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P116 - Business Process and Services Computing

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  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Service-Oriented Architecture for Knowledge-enriched Workflows Modelling and Execution
    (Business process and services computing – 1st international working conference on business process and services computing – BPSC 2007, 2007) Vidal, Juan C.; Lama, Manuel; Bugarín, Alberto
    This work presents a Service-Oriented Architecture that supports the man- agement, execution and monitoring of knowledge-enriched workflows. This archi- tecture is based (i) on a framework that allows the specification of workflows from knowledge components; and (ii) on the interfaces that are defined in the workflow reference model proposed by the Workflow Management Coalition.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Business Process Validation
    (Business process and services computing – 1st international working conference on business process and services computing – BPSC 2007, 2007) Speck, Andreas
    Business processes and workflows are crucial elements in the design and development of commercial systems, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) or e-commerce systems and many more. Despite their important role there are little means to ensure the correctness of these processes and workflows as well as consistency between them. In contrast to other verification problems the semantics of business processes to be checked are less explicit and formalised. Nevertheless the processes and workflows have to be considered as highly complex and are consisting in most cases out of a very large number of sub- processes which are very hard to be overlooked manually. Means for ensuring the quality of business processes may be business rules and guidelines driven by experience and domain knowledge. Adequate models for static dependencies and dynamic behaviour and modelling tools help capturing the important semantics. Verification technology like model checking will support the quality assurance.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    A Native Approach to Service Oriented Modeling and Implementing of Business Processes
    (Business process and services computing – 1st international working conference on business process and services computing – BPSC 2007, 2007) Gruber, Jacek; Brzozowski, Tomasz
    For the last few years Sybase Company [SYB] proved its commitment to improving business modeling by creating integrated infrastructure for modeling enterprise businesses. Thanks to the incorporation of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Web services and business process execution languages, Sybase has significantly extended business modeling in almost every direction. This article is intended to provide a short survey of Sybase approach, examining its usage and related key aspects - among them: defining static and dynamic view of business organization, implementing business processes by specifying external services and deploying processes to a target execution platform, which allows orchestration and execution simulation.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Collaborative Ontology Development in Real Telecom Environment
    (Business process and services computing – 1st international working conference on business process and services computing – BPSC 2007, 2007) Frankowski, Jacek; Rubach, Paweł; Szczekocka, Ewelina
    In this paper, we discuss the use of ontologies for semantic business process management. In particular, we address system and process integration challenges encountered in the real world, based on the example of the telecom domain: Internet-based telephony service (Voice over IP). Various aspects of ontology development are covered including relations to industry standards, ontology creation methodology and practice determined by telecom-specific aspects. Based on the use case example and the YATOSP framework, we ar-gue that the economical justification of the development of domain ontologies, due to their complexity and numerous dependencies, is not straightforward.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Pricing (Composed) Web Services
    (Business process and services computing – 1st international working conference on business process and services computing – BPSC 2007, 2007) Günther, Oliver
    In this invited talk we discuss the challenges associated with composing and pricing web services. We present the results of an online experiment, where subjects were confronted with a variety of choices and decisions relating to web service markets and service composition. Our analysis shows that people expect the price of a composite web service to be lower than the sum of the prices of the elementary services, i.e., users are not willing to pay for aggregation by a third party. To obtain a viable business model for composite web services, non-standard pricing mechanisms, such as auctions and negotiations, possibly supported by electronic agents, have to be taken into consideration. Usage-based pricing schemes, combined with an option to switch to a flat subscription, seem most appropriate to penetrate the developing market for web services. – This is joint work with Frank Leymann and Gerrit Tamm. A full version of this paper will be published shortly in the International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    XML Databases: Principles and Usage
    (Business process and services computing – 1st international working conference on business process and services computing – BPSC 2007, 2007) Pokorný, Jaroslav
