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- ZeitschriftenartikelHow to Preserve Agility in Service Oriented Architectures - An Explorative Analysis(Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal: Vol. 5, Nr. 2, 2010) Aier, Stephan; Schelp, JoachimAlthough companies introduced enterprise application integration (EAI) a couple of years ago, the complexity of corporate application landscapes is ever increasing. The current wave of technology being introduced into these application landscapes are service oriented architectures (SOA). Not unlike EAI before the introduction of these technologies is associated with re-use of software components and reaping cost cutting potentials. But when looking at the still increasing complexity of application landscapes following the introduction of SOA, the re-use and cost cutting arguments lead to disappointment. However, SOA offers a great potential to increase corporate agility. In order to gain and preserve corporate agility it is necessary to explicitly manage enterprise architecture. This paper discusses the problems of re-use and cost cutting expectations in SOA and contrasts them with the potentials related to make sustainable contributions to corporate agility. Structures, processes, and instruments to realise these potentials are discussed with reference to a literature review as well as to selected case studies.
- ZeitschriftenartikelDomain Level Specification of Parameterisable Business Components(Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal: Vol. 5, Nr. 2, 2010) Ackermann, Jörg; Turowski, KlausCombining software components from different vendors to customer-individual business application systems requires sophisticated techniques to specify the components. If a component can be parameterised, its parameterisation properties must be included in the specification. That is the topic of an ongoing research project. This paper discusses how parameterisation issues can be specified on domain level – that is how to describe parameterisable business terms and business tasks as well as parameterisation effects for a functional expert.
- ZeitschriftenartikelBusiness Process Decomposition - An Approach Based on the Principle of Separation of Concerns(Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal: Vol. 5, Nr. 1, 2010) Caetano, Artur; Silva, António Rito; Tribolet, JoséThe functional decomposition of a business process breaks it down into progressively less granular activities. Decomposition contributes to the modular design of a system, the reuse of its parts and to its overall comprehensibility. But achieving these qualities requires a business process to be decomposed consistently, which implies it is always split into an identical set of activities according to a specific purpose, regardless of the modeller’s and modelling context. This paper describes an application of the principle of role-based separation of concerns to consistently decompose a business process into its constituent atomic activities, thus separating its distinct features and minimising behaviour overlap. An activity is abstracted as a collaboration between role types that are played by entities. The decomposition method successively separates the overlapping roles until an activity is specified as a collaboration of an orthogonal set of role types. The method facilitates the consistent decomposition of a business process and the identification of its atomic activities. The relevance of the method is assessed through a number of scenarios according to the guidelines of design science research.
- ZeitschriftenartikelA Framework for Clarifying Service-Oriented Notions - How to Position Different Approaches(Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal: Vol. 5, Nr. 1, 2010) Terlouw, Linda I.; Dietz, Jan L.G.Definitions on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Service-oriented Design (SoD) are often not clear or even contradictory, which makes it hard to compare the various methodologies. We apply the Generic System Development Process (GSDP), a conceptual framework for developing systems of any kind, and specialise it for service-orientation. Using the resulting Service-Oriented Development Process, we position seven state-of-the art methodologies for service-orientation based on two criteria. One is the coverage of the system development process. The other criterion is the depth in which each of the development phases are dealt with.
- ZeitschriftenartikelThe Proviado Access Control Model for Business Process Monitoring Components(Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal: Vol. 5, Nr. 3, 2010) Reichert, Manfred; Bassil, Sarita; Bobrik, Ralph; Bauer, ThomasIntegrated process support is highly desirable in environments where data related to a particular business process are scattered over distributed, heterogeneous information systems. A business process monitoring component is a much-needed module in order to provide an integrated view on all these process data. Regarding process visualisation and process data integration, access control (AC) issues are very important but also quite complex to be addressed. A major problem arises from the fact that the involved information systems are usually based on heterogeneous AC components. For several reasons, the only feasible way to tackle the problem of AC at the process monitoring level is to define access rights for the process monitoring component, hence getting rid of the burden to map access rights from the information system level. This paper presents the Proviado process visualisation framework and discusses requirements for AC in process monitoring, which we derived from our case studies in the automotive domain. It then presents alternative approaches for AC: the view-based and the object-based approach. The latter is retained, and a core AC model is proposed for the definition of access rights that meet the derived requirements. AC mechanisms provided within the core model are key ingredients for the definition of model extensions.
