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- KonferenzbeitragUmweltgerechte Produktion durch eine kontinuierliche Optimierung der Planungsparameter und umweltorientierte Erweiterung der Planungsfunktionalitäten(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Aghte, Ingo; Rey, UweEine umweltgerechte Unternehmenstätigkeit bedarf der organisatorischen Verankerung der ökologisch motivierten Entscheidungsfindung im Rahmen der überund innerbetrieblichen Auftragsabwicklungskette sowie deren Unterstützung durch geeignete Informationssysteme. Die Arbeitsplanung kann einen Beitrag durch die Bereitstellung stets aktueller, umweltorientierter und alternativ gestalteter Arbeitspläne leisten. Basierend darauf wird die Produktionsplanung und -steuerung eine umweltgerechte Auftragseinlastung durch eine Erweiterung deren Planungsfunktionalitäten ermöglichen. Ziel muß es sein, durch eine modulare Kopplung bzw. Integration der einzelnen Anwendungen in den genannten und in anderen Produktionsbereichen, eine möglichst einheitliche informationstechnische Infrastruktur zu schaffen, um eine ökoeffiziente Auftragsabwicklung gewährleisten zu können.
- KonferenzbeitragAkuVis: Interactive Visualization of Acoustic Data(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Fehr, Rainer; Börner, Katy; Wachsmuth, IpkeAkuVis (Interactive Visualization of Acoustic Data) is a joint project involving the Artificial Intelligence as well as the Visualization Laboratory at the University of Bielefeld, government researchers from the Institute of Public Health NRW and the Local Environmental Agency Bielefeld as well as the German TÜV (Börner 1997). The project seeks to create a highly interactive virtual environment of modelled acoustic data in order to sensitize and improve human decision-making in real world tasks. In particular, it attempts to enhance the integrated understanding of noise data as a basis for governmental decisions about noise protection regulations for new streets, industrial areas etc.
- KonferenzbeitragNeue Aussagequalitäten der Stoffflußanalyse durch die Kombination mit Szenariotechnik und Parametervariation(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Volz, Thorsten; Florin, H.; Wiedemann, M.; Eyerer, P.Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in general and Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) in special are well-known and approved tools for the support of decisions in early design and development phases of products, systems or services. Based on a material flow analysis, LCE models the technical, economic and ecological consequences of a life cycle. Since these models include a huge amount of basic data, the use of computers and of special software systems is necessary. Most of the currently available software systems for LCA at least have a graphical component for the capture of material flows, a database with functions for the data management and a component for the calculation and the presentation of balances. But as LCE is a young scientific discipline, there still is a strong demand for functions supporting newest methodological developments (e.g. data quality indicators). The software tool GaBi 3 (IKP, University of Stuttgart and PE Product Engineering GmbH) is available since April 98 and takes this into account. Newest developments of GaBi 3 are the sankey-editor and the parametric process model including non-linear functions. These features are providing more flexibility of modeling and the possibility of parameter variation and scenario analysis.
- KonferenzbeitragVisualisierung als Werkzeug zur Analyse von Klimasimulationsdaten(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Böttinger, Michael; Gülzow, Volker; Biercamp, JoachimClimate research relies on compute and data intensive simulations, which have become possible during the last two decades. State of the art climate simulations are performed with coupled numerical models of the subsystems ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere and the biosphere. The resulting data sets consist of numerical values for several physical quantities like velocity components, pressure, temperature etc. on regulary grids at discreet time stamps. The analysis of these multi dimensional data sets can only be done by statistical and visual methods. Although 2-D visualization methods are only capable to give information about small slices of the total data volume at a time, they are often very useful and widely used for routine analysis of model data and for the publications of results. For a more detailed visual investigation of the data and in order to study the time dependence of the results more sophisticated approaches are mandatory. 3-D visualization techniques allow the study of the three dimensional structure of physical quantities. Animated 3-D visualizations can show in great depth the trends of even more than one relevant physical property. An even better understanding of the data might be enabled through the skilful use of stereoscopic techniques.
- KonferenzbeitragOnline-Visualisierung aktueller Umweltdaten innerhalb des WWW-basierten Informationssystems MARS(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Bauer, Klaus M.; Freytag, Christian; Neumann, LucMARS is a WWW-based platform for presenting information on the environment. It integrates data from different sources to give the user the opportunity to retrieve and visualise actual measurements of environmental parameters. Information and data are presented using up-to-date multimedia techniques such as Java access on relational data bases and 3D animation. Various software and visualisation tools have been developed for MARS which can be applied to different measurement parameters from all kinds of sources. This paper provides an overview of MARS and its components as well as an indepth description of the central parts. The database concepts and the visualisation tools for measurements are discussed in detail. Furthermore, a visualisation pipeline for the presentation of area related data calculated by using a model approach is introduced.
