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P023 - Software Management 2002: Progress through Constancy

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  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Unterstützung der Release-Planung mittels priorisierten Use Cases
    (Software Management 2002: Progress through Constancy, 2002) Küng, Peter; Krause, Heinrich; Worms, Carl F.
    Requirements represent essential input for software projects and, thus, need to be defined clearly. Unfortunately requirements often are not prioritised systematically. As a consequence, it is not determined in the early phases of a project which functions (or functional requirements) are going to be covered by which release. This paper suggests a technique to prioritise requirements and to assign them to software releases. Special emphasis is given on the fact that cost and benefit of each functional requirement are taken into consideration before a decision is taken.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Management des Testprozesses von Anfang an – Das W-Modell
    (Software Management 2002: Progress through Constancy, 2002) Spillner, Andreas
    In software development, 30 to 40 % of all software activities are testing related. That is why it is critical to launch testing activities at the beginning of the project rather than after the coding is completed. While new software development models such as the Rational Unified Process and eXtreme Programming (XP) continue to be popular with practitioners, the V-model has gained particularly wide acceptance. Based on the V-model, this paper describes a model that shows how the tasks for testing relate to the tasks in the development model. This model – the W-model – further clarifies the priority of the tasks and the dependence between the development and testing activities. Although as simple as the V-model, the W-model makes the importance of testing and the ordering of the individual testing activities clear. It also clarifies that testing and debugging are not the same thing.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    SPiCE in action – Experiences in Tailoring and Extension
    (Software Management 2002: Progress through Constancy, 2002) Völcker, Christian; Cass, Ann; Sutter, Philipp; Stienen, Hans; Dorling, Alec
    Experiences are reported in the use of ISO 15504 both in tailoring the standard for particular industrial sectors and in expanding the process assessment approach into new domains. In particular, three projects are discussed: SPiCE for SPACE, a ISO/IEC TR 15504 [IS98a] conformant method of software process assessment developed for the European space industry, SPiCE-9000 for SPACE, an assessment method for space quality management systems, based on ISO 9001:2000 [IS00], and NOVE-IT, a project of the Swiss federal government to establish and assess processes covering IT procurement, development, operation, and service provision. All three of these projects use the concepts of process assessment from ISO 15504; however, in each case, different strategies to apply the international standard were selected. Some of the issues faced in these different domains are described and their resolutions presented.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Risikomanagement in IT-Projekten – Vorschlag einer Vorgehensweise
    (Software Management 2002: Progress through Constancy, 2002) Gaulke, Markus
    The paper outlines the necessity for risk management in IT projects and describes a risk management process and methodology to identify the risks of an IT project in advance. The methodology has been developed 1999 within KPMG, and applied in many firms all over the world. In 2002 the risk management process and the methodology was revised and afterwards published by the author.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Organisatorische Implementierung im Informationssystem –Das Problem der Organisationsstrukturen bei der Konfiguration von Softwaresystemen
    (Software Management 2002: Progress through Constancy, 2002) Hildebrand, Knut
    The paper outlines the problems of organizational changes in an information system and describes possible solutions. The central topic is the implementation of the company's organization structure (organization units, structure, correlations), which is often ignored, for instance at the deleting and merging of organization units.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Themenzentrierte Interaktion in IT-Projekten
    (Software Management 2002: Progress through Constancy, 2002) Müller, Thomas
    In IT-Projekten wird methodisch geplant, entworfen und entwickelt. Doch die Art und Weise, wie man im Team zusammenarbeitet, bleibt meist dem Zufall überlassen – mit manchmal katastrophalen Folgen: Motivationsverlust und Konflikte können den Projekterfolg ernsthaft gefährden. Das muss nicht sein: Themenzentrierte Interaktion (TZI) ist eine bewährte Methode, um die Zusammenarbeit von Menschen in Projekten effizient und anregend zu gestalten – auch in der nüchternen Welt der Informationstechnologie. Was TZI ist und wie man sie in IT-Projekten sinnvoll nutzt, das beschreibt der folgende Beitrag.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Capability maturity model integration (CMMI) – Kurzfassung zum Tutorial
    (Software Management 2002: Progress through Constancy, 2002) Kneuper, Ralf
    Das im Januar 2002 erschienene CMMI ist Nachfolger dieses CMM und soll es bis Ende 2003 ablösen. CMMI wurde ebenfalls am Software Engineering Institute (SEI) der Carnegie-Mellon Universität in Pittsburgh im Auftrag des amerikanischen Verteidigungsministeriums entwickelt. In dieses neue CMMI sind viele Erfahrungen und Verbesserungsvorschläge zum CMM eingeflossen. Die Anforderungen sind einheitlicher strukturiert und der Anwendungsbereich ist über die Softwareentwicklung hinaus erweitert worden. Außerdem wurde zusätzlich zur stufenförmigen Einteilung mit fünf Reifegraden eine kontinuierliche Darstellung eingeführt.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Neue Wege im Projektmanagement
    (Software Management 2002: Progress through Constancy, 2002) Frick, Andreas
    After a description of the changes that have taken place in the project environment the current view of project management is outlined from three different perspectives: the computer science perspective, the classical project management perspective and the system science perspective. Later the concept of evolutionary project management and some of the principles on which the concept is based are shown. The consequent application of the concept leads to changes in the classical project management methods. Together with the incremental and iterative development approaches the evolutionary project management approach and further subjects are summarised to build an integrated evolutionary project management approach. Using a practical example the applicability in practice and the advantage of this approach are demonstrated.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Sicherheitsmanagement mit SAP R/3-Systemen – Vorgehensmodell zur Implementierung eines R/3- Berechtigungskonzeptes
    (Software Management 2002: Progress through Constancy, 2002) Hohnhorst, Georg
    Modern business IT applications pose, due to their complexity and their integration into various business processes, several formerly unknown issues and problems. In particular, the need to ensure that the new business processes are in line with implemented software functions, arises. Appropriately defined controls need to be in place in order to protect against unauthorized modification or usage of both, critical data and sensitive programs. This paper outlines, how a tailored authorization concept can provide support in reaching these targets. It relates to the standard ERP application SAP R/3. A framework which allows for the definition of detailed access controls within R/3 is described. In general, this paper focuses on a 10-step methodology to define and implement an authorization concept which is based on a workplace-approach to meet current security, business and legal requirements.