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- ZeitschriftenartikelDynamic Activities for Managing an IS-Enabled Organizational Change(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 60, No. 2, 2018) Salmimaa, Taru; Hekkala, Riitta; Pekkola, SamuliThe interpretive grounded theory (GT) study analyses information system (IS) enabled organizational change in two private sector organizations. These two organizations, who are long term partners, were developing a new IS product to divergent markets. The data was gathered through 15 interviews, conducted at the phase of initial rollouts. The findings focus on the results of the theoretical coding phase in which selective codes, referred to as change management activities, are related to each other. As a theoretical contribution, the dynamic structure presents how the change management activities appear differently, depending on a set of choices. Several paradoxical situations stemmed from inconsistencies and/or tensions, because the choices did not support the targeted change management activities. The study thus proposes that there is an increasing demand to analyze the sources of paradoxical situations. Paradoxical situations in these five opposing forces were identified: long term vs. short term, macro vs. micro, past vs. future, centralized vs. distributed, and control vs. trust/self-organization. Some paradoxical situations arose because of the nature of the trust-based IS partnership, while others were socially constructed as a result of unintended consequences of actions in relation to the strategic goals. Managerial efforts are increasingly required for identifying paradoxical situations at an early stage and for considering the right balance for the opposing forces in the dynamic IS change process.
- ZeitschriftenartikelEliciting and Modeling Business Process Stories(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 60, No. 2, 2018) Simões, David; Antunes, Pedro; Carriço, LuisMost business process modeling tools used today encourage the rendition of lean, prescribed and clearly coordinated activities, which often clash with far more intricate business realities. This paper evaluates an alternative approach that adopts concepts from storytelling and sense-making theories to elicit process stories. The viability of this approach is tested in a case study involving sixteen individuals from the same organization who tell their personal views about a business process, thus gathering a total of twenty process stories. The obtained results suggest that process stories may increase the meaningfulness, contextualization and overall richness of process models.
- ZeitschriftenartikelPrioritization of Interconnected Processes(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 60, No. 2, 2018) Lehnert, Martin; Röglinger, Maximilian; Seyfried, JohannesDeciding which business processes to improve is a challenge for all organizations. The literature on business process management (BPM) offers several approaches that support process prioritization. As many approaches share the individual process as unit of analysis, they determine the processes’ need for improvement mostly based on performance indicators, but neglect how processes are interconnected. So far, the interconnections of processes are only captured for descriptive purposes in process model repositories or business process architectures (BPAs). Prioritizing processes without catering for their interconnectedness, however, biases prioritization decisions and causes a misallocation of corporate funds. What is missing are process prioritization approaches that consider the processes’ individual need for improvement and their interconnectedness. To address this research problem, the authors propose the ProcessPageRank (PPR) as their main contribution. The PPR prioritizes processes of a given BPA by ranking them according to their network-adjusted need for improvement. The PPR builds on knowledge from process performance management, BPAs, and network analysis – particularly the Google PageRank. As for evaluation, the authors validated the PPR’s design specification against empirically validated and theory-backed design propositions. They also instantiated the PPR’s design specification as a software prototype and applied the prototype to a real-world BPA.
- ZeitschriftenartikelNext-Purchase Prediction Using Projections of Discounted Purchasing Sequences(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 60, No. 2, 2018) Shapoval, Katerina; Setzer, ThomasA primary task of customer relationship management (CRM) is the transformation of customer data into business value related to customer binding and development, for instance, by offering additional products that meet customers’ needs. A customer’s purchasing history (or sequence) is a promising feature to better anticipate customer needs, such as the next purchase intention. To operationalize this feature, sequences need to be aggregated before applying supervised prediction. That is because numerous sequences might exist with little support (number of observations) per unique sequence, discouraging inferences from past observations at the individual sequence level. In this paper the authors propose mechanisms to aggregate sequences to generalized purchasing types. The mechanisms group sequences according to their similarity but allow for giving higher weights to more recent purchases. The observed conversion rate per purchasing type can then be used to predict a customer’s probability of a next purchase and target the customers most prone to purchasing a particular product. The bias–variance trade-off when applying the models to target customers with respect to the lift criterion are discussed. The mechanisms are tested on empirical data in the realm of cross-selling campaigns. Results show that the expected bias–variance behavior well predicts the lift achieved with the mechanisms. Results also show a superior performance of the proposed methods compared to commonly used segmentation-based approaches, different similarity measures, and popular class predictors. While the authors tested the approaches for CRM campaigns, their parameterization can be adjusted to operationalize sequential features of high cardinality also in other domains or business functions.
- ZeitschriftenartikelWhy the Community Should Care About Technology-Centric Journal Rankings(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 60, No. 2, 2018) Heinzl, Armin; Aalst, Wil; Bichler, Martin
- ZeitschriftenartikelHigher Education and the Opportunities and Challenges of Educational Technology(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 60, No. 2, 2018) Strecker, Stefan; Kundisch, Dennis; Lehner, Franz; Leimeister, Jan Marco; Schubert, Petra
- ZeitschriftenartikelCall for Papers Issue 5/2019 - Data Sovereignty and Data Space Ecosystems(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 60, No. 2, 2018) Jarke, Matthias; Otto, Boris; Ram, Sudha
- ZeitschriftenartikelPlatform Launch Strategies(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 60, No. 2, 2018) Stummer, Christian; Kundisch, Dennis; Decker, Reinhold
- ZeitschriftenartikelInterviews with Volker Wulf and Myriam Lewkowicz on "The European Tradition of CSCW"(Business & Information Systems Engineering: Vol. 60, No. 2, 2018) Richter, Alexander; Koch, Michael