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- Conference Program1st Workshop on Avionics Systems and Software Engineering (AVIOSE'19)(Software Engineering and Software Management 2019, 2019) Annighöfer, Björn; Schweiger, Andreas; Reich, MarinaCompanies are struggling with the complexity of digital avionics systems. Millions of man months are required for the development of digital airborne systems. Moreover, the complexity of functions, the number of vehicles, and systems continuously rises. There is a high demand for more efficient methods and tools of systems and software engineering. The AVIOSE workshop establishes a new forum for the exchange for the people working on simplifying, shortening, and maturing the creation of avionics systems.
- Conference Program2nd Workshop on Innovative Software Engineering Education(Software Engineering and Software Management 2019, 2019) Krusche, Stephan; Kuhrmann, Marco; Schneider, KurtThis workshop aims at presenting and discussing innovative teaching approaches in software engineering education, which are highly relevant for teaching at universities, colleges, and in online courses. The workshop focuses on three main topics: (1) project courses with industry, (2) active learning in large courses, and (3) digital teaching and online courses.
- KonferenzbeitragSoftware Engineering for Computational Science(Software Engineering and Software Management 2019, 2019) Johanson, Arne; Hasselbring, WilhelmDespite the increasing importance of in silico experiments to the scientific discovery process, state-of-the-art software engineering practices are rarely adopted in computational science. To understand the underlying causes for this situation and to identify ways to improve it, we conducted a literature survey on software engineering practices in computational science. We identified recurring key characteristics of scientific software development that are the result of the nature of scientific challenges, the limitations of computers, and the cultural environment of scientific software development. Our findings allow us to point out shortcomings of existing approaches for bridging the gap between software engineering and computational science and to provide an outlook on promising research directions that could contribute to improving the current situation.
- KonferenzbeitragValidierung und Verifikation von emergentem Verhalten im Software Engineering - Ergebnisse eines Vergleichs unterschiedlicher Suchmethoden(Software Engineering and Software Management 2019, 2019) Brings, Jennifer; Daun, Marian; Kempe, Markus; Weyer, ThorstenDieser Vortrag berichtet von dem Beitrag On Different Search Methods for Systematic Literature Reviews and Maps: Experiences from a Literature Search on Validation and Verification of Emergent Behavior [Br18], der auf der 22nd International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering 2018 vorgestellt und in dem Konferenzband veröffentlicht wurde.
- TextdokumentSoftware Engineering and Software Management 2019(Software Engineering and Software Management 2019, 2019) Becker, Steffen; Bogicevic, Ivan; Herzwurm, Georg; Wagner, Stefan
- WorkshopbeitragSerious Games for Software Refactoring(Software Engineering and Software Management 2019, 2019) Haendler, Thorsten; Neumann, GustafThis summary refers to the paper Serious Refactoring Games published as a full research paper in the proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2019) [HN19]. Software design issues can severely impede software development and maintenance. Thus, it is important for the success of software projects that developers are aware of bad smells in code artifacts and improve their skills to reduce these issues via refactoring. However, software refactoring is a complex activity and involves multiple tasks and aspects. Therefore, imparting competences for identifying bad smells and refactoring code efficiently is challenging for software engineering education and training. The approaches proposed for teaching software refactoring in recent years mostly concentrate on small and artificial tasks and fall short in terms of higher level competences, such as analysis and evaluation. In this paper, we investigate the possibilities and challenges of designing serious games for software refactoring on real-world code artifacts. In particular, we propose a game design, where students can compete either against a predefined benchmark (technical debt) or against each other. In addition, we describe a lightweight architecture as the technical foundation for the game design that integrates pre-existing analysis tools such as test frameworks and software-quality analyzers. Finally, we provide an exemplary game scenario to illustrate the application of serious games in a learning setting.
- WorkshopbeitragA Framework for Semi-Automated Co-Evolution of Security Knowledge and System Models (Summary)(Software Engineering and Software Management 2019, 2019) Bürger, Jens; Strüber, Daniel; Gärtner, Stefan; Ruhroth, Thomas; Jürjens, Jan; Schneider, Kurt
- WorkshopbeitragArchitecture and Quality of Cloud Simulators(Software Engineering and Software Management 2019, 2019) Mann, ZoltanCloud simulators are complex programs that can simulate a cloud infrastructure and applications running on that infrastructure. Such simulators are often used to evaluate new algorithms for cloud resource management and software deployment optimization. However, the implementation of such algorithms in a cloud simulator is a challenging task that may lead to erosion of the architecture of the simulator, and even to faults in the implementation. Using appropriate abstractions, a clear separation of concerns can be achieved.
- WorkshopbeitragComparison of the FMEA and STPA safety analysis methods-a case study(Software Engineering and Software Management 2019, 2019) Sulaman, Sardar Muhammad; Beer, Armin; Felderer, Michael; Höst, MartinThis summary refers to the paper ’Comparison of the FMEA and STPA safety analysis methods–a case study’ [Su17]. The paper was published as an article in the Software Quality Journal. It compares the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and the System Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) in an industrial case study.
- WorkshopbeitragVerifying Dynamic Architectures using Model Checking and Interactive Theorem Proving(Software Engineering and Software Management 2019, 2019) Marmsoler, Diego