of Acoustic Data) is a joint project involving the Artificial Intelligence as well as the Visualization Laboratory at the University of Bielefeld, government researchers from the Institute of Public Health NRW and the Local Environmental Agency Bielefeld as well as the German TÜV (Börner 1997). The project seeks to create a highly interactive virtual environment of modelled acoustic data in order to sensitize and improve human decision-making in real world tasks. In particular, it attempts to enhance the integrated understanding of noise data as a basis for governmental decisions about noise protection regulations for new streets, industrial areas etc.
- KonferenzbeitragArtificial Intelligence for Nature(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Struß, PeterDecision Support Systems for the environment have to incorporate and exploit knowledge about the phenomena and the interdependencies in the affected natural systems, i.e. a model. Using an ongoing project on mangrove forest management as an example, we discuss different tasks and requirements and propose to use methods and techniques developed in research on modeling and model-based systems in Artificial Intelligence for computer support to solving the problems.
- KonferenzbeitragBetriebliche Umweltschutzsoftware - Ein Kriterienkatalog zur Beurteilung(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Arndt, Hans-Knud; Geisler, Knut; Günther, OliverWe present an environmental software system criteria catalogue for companies. The catalgue is mainly intended for small to medium sized companies for supporting environmental management systems. Companies are able to evaluate and test existing environmental software systems using this catalogue. This catalogue can be viewed at: „ arndt/IFU/swtest.html„.
- KonferenzbeitragCoDecS: A Multi Protocol Platform for Environmental Emergency Notification and Handling(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Gabel, Peter; Kazakos, Wassili; Kramer, Ralf; de Vries, GerhardEmergency support systems have to provide information on environmental emergencies timely and reliable. In order to fulfil these requirements, different technical means can be used. In this paper, we describe CoDecS, the multi protocol platform for the European Commission Urgent Radiological Information Exchange (ECURIE). Technically, CoDecS is based on the programming language Java, Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), and Java Beans, ISDN as the communication backbone, and Telex as the low tech backup communication means. We present the requirements, the overall approach, important aspects of the communication, and the software architecture. One of the major highlights of CoDecS is its unique combination of Java and Telex.
- KonferenzbeitragData Mining with Graphical Models(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Kruse, Rudolf; Borgelt, ChristianThe explosion of data stored in commercial or administrational databases calls for intelligent techniques to discover the patterns hidden in them and thus to exploit all available information. Therefore a new line of research has recently been established, which became known under the names "Data Mining" and "Knowledge Discovery in Databases". In this paper we study a popular technique from its arsenal of methods to do dependency analysis, namely learning inference networks (also called "graphical models") from data. We review the already well-known probabilistic networks and provide an introduction to the recently developed and closely related possibilistic networks.
- KonferenzbeitragDiagnosis and Therapy Recognition for Ecosystems - Usage of Model-based Diagnosis Techniques(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Heller, Ulrich; Struss, PeterEnvironmental decision support involves different tasks like assessing the current situation from observations, diagnosing the causes of undesirable developments and planning therapy actions in order to improve the situation. While these task are knowledge intensive, we find that techniques of consistency-based diagnosis that have been successfully applied for component structures of technical devices can profitably be generalized to cover the mentioned tasks for a wider range of systems. We present a generalized theory of model-based diagnosis handling a variety of compositional modeling techniques (like the Qualitative Process Theory). This also provides formal logical foundations and the possibility to utilize existing computational tools.
- KonferenzbeitragEDV-gestützte Simulation industrieller Stoff- und Energieströme mittels des kommerziellen Flowsheeting-Systems ASPEN Plus(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Sieverdingbeck, Andreas; Engels, Bernd; Spengler, Thomas; Rentz, OttoDer Entwurf und die Auswahl von Kreislaufwirtschaftskonzepten für Unternehmen der Prozeßindustrie können durch Modellieren und Simulation mit FlowsheetingSystemen erleichtert werden. Bisherige Modellierungsansätze, die in der Regel entweder grundlagenbezogen oder rein empirisch sind, sind für komplexe, vernetzte Prozesse mit nichtlinearem Verhalten nur bedingt geeignet. In diesem Beitrag werden daher die problemadäquate Simulation mit Hilfe des Flowsheeting-Systems ASPEN Plus anhand eines Anwendungsbeispiel aus dem Bereich der Eisenund Stahlindustrie vorgestellt. The design and selection of recycling management concepts for process industry can be facilitated by modelling and simulation with flowsheeting systems. Former modelling approaches which were mostly fundamental orientated or pure empirical are rarely suitable for complex, linked processes with non linear behaviour. Therefore this paper presents an approach for the problem adequate modelling with the flowsheeting system ASPEN Plus with an example from of the iron and steel industry.
- KonferenzbeitragEffiziente und kostengünstige Nutzung großer Stoffdatenpools unter Einbeziehung des Internets/Intranets am Beispiel des IGS(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Herrmann, Klaus-DieterInformationen über gefährliche Stoffe spielen eine zentrale Rolle im Umweltund Arbeitsschutz. Deren Beschaffung, Qualitätssicherung und Aktualisierung überfordert die meisten Einrichtungen finanziell als auch fachlich. Vor diesem Hintergrund sind in den vergangenen Jahren einige große zentrale Stoffdatenpools auf Initiative und mit Mitteln der öffentlichen Hand geschaffen worden. Deren praktische Nutzung setzt jedoch die Verfügbarkeit geeigneter Recherchesysteme voraus, die dem Nutzer ein hohes Maß an Verfügbarkeit, Effizienz und Flexibilität bieten. Mit dem IGS (Informationsund Kommunikationssystem gefährliche/ umweltrelevante Stoffe) stehen derartige Recherchesysteme seit einigen Jahren zur Verfügung. In Erweiterung der klassischen Client-Server Architektur wurde die Internet-basierte Lösung IGS-check/*net realisiert, deren Architektur, Funktionen und Mehrwert hier dargestellt werden. Der Mehrwert wird unter verschiedenen Aspekten diskutiert. Die mögliche Kostenreduzierung aufgrund der zentralen Administrationmöglichkeiten im Intranet werden anhand eines Szenarios beispielhaft aufgezeigt.
- KonferenzbeitragEntscheiden und Bewerten in der Umweltverwaltung(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Seder, Ivan; Weinkauf, RonnyIn the environmental administration there is a need for solutions as a balance between ecological and economic objectives. For these complex environmental and ecological problems can be given a support by an Environmental Information System with integrated environmental data objects and environmental decision support subsystem. A general concept of knowledge-based system for decision support in this area is presented. The four level modular architecture with implementation including the system exupro and the own development IDEA as a prototype application is shown. Comparison of the results in the real administration environment is given and the advantages and limitations are discussed.