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P031 - BIOSIG 2003 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group

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  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Multifactor biometric sketch authentication
    (BIOSIG 2003 – Biometrics and electronic signatures, 2003) Brömme, Arslan; Al-Zubi, Stephan
    In this paper we propose a multifactor biometric sketch authentication method based on biometric sketch recognition and a user's personal knowledge about the sketch`s content, which is negotiated between the biometric authentication system and the user during enrollment. The used sketch recognition algorithm is based on the active shape structural model (ASSM) for analyzing the structural variability of sketches built up from a set of deformable shapes. For increasing the reliability of the biometric sketch authentication method the user's knowledge as authentication factor has been added by fulfilling specific sketching tasks of varying complexity given by the authentication system. An evaluation and testing framework for biometric algorithms was used to prove the accuracy of the method. For this purpose the biometric sketch algorithm has been adapted to the framework, a compiled sample database for comparability testing between users has been generated, and attack classes ranging from none, over partial to complete knowledge about the user's sketch has been developed and used. The evaluation of the test results shows that particularly the user's knowledge as an added authentication factor leads the used sketch recognition algorithm to high accuracy.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Pass phrase based speaker recognition for authentication
    (BIOSIG 2003 – Biometrics and electronic signatures, 2003) Hertlein, Heinz; Frischholz, Robert; Nöth, Elmar
    Speaker recognition in applications of our daily lives is not yet in widespread use. In order for biometric technology to make sense for real-world authentication applications and be accepted by end users, convenience of use, robustness and accuracy of such a system are equally important. This paper defines these requirements for pass phrase based voice authentication embedded within a multi modal biometric system and describes methods and algorithms developed and optimized for the demands of such an application. Classification is based on dynamic time warping which can cope with limited training data. MFCC features which have been optimized for speaker specific properties are used. Robustness of the system is increased with speech enhancement and cepstral mean subtraction. Furthermore, vector quantization with speaker specific codebooks is applied in order to decrease storage requirements for the biometric template. On an appropriate data base, a verification EER of 2.7% is achieved with limited training and test material.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Authentication framework for smart cards
    (BIOSIG 2003 – Biometrics and electronic signatures, 2003) Vassilev, Apostol; Hutchinson, Michael
    This paper introduces a generalized authentication framework for smart cards. The framework abstracts the authentication services on the card and allows flexible configuration of authentication policies and technologies. This paper also makes recommendations for extensions to current authentication APIs.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    PDA-based signature device
    (BIOSIG 2003 – Biometrics and electronic signatures, 2003) Kollmann, Franz; Schartner, Peter
    Die Bereitstellung einer sicheren Umgebung zur Signaturerstellung stellt ein zentrales Problem beim praktischen Einsatz von digitalen Signaturen dar. Betrachtet man einen durchschnittlichen PC, oder gar einen öffentlich zugänglichen PC, so kann man nicht davon ausgehen, dass er unter alleiniger Kontrolle des Benutzers (des Signaturerstellers) ist. Die Sicherheit der Signaturumgebung lässt sich steigern, wenn man einen Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), als Signaturdevice verwendet. Um die sicherheitskritischen Daten (Signaturschlüssel) und Funktionen (Signaturfunktion) best- möglich zu schützen, werden diese Daten und Funktionen auf eine Chipkarte ausgelagert. Dieser Beitrag präsentiert zuerst die Synergieeffekte der gemeinsamen Nutzung von PDAs und Chipkarten. Danach folgt eine Beschreibung des entwickelten Prototyps, des sogenannten „PDA-based Signature Device“, und ein Ausblick auf Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten und geplante Forschungsvorhaben.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    A simple matching algorithm for fingerprint minutiae datasets in accordance with DIN V 66400
    (BIOSIG 2003 – Biometrics and electronic signatures, 2003) Thalheim, Lisa
    This paper describes a simple matching algorithm for two sets of fingerprint minutiae given in a format as described in [1], along with a description of the development process, pseudocode, and considerations on possible flaws of the algorithm.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Comparative study on fingerprint recognition systems - Project BioFinger