    Originally XML was used as a standard protocol for data exchange in computing. The evolution of information technology has opened up new situations in which XML can be used to author, maintain, and deliver content and consequently, new applications of XML occurred. XML serves as a data model and background for databases of XML documents as well as for applications beyond today's data models (hierarchical structures, recursive structures, regular expressions). XML also plays a significant role as a technological platform for Semantic web. A motivational power for XML databases has roots in application demands like processing external data (Web pages, other text databases, structured data), E-commerce: lists of products, personalized views of these lists orders, invoices in e-commerce, e-brokering, integration of heterogeneous information sources (e.g. integrated processing data from Web pages and from tables of a relational database). To store XML data in a database means to manage large numbers of XML documents in more effective way. Although this idea looks attractively there is also skepticism from the side of XML DB developers. For example, M. Kay (Software AG) says: I generally argue that XML is designed primarily for information interchange, and that the requirement for storage is secondary. In the world of databases we can distinguish entities like a database model, database schema and query languages. During development XML technology, which includes also XML databases, many database-like approaches have been worked out. Some of them are standardized, e.g. remind standards: XPath 1.0 (W3C Recommendation, 1999), XPath 2.0 (W3C Recommendation, 2007), XQuery 1.0 (W3C Recommendation, 2007), XSLT 1.0 (W3C Recommendation, 1999), XSLT 2.0 (W3C Recommedation., 2007), XML Schema 1.1 (W3C, 2007). In practice, a use of these languages is generally too complicated. For example, real schemas in XML Schema only rarely use advanced constructs of the language. Most of them are structurally equivalent to a DTD specification. Interesting questions appear with languages XQuery and XSLT. Although completely different, they have the same computational power. Choosing when use each one is not always easy. Integration of relational and XML data resulted in development of SQL/XML language (ISO/IEC 9075-14:2003). It allows relational data to be published in an XML form that can then be queried using XQuery. Considering development of XML databases we can recognize two main directions: to map the documents into data structures of the existing DBs (XML-enabled DB), to develop a DBMS with a native XML storage (native XML DB, shortly NXD). An implementation of native NXD is undoubtedly a new challenge both for developers and researches of database systems. Bourret registers 43 products in July 2007 [Bo07]. In database architectures, NXDs provide a nice example when a DBMS needs a separate engine [Po07]. A great debate concerns question when to use these approaches and even what is the purpose of XML native databases [Bo07b]. Concerning enterprises, content management provides a good example. According to a recent study by ZapThink, producers of content spend over 60% of their time locating, formatting, and structuring content and just 40% for creating the content. As XML separates formatting data from XML content, a new trend is to build content management system on the top of NXD. The goal of the paper is to highlight both alternatives in XML databases development and focus on a discussion of practice of XML databases, mainly in enterprises.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Semantic Business Process Management in ERP-centric Environments
    (Business process and services computing – 1st international working conference on business process and services computing – BPSC 2007, 2007) Hepp, Martin
    A core challenge in Business Process Management is the continuous, bi- directional translation between (1) a business requirements view on the process space of an enterprise and (2) the actual process space of this enterprise, constituted by the multiplicity of IT systems, resources, and human labor. Semantic Business Process Management (SBPM) is a novel approach of increasing the level of automation in the translation between these two spheres, and is currently driven by major players from the ERP, BPM, and Semantic Web Services domain, namely SAP . One core paradigm of SPBM is to represent the two spheres and their parts using ontology languages and to employ machine reasoning for the automated or semi-automated translation. This talk introduces the core concepts of SBPM, outlines the representational requirements, and discusses the fit of SBPM and ontologies in general to ERP-centric IT landscapes in enterprises and value chains.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Business Process Modeling: Classification and Perspective
    (Business process and services computing – 1st international working conference on business process and services computing – BPSC 2007, 2007) Yan, Zhixian; Mazzara, Manuel; Cimpian, Emilia; Urbanec, Alexander
    In the last decades many different approaches and tools have been developed for business process modeling. In this paper we discuss the conceptual issues in process modeling, and present various considerable modeling approaches in the context of BPM and SOC, including both semantic and non-semantic methods and referring to industrial standards and theoretical foundations. Furthermore, we provide an outlook to essential future study on process modeling, especially where semantic process modeling can play an important role in the real world business process applications.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Modelling Business Process Performance
    (Business process and services computing – 1st international working conference on business process and services computing – BPSC 2007, 2007) Staniszkis, Witold
    We present a business process performance evaluation approach based on a hierarchy of interacting analytical performance models from semantic- oriented key performance indicator model through to the resource allocation optimisation model. Discussion of the human-centric process performance evaluation supported by the state-of-the-art presentation provides the motivation for our research work. Presentation of the hierarchical performance modelling architecture is followed by the detailed presentation of the component models representing respective performance evaluation perspectives.