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P302 - Modellierung 2020

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  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Modellbasierte Methode zur Ableitung nicht-funktionaler Anforderungen im Kontext der Softwaremodernisierung
    (Modellierung 2020, 2020) Strey, Lukas; Hein, Christian; Ritter, Tom; Knauer, Christian; Ganz, Angelika
    Komplexe softwarebasierte Systeme müssen sowohl funktionale als auch nicht-funktionale Anforderungen (NFA) erfüllen, um von den Nutzern akzeptiert und als Unterstützung der Arbeitsaufgaben angenommen zu werden. Wir stellen in diesem Artikel eine modellbasierte Methode zur systematischen Ableitung nicht-funktionaler Anforderungen aus einem harmonisierten Katalog von Qualitätskriterien dar. Diese Methode wurde im Kontext der Modernisierung der Haushaltsverfahren des Bundes entwickelt und angewendet. Zunächst wurde ein Katalog von Eigenschaften erstellt, in dem generische nicht-funktionale Anforderungen aufgeführt sind. Der NFA-Katalog ist nach den Qualitätskriterien der ISO-Normenreihe 25000 strukturiert und erweiterbar. Dieser Katalog steht für die konkreten Entwicklungs- oder Modernisierungsvorhaben bspw. für die Erstellung von Ausschreibungen zur Verfügung. In einem methodischen Vorgehen wird mit Hilfe von Mustererkennung in Systemmodellen ein Softgoal-Modell aufgebaut, das als Filtermechanismus für die Auswahl der relevanten nicht-funktionalen Eigenschaften dient. Durch eine Anreicherung mit Systemkontextinformationen werden so konkrete und auf das System bezogene Anforderungen abgeleitet, welche sich für die Systementwicklung nutzen lassen.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Model-based Software Cost Estimation: Calculating Time and Effort for Software Evolution Projects
    (Modellierung 2020, 2020) Sneed, Harry; Prentner, Wolfgang
    Estimating the costs of an evolution project differs from development project estimation and must follow its own rules. When estimating development project costs the whole system is taken into consideration. When estimating evolution costs only those parts of the system are considered that have to be changed or added. The rest is left as it is, but must be included in the test. The mixing of changed components with new components and old components presents several challenges to software product management. The main challenge is how to recognize those features that have to be added or changed – feature analysis. Together they make up the change domain. The extent of this change domain is the key factor in estimating the costs of change in each new release. It is measured by means of one or more size metrics such as function-points, data-points and object-points in order to convert size into effort. The approach used here was to model the change requirements and then compare the change model with the original requirements model to ascertain the scope of the change. To this end, both the original and the current requirements had to be extracted from the requirement text and then modelled. This approach was applied here to calculate the costs of expanding a national health record system. The preliminary results are presented in this short paper.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Konstruktion eines Referenzmodells für den Wissenstransfer in und aus Hochschulverbünden
    (Modellierung 2020, 2020) Doering, Claudia; Seel, Christian
    Neben der Lehre und dem Forschungsauftrag der Hochschulen gewinnt die sog. Third Mission in Form eines Wissenstransfers zwischen Hochschulen, Unternehmen und der Gesellschaft zunehmend an Bedeutung. Des Weiteren ist ein Trend von Wissenstransferaktivitäten in Hochschulverbünden zu konstatieren. Solche Verbunde aus mehreren Hochschulen, wie UAS7, bieten einzelnen Hochschulen neben Synergieeffekten auch die Möglichkeit größere Themenfelder gemeinsam zu besetzen und Drittmittel einzuwerben. Dem entgegen steht jedoch die Notwendigkeit auf der Verbundebene weitere Koordinations- und Harmonisierungsaktivitäten durchführen zu müssen. Um sowohl die notwendigen Koordinationsaktivitäten auf Ebene einzelner Hochschulen als auch des Verbundes zu identifizieren und den Aufbau von Hochschulverbünden zu erleichtern, wird in diesem Beitrag ein Referenzmodell für den Wissenstransfer in und aus Hochschulverbünden vorgestellt.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Understanding individual processes of conceptual modeling: A multi-modal observation and data generation approach
    (Modellierung 2020, 2020) Rosenthal, Kristina; Ternes, Benjamin; Strecker, Stefan
    How conceptual modeling is performed by modelers, how modeling processes proceed, which modeling difficulties modelers face and why, and how to overcome these difficulties by tailored modeling support has received limited attention in conceptual modeling research so far. Studying individual modeling processes by observing modelers during conceptual modeling contributes to identifying modeling difficulties, and to understand whether modelers require tailored modeling support. Based on TOOL, a modeling tool and research observatory for studying modeling processes, we design a multi-modal observation and data generation approach and report its application to exploratory studies of individual modeling processes, and show how complementary modes of observation are integrated during data analysis for a richer and more complete understanding of modeling processes. Moreover, we discuss how the multi-modality of observations contributes to understanding modeling processes and modeling difficulties, and how observations during modeling feed back into the software development of TOOL.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    HCI-Patterns für kollaborative Unternehmensmodellierung am Multi-Touch-Tisch
