Auflistung Workshopband MuC 2021 nach Erscheinungsdatum
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- WorkshopbeitragEvaluating a Smart Car Interface in Terms of Usability, User Experience and User Acceptance(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Avramidis, Mario; Kellner, Christiane; Staudt, Josefine; Zimmermann, Verena; Gerber, NinaAlthough the automation of cars aims to facilitate driving, current systems still rely on the driver for handling critical driving situations. As long as fully automatic systems are not available, the driver has to be supported in the take-over maneuver. We thus propose an interface that relies on auditory and visual signals to support the take-over process. Our interface further provides assistance for driving in poor visibility conditions, such as bad weather or darkness, by highlighting other traffic participants and lane boundaries. An online evaluation of our interface with 22 participants indicates a good usability, user experience, and acceptance.
- WorkshopbeitragPerceptions of Police Technology Use and Attitudes Towards the Police - A Representative Survey of the German Population(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Haunschild, Jasmin; Reuter, ChristianMany Germans perceive a brutalization of society, and state officials also report feeling under attack. At the same time, policing is criticised for becoming increasingly militarised and for having extended surveillance in the course of fighting terrorism. Advancements in HCI are used in the context of many of the issues that policing is facing. In this study, we conduct a representative survey of the German population to investigate personal experiences with and attitudes towards the police and information and communication technologies (ICT) used for policing. We find an overall positive image of the police and uncritical attitudes towards ICT used for general surveillance (body-worn cameras, video surveillance, face recognition) and slightly more critical attitudes towards personal surveillance (e.g. through communication data retention). The study indicates that perceptions differ according to experience of unfair treatment by the police, while other factors such as age and education have similar effects.
- Workshopbeitrag3rdWorkshop on User-Embodied Interaction in Virtual Reality (UIVR)(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Roth, Daniel; Podkosova, Iana; Nilsson, Niels Christian; Kulik, Alexander; Bruder, GerdThe representation of users to others and themselves is especially important for Virtual/Mixed/Augmented Reality (VR/MR/AR) applications. The development of technological solutions and the understanding of underlying cognitive effects challenges humancomputer interaction (HCI) and related disciplines. A number of interesting research questions, such as realism of appearance and behavior as well as their effects on perception and user behavior arise, that are yet to be explored. To support a discussion and the generation of a common agenda, we will organize the 3rd half-day workshop on User-Embodied Interaction in VR (UIVR) gathering researchers and practitioners emphasizing the discussion of different positions on applications and findings to collect guidelines for future developments.
- WorkshopbeitragKI-Waste - Combining Image Recognition and Time Series Analysis in Refuse Sorting(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Gursch, Heimo; Ganster, Harald; Rinnhofer, Alfred; Waltner, Georg; Payer, Christian; Oberwinkler, Christian; Meisenbichler, Reinhard; Kern, RomanRefuse sorting is a key technology to increase the recycling rate and reduce the growths of landfills worldwide. The project KI-Waste combines image recognition with time series analysis to monitor and optimise processes in sorting facilities. The image recognition captures the refuse category distribution and particle size of the refuse streams in the sorting facility. The time series analysis focuses on insights derived from machine parameters and sensor values. The combination of results from the image recognition and the time series analysis creates a new holistic view of the complete sorting process and the performance of a sorting facility. This is the basis for comprehensive monitoring, data-driven optimisations, and performance evaluations supporting workers in sorting facilities. Digital solutions allowing the workers to monitor the sorting process remotely are very desirable since the working conditions in sorting facilities are potentially harmful due to dust, bacteria, and fungal spores. Furthermore, the introduction of objective sorting performance measures enables workers to make informed decisions to improve the sorting parameters and react quicker to changes in the refuse composition. This work describes ideas and objectives of the KI-Waste project, summarises techniques and approaches used in KI-Waste, gives preliminary findings, and closes with an outlook on future work.