    (BIOSIG 2003 – Biometrics and electronic signatures, 2003) Arnold, Michael; Daum, Henning; Busch, Christoph
    This paper describes a comparative study on fingerprint recognition systems - the project BioFinger. The goal of this study is to investigate the capability characteristics of biometric systems in the ongoing discussion regarding integration of biometric features in personnel documents such as IDcards and Visa application documents. Thus the designed test has the focus on performance testing of selected algorithms and systems with dedicated investigations on side effects such as independence of matching rates and results from the scanning device or dependability of received operator characteristics from aging effects. The project is carried out in close collaboration between Federal Bureau of Criminal Investigation (Bundeskriminalamt, BKA), the Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI) and the Fraunhofer-IGD.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Aspekte der Standardisierung bzgl. der Kommunikation zwischen Signatursoftware und Application-Server
    (BIOSIG 2003 – Biometrics and electronic signatures, 2003) Teichmann, Till
    This document discusses aspects of standardisation of the communication between a signing application and an application server. In this context, the term signing application should denote a software with two main functions: the software has a secure viewer, to show the user exactly all the information that he would sign (WYSIWYS1), and it offers a signing functionality. In an application workflow based on digital signatures, the signing application is one part of the security infrastructure and needs special security functions to avoid manipulation to the program code. Furthermore, the operating system, the browser and contingently a java virtual machine (JVM) also must be protected, because they are the basic environment of the signing application. The correct functionality of signing application can not be guaranteed, if one of these three parts is being manipulated. To facilitate an efficient risk management, the user's environment will be classified into categories with different security levels. To avoid that the user's PIN2 can be intercepted, the use of a card reader with a pinpad is required. Lots of different signing applications can be found on the market at the moment. Each signing application demands the implementation of a different interface from application server. This lack of standardization inhibits a widespread usage of digital signatures. For the success of digital signatures it is important that many different applications use the digital signatures. If a web side provider wants to use digital signatures, he must decide, which signing applications he wants to support. For each signing application he must implement additional code in the application. The signing applications currently on the market do not only differ in their interface to the application server, but also in the implementation of the secure viewer. Possible approaches to alleviate the security issues and the lack of standardisation are analysed.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Benchmarking of face recognition systems - Project BioFace
    (BIOSIG 2003 – Biometrics and electronic signatures, 2003) Salamon, René; Daum, Henning; Busch, Christoph; Pretzel, Andrew
    This article reports about the project BioFace, within the scope of which face recognition systems available to the market were tested. The main focus of the project was on the one hand side benchmarking of biometric face recognition algorithms operating on large scale datasets with approx. 50,000 test samples. On the other hand a system test was conducted to determine face recognition system capabilities in the detection of seeked persons from the videostream of a monitoring camera. This article describes database used in the investigation as well as concept and realization of the algorithm and system tests. First results of the tests are presented. The project is carried out in close collaboration between Federal Bureau of Criminal Investigation (Bundeskriminalamt, BKA), the Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI) and the Fraunhofer-IGD.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    A hybrid fingerprint verification matcher on card
    (BIOSIG 2003 – Biometrics and electronic signatures, 2003) Krivec, Vuk; Birchbauer, Josef; Marius, Wolfgang; Bischof, Horst
    Hybrid fingerprint matchers are well known as a powerful tool for high security applications where the reliability of a single fingerprint characteristic is not high enough for the intended application. In this paper, we propose a novel method, which due to its compressibility can be applied in memory constrained environments. This is important for application in smart cards and independent identification modules, which recently gained popularity. The proposed method uses minutia point matcher as the first stage of matching, and, after successfully completing this stage, the second stage of matching is based on comparing the homogeneity of a direction map. The direction map is compressed using a quad tree.