    (Modellierung 2020, 2020) Gutschmidt, Anne; Sauer, Valentina; Sandkuhl, Kurt
    Sollen Unternehmensmodelle kollaborativ durch die Stakeholder selbst erstellt werden, bieten sich insbesondere Multi-Touch-Tische (MTT) als nützliches digitales Werkzeug an. Für die Gestaltung von Software und insbesondere deren Benutzungsoberfläche sollte auf bewährte Lösungen - sogenannte HCI-Patterns - zurückgegriffen werden. Das von uns betrachtete Anwendungsfeld bringt jedoch besondere Anforderungen an die Modellierungssoftware für einen Multi-Touch-Tisch mit sich. In einer Studie, angelehnt an die Repertory-Grid-Technik, ließen wir acht Modellierungsexperten, die wir in drei Gruppen einteilten, vier verschiedene Modellierungsprogramme vergleichen und ermittelten so wesentliche Merkmale von Modellierungsoftware für MTT. Diese haben wir mit Katalogen von HCI-Patterns abgeglichen und die Patterns selektiert, die am besten auf die von den Experten geäußerten Bedürfnisse passen.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    A Domain-Specific Modeling Method for Supporting the Generation of Business Plans
    (Modellierung 2020, 2020) Wieland, Michael; Fill, Hans-Georg
    For the formation of new companies it is indispensable to provide well-defined and comprehensive business models in order to attract investments and earn trust of relevant stakeholders. In the past, several methods have been proposed to support this complex undertaking and successfully arrive at viable business models. In this paper we propose a domain-specific modeling method for operationalizing the concepts contained in the Business Model Canvas as one of the most prominent methods in this field. The modeling method has been implemented on the ADOxx meta modeling platform and permits to generate business model templates in the form of a business plan as text documents. The usage of the approach is illustrated through an example from the business model of the telecommunications application Skype. Finally the benefits and limitations of the prototype are discussed using a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Towards Aligning Business Models with Business Processes: A Tool-based Approach
    (Modellierung 2020, 2020) Schoormann, Thorsten; Hagen, Simon; Brinker, Jonas; Wildau, Sebastian; Thomas, Oliver; Knackstedt, Ralf
    In an increasingly dynamic environment, organizations need to be able to constantly adapt their business model. When making decisions in terms of adapting a business model, the operative structures that help to implement these adaptations need to be considered as well. Changes in both layers, the business model as well as the business processes, have immediate impacts on each other, and thus, should be aligned in order to allow more informed decision making. In this article, we report on a research project that explores how business models and processes can be aligned by iteratively building and evaluating a prototypical software platform. Doing this, this study contributes to the design of software that facilitates the alignment of both layers as well as provides a foundation for deriving more advanced knowledge such as in the form of design principles.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Model-Based Generation of Software Configurations in Mechatronic Systems
    (Modellierung 2020, 2020) Paczona, Martin; Mayr, Heinrich C.; Prochart, Guenter
    An essential part of the mechatronic system is the software, which is responsible to bring functionality into the system consisting of mechanical, electronic and electrical parts. The software must be tailored to the specific hardware to fulfill tasks (e.g. control, monitoring) according to the system requirements. In today‘s industrial practice, the design is mainly done manually. First the entire architecture is drawn using drawing tools. Based on this software developers derive the low-level specification using their low-level development environments. This is error prone and time-consuming due to the fact, that a large number of hardware parameters have to be taken in account and the informal specification does not allow to derive these parameters. To improve this we present here an approach where the overall architecture of the mechatronic system is described using a Domain-Specific Conceptual Modeling Language (DSML) using the example of Electric Vehicle Testbeds. Based on this model the low-level software configurations are generated rule-based. In this paper we present the concepts of the DSML, explain the transformation rules and show the functionality of the generator by introducing a practical example.
  • Komplettband
    Modellierung 2020 - Komplettband
    (Modellierung 2020, 2020)
  • Textdokument
    Models as Programs: A Tutorial
    (Modellierung 2020, 2020) Thalheim, Bernhard
    Models are one of the main instruments for system development in computer science and engineering. So far models have been used for system description and system prescription, i.e. essentially as a blueprint for development. Models might however become programs for themselves. This approach allows to claim that models will become the kernel element of true fifth generation programming.