- WorkshopbeitragUser Experience von Serious Games – Spielentwicklung entlang der Emotionen und Bedürfnisse zukünftiger Nutzer:innen(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Hammel, Katharina; Schade, Cornelia; Stagge, Antonia; Toorchi Roodsari, SamEmotionen und Bedürfnisse bei der User Experience von Lernspielen zu adressieren, stellt eine Herausforderung dar. Ziel des Tutoriums ist es, den Teilnehmer:innen einen Einblick zu gegeben, wie Emotionen und Bedürfnisse der zukünftigen Nutzer:innen eines Lernspiels für den Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz in dessen Entwicklungsprozess erhoben und in der Konzeption von Spielszenarien mitberücksichtigt werden. Das Tutorium lädt dazu ein, am Beispiel des Projektes E.F.A. zu erfahren, warum es eine Rolle spielt, den Blick sowohl auf die positiven als auch negativen Gefühle der Nutzer:innen zu richten und zu verstehen. Es werden zum einen Methoden vorgestellt, wie Emotionen sichtbar gemacht werden sowie auch deren Grenzen diskutiert. Durch interaktive Einheiten im Tutorium, in denen sich die Teilnehmer:innen selbst in die Rolle von Spieler:innen begeben und so auch ihre eigenen Emotionen und Bedürfnisse während des Spielprozesses erfahren können, wird auf anschauliche Weise für das Thema sensibilisiert.
- WorkshopbeitragWorkshop on Intelligent Cyclist Support Systems and Applications(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) von Sawitzky, Tamara; Wintersberger, Philipp; Matviienko, Andrii; Löcken, Andreas; Riener, Andreas; Michahelles, FlorianAlthough the number of cycling accidents increases, technology to improve traffic flow and safety was predominantly researched in the context of motor-powered vehicles in the past. While new assistance systems are being installed for driving safety in passenger cars, a similar development is lacking for bicycles. Although cycling support systems are slowly becoming an important research topic, there is still limited work addressing intelligent and collaborative applications for bikes. In this workshop, we will discuss and prototype potential intelligent support systems and their applications in the cycling domain. Our goal is to bring cycling and technology enthusiasts together to discuss and develop possible intelligent support systems that can enhance the cycling experience and make bikes a safer mode of transport.
- WorkshopbeitragHow to create short forms of UEQ+ based questionnaires?(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Schrepp, Martin; Sandkühler, Heike; Thomaschewski, JörgThe UEQ+ is a modular framework that can be used to set up UX questionnaires that fit to a research question. The UEQ+ consists of a set of UX scales that can be combined to form a concrete questionnaire. Thus, the product owner or UX researcher can define which aspects of UX are important for his or her project and should thus be measured in the questionnaire. A UEQ+ scale consists of 4 items that measure the UX aspect represented by the scale and an additional item that measures how important this UX aspect is for the overall UX impression. Some situations require that a UX questionnaire is extremely short and for such situations the standard scale format may be too time consuming. We describe how short forms of the UEQ+ can be built. The impact of shortening the scales on the results is investigated in several studies.
- WorkshopbeitragAudit, Don’t Explain – Recommendations Based on a Socio-Technical Understanding of ML-Based Systems(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Heuer, HendrikIn this position paper, I provide a socio-technical perspective on machine learning-based systems. I also explain why systematic audits may be preferable to explainable AI systems. I make concrete recommendations for how institutions governed by public law akin to the German TÜV and Stiftung Wartentest can ensure that ML systems operate in the interest of the public.
- WorkshopbeitragAn Explainability Case-Study for Conversational User Interfaces in Walk-Up-And-Use Contexts(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Schrills, Tim; Schmid, Leon; Jetter, Hans-Christian; Franke, Thomasinterfaces (CUI) miss requirements for good usability, e.g. sufficient feedback regarding system status. Within a user-centred design process we created different design approaches to explain the CUI’s state. A prototypical explainable conversational user interface (XCUI) was developed, which explains its state by means of representations of (1) confidence, (2) intent alternatives, (3) entities, and (4) a context time line. The XCUI was then tested in a user study (N = 49) and compared with a conventional CUI in terms of user satisfaction and task completion time. Results indicated that completion time and satisfaction improvement were dependent on specific task characteristics. The effects of the implemented XCUI features potentially resulted from task-specific needs for explanation. This could be based on the tasks’ different complexity indicating the potential need for adaptive presentation of explainability features.
- WorkshopbeitragUnd dann kam Corona: Ein Technikentwicklungsprojekt zwischen Partizipation und Wirklichkeit(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Maas, Franzisca; Wolf, SaraKontakt zu anderen Menschen wurde durch die Coronapandemie massiv eingeschränkt bis unmöglich. In unserem Projekt gestalten wir gemeinsam mit Bürger:innen Tools zur Bürgerbeteiligung und standen nun vor der Frage wie wir unsere Arbeit dennoch fortsetzen konnten. In diesem Beitrag beschreiben wir anhand eines Fallbeispiels wie wir unser Projekt angepasst haben, um weiterhin partizipativ mit Bürger:innen designen zu können und auf welche Herausforderungen wir dabei gestoßen sind.