- ZeitschriftenartikelA User-Driven SOA for Financial Market Data Analysis(Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal: Vol. 5, Nr. 2, 2010) Guabtni, Adnene; Kundisch, Dennis; Rabhi, Fethi A.This paper is concerned with an environment, referred to as Ad-hoc DAta Grid Environment (ADAGE), which facilitates the analysis of large financial datasets by expert end-users. The paper focuses on the design of a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) that makes it possible to define re-usable and interoperable software components as web services to manipulate entities of an underlying event-based data model. Such a model allows for a coherent representation of market activities as events, e.g., high-frequency market data like trade prices and quotes, and a subsequent analysis. The paper also describes an implementation of a user-driven composition tool based on the SOA which allows domain experts to conveniently compose services to execute individualised processes. The approach is illustrated on a case study about analysing the price setting behaviour of issuers in the market for structured products.
- ZeitschriftenartikelConstructing a Semantic Business Process Modelling Language for the Banking Sector - An Evolutionary Dyadic Design Science Approach(Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal: Vol. 5, Nr. 1, 2010) Becker, Jörg; Thome, Irina; Weiß, Burkhard; Winkelmann, AxelThe need to extensively model business processes for multiple purposes (e.g., documentation, compliance management, analysis and optimisation etc.) is of major relevance to banks. Efficiently modelling and automatically analysing business process models not only in a syntactical but also in a semantic way becomes increasingly important in order to save costs during process model construction and achieve additional value from process modelling initiatives. In this article, we introduce a domain-specific semantic business process modelling language (BPML), which supports efficient modelling and semantic analysis needs of banks. We do this by adapting an existing domain-specific BPML from the public sector and applying an evolutionary design science research approach that covers several design science cycle iterations. We triangulate and evaluate the final design science artefact (a new semantic BPML for banks) with the help of a multi-method approach using interviews, round table discussions, document analysis, literature analysis and two in-depth case studies from a specialised bank and a universal bank in the financial sector.
- ZeitschriftenartikelPattern Specification and Matching in Conceptual Models - A Generic Approach Based on Set Operations(Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal: Vol. 5, Nr. 3, 2010) Delfmann, Patrick; Herwig, Sebastian; Lis, Łukasz; Stein, Armin; Tent, Katrin; Becker, JörgSearching for patterns in conceptual models is useful for a number of purposes, for example revealing syntactical errors, model comparison, and identification of business process improvement potentials. In this contribution, we introduce a formal approach for the specification and matching of structural patterns in conceptual models. Unlike existing approaches, we do not focus on a certain application problem or a specific modelling language. Instead, our approach is generic making it applicable for any pattern matching purpose and most conceptual modelling languages. In order to build sets representing structural model patterns, we define formal operations based on set theory, which can be applied to arbitrary models represented by sets. The basic sets represent the model elements, which in turn originate from the modelling language specification’s instances. Besides a conceptual and formal specification of our approach, we present particular application examples and a prototypical modelling tool showing its general applicability.
- ZeitschriftenartikelTowards a Methodology for Flexible Process Specification(Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal: Vol. 5, Nr. 3, 2010) Kannengiesser, UdoThis paper proposes the foundations of a methodology for specifying process flexibility based on a viewv of processes as design objects. It is represented using the function-behaviour-structure (FBS) ontology of designing. The paper shows how the FBS ontology allows extending and generalising recent work on flexibility in engineering design, and how it allows applying this work to processes. The resulting framework provides a comprehensive account of process flexibility that subsumes existing approaches. Finally, the paper presents a method for flexible process specification, illustrated using examples of a property valuation process in the Australian lending industry.
- ZeitschriftenartikelEditorial(Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures - An International Journal: Vol. 5, Nr. 2, 2010) Turowski, Klaus