- KonferenzbeitragImpact Assessment in Environmental Management Systems(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Hart, Jim; Hunt, Ian; Shankararaman, VenkyIn this paper we discuss issues relating to Environmental Assessment (EA) within the context of Environmental Management Systems (EMS), and how computer systems can be included in the process. We also introduce a prototype knowledge-based system that we have developed for carrying out EAs in the electronics industry, and discuss the potential for extending this approach.
- KonferenzbeitragRechnergestützte Systeme zur prospektiven ökologischen Beurteilung von Produkten(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Atik, Alp; Schulz, Herbert; Pütter, Christian; Anderl, ReinerThe incorporation of methods and tools for the development of environmentally sound products into design processes is frequently not sufficient. The authors present a solution that integrates a computer aided system into an usual design environment. Product and process data coming from a CAD System is aggregated to an ecological index-score using fuzzy sets. This index-score supports the designer as a simple and certain aid to decision-making accompanying to development process.
- KonferenzbeitragHUDA: A Toolbox for Environmental Report Production(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Tochtermann, Klaus; Riekert, Wolf Fritz; Kadric, Lilijan; Kramer, Ralf; Schmidt, Rainer; Geiger, Werner; Reißfelder, Matthias; Peter, Norbert; Doberkat, Ernst-Erich; Sobottka, Hans-Gerald; Keitel, Andree; Zitzmann, Wolf; Schütz, Thomas; Burkhardt, JacquelineHUDA (Hypermedia Techniques for Environmental Data) is a research and development project in the framework of the environmental information systems of the Federal Republic of Germany and the State of Baden-Württemberg. The objective of HUDA is the design and implementation of a toolbox for the largely automatic production of environmental reports on both printed and electronic media. Exploiting as much as possible the possibilities of electronic media, extending the target audience by providing better and easy access to up-to-date information of the environment and an increasing customer orientation of environmental agencies and ministries provide additional motivation for the HUDA effort. In particular, HUDA supports the environmental report production of the German Federal Environmental Agency and the Environment Protection Agency of the State of Baden-Württemberg.
- KonferenzbeitragCoDecS: A Multi Protocol Platform for Environmental Emergency Notification and Handling(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Gabel, Peter; Kazakos, Wassili; Kramer, Ralf; de Vries, GerhardEmergency support systems have to provide information on environmental emergencies timely and reliable. In order to fulfil these requirements, different technical means can be used. In this paper, we describe CoDecS, the multi protocol platform for the European Commission Urgent Radiological Information Exchange (ECURIE). Technically, CoDecS is based on the programming language Java, Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI), Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), and Java Beans, ISDN as the communication backbone, and Telex as the low tech backup communication means. We present the requirements, the overall approach, important aspects of the communication, and the software architecture. One of the major highlights of CoDecS is its unique combination of Java and Telex.
- KonferenzbeitragFachdatenintegration in das Amtliche Topographisch-Kartographische Informationssystem (ATKIS) für das Umweltinformationssystem (UIS) Baden-Würtemberg(Umweltinformatik ’98 - Vernetzte Strukturen in Informatik, Umwelt und Wirtschaft - Computer Science for Environmental Protection ’98 - Networked Structures in Information Technology, the Environment and Business, 1998) Beuerle, Rainer; Grünreich, Dietmar; Riekert, Wolf Fritz; Ziesing, AndréThis paper reports the results of the project `Integration of Environmental Data with the Digital Landscape Model of the Authoritative Topographic-Cartographic Information System (ATKIS)`. The project contributes to the Environmental Information System (UIS) for the state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is commissioned by the Ministry of Environment and Transport (UVM) with support of the Ministry of Economics (WM) and the Ministry of the Interior (IM) of Baden-Württemberg. The project was carried out by the Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing (FAW) at the University of Ulm and the Institute of Cartography (IfK) at the University of Hannover. The paper describes the use of geographical information system (GIS) technology for the integration of water resources management data with ATKIS data. In the first part, the methods developed by the FAW for supporting geometric and semantic data integration are explained. This data will be used to build up an official information system on water bodies. In the second part, automated methods for the cartographic representation of the integrated data are described. These methods, developed by the IfK, are based on a pattern-matching algorithm which compares the digital landscape model with a raster-scanned topographic map 1 : 25 000.